A new rider ♦️ HOTD

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Song: Maneskin - are you ready.

Imagine; you're Aemonds wife, one day you visit your beloved dragon Aella, it all goes downhill from there.

Warnings: angst, character death(?), dragons, angst, mentions of miscarriage, angst.


You haven't stopped crying ever since you found her. You didn't think he would go to such lengths to keep you here, but he did.

'Y/n...' his voice fills the room, you refuse to acknowledge his presence.

You are scared that if you do, you would skin him alive for what he did to your sweet Aella. She had no part in this war within the Targaryen House and yet she fell victim to it anyway.

'I heard what happened...I am terribly sorry, my love..' you scoff at his term of endearment for you, perhaps his whole apology.

'I cannot imagine what it feels like..'

'And yet you decided to murder her, to keep me here... honestly Aemond, do you think of me as a fool?' Your voice is eerily calm while your face hardens as you look at him.

'Whatever do you mean?' He gets closer as you stand up.

'I ask you again then, do you take me for a fool?'

'I do not know what you speak of princess... do enlighten me..'

'I find it awfully convenient for my dragon to be slain The morning after we had an argument over me leaving for Dragonstone.. I specifically remember you saying you'd stop me no matter what...' You snap at him.

'I did no such thing! I would never-'

'I do not believe you!' You push him away from you rather harshly. 'I cannot leave on dragonback, just like you wanted... and if it was not you it was probably someone close to you that you commanded to do it!'

'Y/n...' he reaches out to take your arm but you manage to stay out of his hold. 'I swear on my fathers grave.. I did not slay your dragon nor would I put another in that position, I know how much Aella meant to you.. and trust me to find out who did... I will put them to justice-'

'Do not jest, Aemond...'

'I am not... I promise you-'

'Do you not realize that your promises mean nothing to me!'

'I will take this outburst as one of grief...' he speaks lowly now, normally this would be a sign for you to stop.

'Yes Aemond, you do that..' you challenge him, stepping closer to him.

He startled you by moving his hand up to your neck and pushing you against the wall. He closes your throat in a painful way. Your hand wraps around his to pull it away but you fail.

'I do not appreciate you blaming me for something I did not do...I am still your husband!'

He states at you until his eyes go big. He lets go of you finally so you can take a deep breath. 'My love I-'

'Enough!' You rasp at him. 'I found my dragon slain in the dragonpit, she was vulnerable because she was laying eggs...' Your throat closes up again but for a different reason.

Tears fill your eyes while your breathing gets shallow again as you think of the scene you had to witness. You're trying to speak, breathe and swallow that lump in your throat all at once.

'What if it were Vaghar...'

He cups your cheek as he tries to find your eyes with his. 'You need to breath...'

'As if you'd care if I was short of breath!' You cry out as you reach for your neck. 'You did not care seconds ago!'

'That was a mistake and I apologize... please breathe for me.. we will sort this out after you've calmed enough...'

You let him escort you to the large bed and sets you down upon it. Overcome with grief you let yourself cry loudly, Aemond has never seen you like this.

'I will find whomever dared to do this... and I will have them brought to you...' he promises as he pulls you closer.

'My beautiful dragon...' you wail. 'My sweet girl..'


'My Prince... your wife is well, she will recover...'

Aemond has never been more scared in his life when he saw you doubled over in pain at the dinner table. Your hands clutched your stomach while you tried to maintain your posture.

His mother had called the maesters immediately, a knowing look on her face as she watched you clutched Aemonds hand also.

'A bond broken, a price to be paid...' Heleana had muttered, something Aemond heard over the commotion of the maesters entering together with your maidens.

'What's caused her such pain?' He asks, watching the maesters face fill with sorrow.

'We have determined that it must have been a babe, it didn't sit right within her so her body casted it out too early..'

Aemond is left in shock at this revelation. Now his sisters words make much more sense to him. Someone broke your bond with Aella while she was laying eggs. It must have affected the growing babe, the one he didn't even know it existed, to be cast from your body.

You lay on the bed, your gaze distant as the maidens try to clean up everything from the examination. 'Shall I take this too-'

'No.' In your hand lays a cloth you got from Heleana, it's the one you always hold onto when you need some comfort.

First a dragon and now your still growing child as well? You didn't even get to know about the babe until it was gone from your body.

'Can someone fetch Queen Heleana please...I would like her by my side...'

'What of your husband? Your grace, he is waiting to be let in..' One of your handmaidens asks you.

'Tell him that he can come in when he finds whomever is responsible for this...'

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