"Our bodies burn off alcohol too quickly, hence why we don't get drunk, meaning it can't be detected. That is unless you are a Half-Breed." I take it from her just as Holly and Carter claim to be just as good at withstanding the substance.

Raising it in the air, they all mimic with their own beer's or similar glasses of brown liquid which I assume is some whiskey mixture. We tip our heads back, downing the contents with a grunt.

"How long do you have?" My eyes lock onto Caterpillar. "Two hours at most. I want to get on the road as soon as possible, it is a two and a half hours drive. I also need to clean the place when I get there, it's been about five years since anyone has stayed there." I eye the pizza before feeling a distinct sinking in my chest.

Stepping around to the other side of the island, placing my glass in the sink before wrapping my arms around his waist and nuzzling my cheek against his shoulder. "I know. You don't have to say anything." The passing of time has resulted in becoming closer with them all, leaving my emotions to rely on theirs from time to time. Carter's however, I have become extremely sensitive to, similar to Oliver's whom I have always been in sync with.

"Remember what I said; if you need me, just call or get a taxi - I'll cover the expense." I look over them all, instilling the same rule to the rest of them. "I'm going to miss you."

"We all are." Ant says from his place to the side. Patting his knee, he gives me a wink, reassuring that he'll be alright and won't feel alone; after all, we are the only two emo's in town.

"Beer pong anyone?" Holly stands on the counter, jumping excitedly. Jeremy cringes at her careless bouncing, wearing socks on a marble surface never ends well. Nevertheless, we all agree to play her game while I finally chomp through my own pizza. "Boy's against girls!" She calls, filling up cups with hardcore vodka.

We get three shots each, and since I have incredible aim, we're winning. Carter and Oliver aren't bad either but miss a few while Jeremy and Ant have completely given up even trying. Holly's on her way to being pissed, still slightly sensitive to alcohol. Caterpillar is swaying a touch but has stopped drinking more, not wanting to mess with his meds too much.

I recently learnt, after asking, that a Wolf doctor prescribed them and that's why he doesn't burn them off instantly. Since Carter is only part Wolf, a high enough dose can work for him. I find the differences between Human, Werewolf, and Half-Breeds fascinating. They can be great or slight depending on the class or person.

While they play Rock, Paper, Scissors to finish off the bottle, I leave them to their silly antics. I hook up the massive trailers to the back of my car, wheeling my Babies into the back with some bags and boxes.

I took out the old pots and pans from the basement, not wanting to buy more. I also have some other things my parents kept from the old house, before they moved here with me. I also decided to bring my collection of films and music with me, filling up another massive box. I'm going to have spare time on my hands and need to fill it some way since the TV at the house doesn't have a satellite or cable.

"Got everything?" Spooked by the sudden voice, I turn, coming face-to-face with Oliver. The sad look on him reminds me of our first interaction. "I know you're upset, but please try to understand." I always feel bad when intruding on their feelings, I just can't help it. "Zoo, I completely understand. I'm going to miss my Baby Sister, but I know this is going to be good for you. Besides, I'm excited for how peaceful it's going to be." A small giggle passes my lips, "Don't get ahead of yourself. Jeremy and Carter are total goofballs, and Pops isn't easily maintained."

"Are you talking about us?" The rest of them come through, smiling broadly. Holly jumps onto Jer's back, wiggling from the liquor and pizza igniting her hyperactive energy. "Caum doon or am throwin' ye aff."

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