Nightmares ♦️ Robb Stark (request)

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Song: Halsey - bad at love.

Imagine; you open up to Robb about your nightmares one night, leading to much more.

It's a long one, like 3,4 K... little angst and fluff.


'Can't you two just get along?' Was often a phrase Y/n heard when it came to the King of the North and herself.

There was this tension between them, something unspoken and irritating. They felt drawn to each other in a way they both didn't enjoy.

She was strong, fierce and determined as was he. That's probably one of the many reasons they were bound to collide. Bud heads as some folks might say.

She always went with the men when they were off hunting, or off to battle, but the nightmares she'd have upon return, were always more gruesome than the previous one. She wasn't alone on that.

Y/n heard Robb wasn't as keen on sleeping as well. That's why she has the urge to just sit down and talk to him. To have an actual conversation that would benefit them both. To have someone hug her the way he hugs his siblings and mother.

'You're useless you know that?' Robb seethes at the woman while she throws your hands up. 'You have some nerve!' Y/n snaps back at him. 'If it wasn't for me you'd be dead and you know that... but no.. do tell me I'm useless..whatever makes you sleep at night Robb...' she tries her absolute best to not show the hurt lacing her voice as she turns around to walk to your own sleeping tent.

'I can't help it that the Lannisters are currently doing so much harm to us... don't take that out on me...'

Robb frowns when he sees her tear filled eyes. His words never have made her emotional, never like that. She always has a witty remark or something else to say to him but not this time.

He walks back to his own tent, beyond frustrated with himself that he once again couldn't control his anger towards the Lannisters and taking it out on the one person closest to him in that moment. You.

The truth is he's had a feeling in his guts, not of disgust or anger but if love. He admires the lady in more ways than one. She would be perfect for him, as his mother had pointed out many, many times.

As the evening falls, his guilt gets worse, the past few weeks have not been easy. He was almost killed by Walder Frey, Y/n prevented it, she found out they were to betray him and had put an end to it herself. He was also told that his little brothers were both missing, and his little sisters were stuck in Kingslanding.

Now he's on the way to Kingslanding to stop Joffrey from claiming himself king and to stop this madness once and for all. But he needs her to for that. She isn't useless. She never was. But now he fears he might've made her believe that.

So he sits at the table, staring at the different shapes of the pawns they use to coordinate attacks and talk strategy. His cup rests in his hand, he gulps it down before putting it on the table. He's about to leave when the curtain gets drawn and someone else enters.

The second Y/n's eyes lock with Robb's, her face turns stoic, expressionless. 'Didn't know you'd be here...i'll go-'

'No... stay... I... I want to talk..'

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