You were always nice to me ♦️ Tyrion Lannister.

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Song: Wafia - heartburn.

Spoilers... obviously

Imagine; you're Tyrion's older sister, and you have been the only sibling to ever truly love him for who he is. So when you join him to fight Cersei, he is more than happy.

'Cersei!, you can't be serious!, there are dead people marching towards the North, what do you think happens after they take it?, they will come here!' You rush after her.

'We have the best troops in the world, we will stop them...'  she replies nonchalant.

'You know... I expected a lot from you but this is a huge disappointment...this isn't about you anymore!'

'Oh right, it's about the people that despise me as a queen..'

'Cersei what do you think happens when they win against the Walkers and find out you betrayed them?!, she has dragons!, doesn't matter how good our army is, they won't be able to help us against two full grown dragons!'


Your heart is beating out of your chest. You have clammy hands. You shouldn't be here. Cersei would have your head if she finds out.

She always believed that because you two are the only women in the family, that you're best friends. That you share everything. But it's quite the opposite since you share as little as possible.

Even though she's your sister, you hate her with every fiber in your body, she ruined your life more than once, she endangered everyone, more than once..

And still there's a part of you that keeps thinking that Tyrion will hate you if you show up now. Right before the big fight with the Walkers.

'This is a mistake...' you mutter before turning your back to the gate and walking away.


You freeze, your whole body tenses up hearing him say your name. You haven't heard his voice in years.

You hear him walk closer to you. Why would he do that after you bestraten him by staying with Cersei while she lied?

'Y/n turn around...' he demands.

So you do, you slowly drag your feet to go his way. You look at him with a pained expression. Tears fall from your eyes but it's not because of your emotions.

The wind here is cold, it slices your skin and makes your eyes water. And well, maybe even a bit of emotion, but for now you blame it on the cold winter air.

'What are you doing here?' He asks softly.

'I came to your aid, not that you need it, one woman against an army of undead..what difference would that make?'

'I take it Cersei doesn't know you're here...'

'No...I can't stand to be in the same room, let alone be in the same kingdom as she is...not after she lied straight to your faces..I'm so sorry Tyrion...'

Never in a million years would Tyrion ever guess that he would witness you being so vulnerable as you are now.

You fall to your knees as you let out a sob. 'I'm so sorry... Tyrion....I should've known...'

'Stop...y/n, were both fools here...we trusted her, Jaime did too, but in the end, she will lose... Daenerys won't take this kindly...'

'She won't take me kindly either...' you comment.

'Nonsense...she knows you're the one who's been the kindest to me and it matters to were always nice to me...' he steps forward and wraps his arms around you.

You chuckle through the tears as you return the favour. You wrap your arms around him and hold on tighter than you'be ever done.

'How can I not be nice to you?, you helped me through everything... I would choose you over them every single time...' you lean back.

You stand up and glance at the large gate again.

'She will like you y/n...have a little faith in yourself..' he takes your hand and squeezes it reassuringly.

'Only if you'll stay with me...'


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