Miami Part 2

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Cole PoV

" oh no no" I said to myself while running towards where Lili was sitting.
I quickly picked the cat up and put her away from her.
She's allergic to cats.
She had started sneezing already.
" heyyy" I said and went and sat besides her rubbing her back, while she was sneezing like a crazy lady.
" do you have your medicines" I asked her.
"Yeah. Yeah they are upstairs" she
replied sneezing and everyone looking at her now.
" what's wrong Lils" Cami asked.
" she's allergic to cats" I said.
" mads could you please get two robes for the both of us " I asked Mads.
" yeah sure" she said and went to get two towel robes from the towel counter on the pool side.
" it's gonna be okay" I said trying to comfort her.
" take this" Cami said giving her a tissue paper.
" thanks" she replied. 
I took the extra tissue papers from Cami in my hand.
" here you go" Mads said handing me the towel robes.
I said a little " thanks" to her, earning a smile from her.
" Lils stand up" I said to her and helped her put on the robe.
I put on one myself as we both were dripping wet.
I picked her shorts and cardigan up and swung her bag over my shoulders putting her phone inside.
" I'll take her to her room" I said to everyone and they all nodded their heads.

I helped her till her room and gave her her medicines taking them out from her suitcase with some black coloured shorts and a tank top.

" go take a shower" I said to her handing her the clothes.
" thank you so much Cole for helping me." She said.
" no need to thank me" I said and she passed a smile.

As she got out of the shower, she laid down on the bed, tucking herself in the covers.
" you can sleep it's okay" I said.
" yeah, I feel dizzy after taking those medicines" she said.
" my head is also aching from all the sneezing" she whined.
I also got on her bed and rubbed her head.
" better?" I asked.
" yeah" she replied.

She fell asleep and I kissed her forehead.

There was a knock on the door.

" how's she now?" KJ asked as they all got inside the room.
" she's better and is asleep now" I said.
" poor Lils" Cami said.
" You all go for the Music Festival which we had planned for today" I said.
" No it's okay" Charles said.
" No guys seriously, I'll take care of her and all of you were so excited to go there, plus Lili will also feel really guilty" I said.
" Okay" Cami said.
" but only because we don't want Lili to feel guilty" Mads said.
" totally" I said with a chuckle.
" how are you both not together yet" Charles whispered in my ear.
" shut up" I said with a blush.
" oohhh someone's blushing" he said.
" ByE GuYss" I said and Charles laughed. 
He left and winked at me.
I closed the door and blushed hard.

I also showered and got changed into shorts and a shirt.
I went and sat besides a sleeping Lili on the bed with my laptop.

5:30 PM

It was about to be sunset and I remembered Lili telling me so enthusiastically that she wanted to see the sunset on both the days.
I decided to wake her up.
" Lils" I whispered in her ear.
" mmhmm" she replied.
" it's going to be sunset in 15" I said to her.
" oh my god" she said and woke up.
" calm down. How are you feeling now?" I asked her.
" I AM GOOD!! OH MY GOD I DON'T WANT TO MISS THE SUNSET" She said and got out of the bed immediately.
" please let's goo fast" she whined.
" okay okay let's go" I said chuckling and got out of the bed.
" no time to waste let's go!" She said.
She put on her shoes quickly and so did I.

We both rushed towards the beach.

As soon as we reached she sighed in relief and I broke into fits.
" what" she said confused.
" you are like a little child who just got told that there are free Candy's in here" I said laughing and she giggled.

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