A daughters love ♦️ Daemon Targaryen

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Song: okokokokok lalalalala (see you again, Tyler the Creator tiktok mix) I just thought the song would fit so well with this.

Imagine: your father Daemon is your protector, even when he does not need to be anymore.

Warnings: fluff, smidge of angst, Daemon being a very overprotective father.

It's a Drabble which I came up with exactly 30 minutes ago so enjoy!

Also the timeline is off and I know but just imagine pls.


They used to speak of daughters being born as punishment for every crime committed in the past, but Daemon could never see you that way. Daemon was elated when he was present at the birth of you, his first and only daughter with his new wife, Rhaenyra.

The way your small hand immediately wrapped around his thumb when he held you for the first time. A soft look present on Rhaenyra's face as she watched her first love hold their first daughter.

She knew then that Daemon would do anything in his power to ensure your safety. She was right.

He had taught you how to strike an arrow at the age of eight and you had mastered the art of the sword at the age of two-and-ten. You truly are his spitting image, a sharp Targaryen tongue with the beauty of your mother. A prey who can bite back if needed.

Now at Six-and-ten, you are this strong and yet charming young lady. You will do well in court, you will be a good princess, no man will be able to harm you, not with words nor with weapons.

And yet, while dinner escalates with the other side of the Targaryen family. You seek out his protection. Just like a good princess would, you step behind him and do not show the true danger you possess.

Your hand finds comfort on his arm while he shields you from any danger, he has seen Aegon's prying eyes. Daemon knows full well what they want to do with you if they have the chance.

That's when you return to this little princess he saw years ago. The one who always sought out his protection. The one who trusts him with your life.

Then your mother takes over, shielding you from the danger with her own body so that your father can get your brothers in line again. Knowing that they had part in this disaster of a dinner.

Your eyes stay on his back though, bringing you comfort knowing that he is close. As long as he is, you will be safe.

You feel ashamed, he should not have to protect you. He has taught you enough over the years to protect yourself and yet when he is around, you shield behind him, like a child shields behind their mothers skirts when scared.

After the family decides it's best to retire to the rooms, you stay however. Your eyes full of disappointment at yourself.

'Ñuha zaldrīzes, skoros iksos pirta?' (My dragon, what is wrong?)

'Nyke ruaragon inkot ao hae iā riña' (I hide behind you like a child), You answer him as your eyes cast down once again.

He hooks his finger beneath your chin while his other hand cups your cheek.

'Ñuha zaldrīzes, kostā ruaragon inkot nyke mirre jēda jaelā naejot' (my dragon, you can hide behind me any time you want) he speaks to you softly.

A small smile crosses your face and it makes his lips curl upwards into one as well. 'You are my daughter, you have me wrapped around your finger ever since your birth...' he speaks making you chuckle slightly. 'Do not speak this to anyone else...'

'Yes father...' you nod.

'Say.. if I were not here to shield you from harm, what would you have done, I wonder...' he leads you to walk towards your chambers.

'I would have used the knife to protect myself and the rest of the family, I would not allow them to lay their filthy hands upon me...' you reply.

'You'd make a fine queen...' he comments.

'I wonder what my name would be...'

'Queen Y/n Targaryen, the conqueror...'

'I would go for the realms bloody delight...' you comment making him let out a loud laugh. 'Yes that would also fit...I have seen the way you fight your opponents... bloody is sure to be added to the title...'

'Well the rumors are true then, I am my fathers daughter...'

'I'm pleased to hear that...but do not let your mother know, she might smother me in my sleep if she does...'

Laughter fills the hallway once again, bringing a soft smile to Rhaenyra's face once again after this horrid night.

You will always be his little princess and he will always be your sworn protector.

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