Mexico Gone Wrong?

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Lili and Cole are engaged!

Lili PoV

Cole and I were at a vacation in Mexico and it has been 2 months since he proposed.
We had just checked in our hotel and were walking towards our hotelroom.

After finishing filming Season 3, we get to spend time together, just us and nobody else.

" OMG Cole!"
" OMG Becca!" He said.
" Heyy it's been a long time!" She said and they both hugged.
" I missed you" she said while they were still hugging.
Cole pulled away.
" Becca Lili. Lili Becca" He said and we shook hands.
"She is my fiancée " he said.
" good to meet you" I said.
" OMG show me the ring" she said and I gave her my left hand.
" ooohhhlala" She said.
" you here with Will?" He asked her.
" No actually. We broke up a few weeks ago.I'm here solo, but not anymore because I met you and we can have a good time. " She squealed.


" I'm sorry you guys broke up." He said.
" No, I am so happy.I was a little nervous about this trip, you know being solo and all, but now that I met you, I am like so freaking excited" she said.

Hold your horses woman.

" well I'm happy" Cole said.
" let's go to our room. Shall we!" I said interrupting their conversation.
"Sure. Becca, what's room number? Ours is 602." Cole said looking at the room key.
" OMG, mine is 604" she said squealing.


" great" Cole said and we got in the elevator.

"See you" Becca said and walked towards her room.

We walked inside the room and I removed my jacket and put it on the bed.
" the view is beautiful " I said looking out of the window. 
"not as beautiful as you" Cole said and hugged me from behind.
I smiled and he kissed me on my head.
"Isn't it so great we met Becca" He said.
" hm" I replied.
He turned me over so that he could see me now.
" what's up" he asked.
" nothing" I replied.

There was a knock on the door and Cole went to open it.
" Coleee!" Becca said,of course.
" hello again" he said.
" not fair, your room view is so much better than mine" she said and Cole laughed.

Don't get me wrong but, I have nothing against Becca. I don't even know her, we met like  20 minutes ago.
But in these 20 minutes it feels like she's going to be all over the both of us.
And I really wanted this weekend just to be us.
Looks like it's going to be the complete opposite.

" babe where you lost" Cole chuckled snapping me back to reality.
" was just... thinking" I replied.
" Cole at least tell her about me" Becca said. 
" Becca is my childhood bestie and also my ex girlfriend" he said.

Ex- girlfriend. Can this get any better?

" oh" I said.
" yeah and you were so in love with me. No offence Lili." Becca said laughing.
" none taken" I said.
" so what's your plan for the weekend" she asked.
" we were here for a romantic getaway" I said.
" were? We still are!" Cole said.


" OMG I am so sorry; I am being a third wheel, I should leave you guys alone" she said getting up from the couch she had made herself comfortable on.
" oh nothing like that. Right Lili?" Cole said.
" right." I said.
" it's okay I'll go" she said and went.
" you and Becca dated?" I asked Cole.
" yeah, but that was a long time back" he said casually.
" right" I said.
" is something wrong?" Cole asked.
" nothing" I said and opened my suitcase.
I took out some clothes for me to wear.
" I'll go and take a shower" I said and went to take a shower mostly to clear my thoughts.

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