One and Only

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This turned out to be long!!

Lili PoV

Cole and I were sitting in his jeep, driving down to his dad and step moms house. 
I was going to meet them for the second time, the first time we met was when Cole and I had just started dating and had bumped into them.
But this time I'm officially going to meet them. We all decided to have dinner together.
" Cole I am really nervous" I said.
" hey, you don't have to be nervous, okay?" He replied.
" I don't know" I said.
" I'm sure Chris (his step mom) will like you and I'm not gonna lie to you, my dad can be a bit to handle, I still struggle with it. But I'm sure everything will be just fine" he said making me even more nervous.
" you are just making me even more nervous" I said.
"It'll be fine, trust me" he said.

" it's a nice house" I said as we were walking towards the entrance, hand in hand.
" yup" he said.
" everything's going to be good and I'll be with you the whole time. Okay?"he said.
" hopefully" I said and he rang the doorbell.
" you guys are here" Chris said.
" hey" Cole said hugging her.
" I'm so excited to meet you" she said really chirpy. Calming me down a little and pulling me in for a hug.
" me too" I said with a smile.

One mountain easily crossed.

" hey dad" Cole said.
" Cole." He replied.
" hello Mr. Sprouse. Lili. Lili Reinhart" I said.
" yeah I know your name" he said.
I stretched my hand for a handshake and he shook it.

Thank god.

" you want a drink" Cole asked.
" no I'm good" I said with a smile.

I wasn't as nervous as before. I think they like me.

His step mom does at least.

" Lili, I am going to steal you from Cole, and I want to know everything about you" she said and pulled me on their couch, sitting down.
" she's all yours" Cole said chuckling.
I told her as much as I could and she was so nice to me. Even I really like her.
After our conversation ended I asked her " do you need any help Mrs. Sprouse with the dinner?".
" it's all set and please call me Chris" she said and got up to place the dinner.
Cole walked towards me and sat down.
" so how's it going?" He asked.
" I really like her, I mean she's so sweet, who wouldn't" I said and he chuckled slightly.
" well I'm happy" he said.
" I really haven't got a chance to talk to your dad though" I said.
" Oh, after dinner help him in the kitchen make tea. He weirdly loves doing that" Cole said.
" okay" I said with a smile.

So we all ate dinner and his dad wasn't really talking much.
It feels as if he doesn't like me.

I followed him to the kitchen to keep my utensils and an attempt to make conversation with him.

" looks like Cole sent you in here" he said chuckling.
" yeah actually" I said.
" so what are your intentions with my son" he asked me.
" I really love your son Mr. Sprouse. He's honestly the best part about my whole life. I hope that we'll get married someday and start a family together." I said.
" Marry him? I don't even think your relationship will last a year.
You aren't up to his standards, your father literally works for some random company, there's no name of your family and you are literally from Ohio, you were a struggling actress before Riverdale, you just got lucky" he said.
" how do you even know where my dad works" I said.
" I did a background check on you. You are not good enough for my son. Well sooner or later he'll break up with you. He has just lost his senses and I don't even know what he sees in you, you look to be just a basic girl running after him for his money.  That's the reality. So don't try to get close to me, when this is the last time I'm meeting with you" he said.
I broke. Tears running down my face and I didn't have the power to get anything out of my mouth.
" and also I really don't like strangers walking around my house" he said and left the kitchen. 
Maybe he's right. Cole will leave me one day, maybe I'm not good enough for him.
Maybe everything he said was right.
My mind stopped working and I couldn't think straight. Tears continuously running down my face.
I decided to walk out of the house without saying anything to anyone. I left my phone, my bag, Money everything in there and just walked out walking towards god alone knows where.
I just kept on walking and crying until I found Taylor. My best friend.
" Lili" She said " oh my god! What's wrong with you".
" I- I'm I'm not good enough for anyone" I said sobbing.
" no, no darling you are the best. The best of the best" she said.
" n-no. He said I am just a basic girl running after his money" I said tearing up even more.
" who said that" she asked.
" C-Cole's D-Dad" I said.
" Oh honey, let's go" she said and stopped a taxi for us.

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