The Black Rose ♦️ Aegon Targaryen

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Song: The Neighbourhood - honest.

Imagine: Aegon wants to whoo you, even when you are not easily whoo'ed. will he manage to do so?

Warnings; angst and fluff for once, yes I know Aegon is a dick in the show but he's pretty cute and misunderstood.

As I said in my posts, I was going to put one chapter out in each book I'm continuing for my birthday, so here you go!


The first time Aegon saw you, you defeated his brother, one of the best swordsmen in Westeros, without even breaking a sweat.

He was impressed to say the least. He knew he'd want to impress you just as much, but as he found out, you are not an easy maiden to impress.

You spend most of your time either training your strengths, or reading on your own in the library apart from your royal duties, being a lady comes with drinking tea at court.

You are a reserved person, which Aegon knows all too well in his own experience. If he could he'd spend all his days locking himself up and just being alone, with peace in his mind.

He is jealous of the fact that you are able to do just that without any consequences and yet he finds himself wanting to be able to join you, consequences be damned.

You have been feeling his eyes on you as you do your daily activities. You've been watching him as well, he has no idea. You can't help but wonder what he finds so alluring about you that makes his gaze always fall upon you, no matter the environment.

He has never made an advantage on you however, probably because he too hears the words being whispered in court about the future king. Not that you ever believes any of that gossip, it is childish and incredibly damaging.

You have to bite your tongue every time you hear those ladies talk about Aegon like that. Simply because they used to talk about you the same way.

You are both misunderstood and often people tend to talk about things they find strange, or what they cannot fathom.

'Aegon, quit your staring!' Heleana whispers with a playful smile on her lips. It amuses her that her brother is so lovestruck by you.

'I was certainly not staring...' he mutters back grumpy.

'She does notice it, you know...'

'What do you mean?'

'She has told me that she has noticed your staring, she asked me if it was because of her boyish like interests, or her reading...'

'What did you tell her?'

'Nothing... I told her she should ask you if she truly wishes to know..' she giggles. 'And she also knows the black roses must come from royalty, she simply hopes they're from you..'


'Lady Y/n, truly? You find him desirable? You must be just as big of a fool as the Prince himself...'

'I wouldn't expect an old woman like you to understand, Lady Redwyne... do mind your tongue, this is the Prince you speak of...' You snap at her.

'Yes, that very same Prince that drowns himself in wine and whores all day and night...'

'And how would you know he does? Gossip is not nearly enough to base that on...' you frown.

'I have seen him walking the streets of Silk... my dear girl, I hate to disappoint you, but that boy is nothing but to end this childish crush on him...'

'I would call it anything but childish, the same could not be said of your words, I am afraid... if he were to do as you tell me, I would certainly understand why by the way his court speaks of him.' You gather your dress, knowing it all seems a bit to dramatic perhaps, but you could not care less, you will not sit there and let them speak ill of him with you present.

Aegon watches you stand up and storm off with a frown forming on his face, he hasn't heard a word that was said but he's sure it cannot be good if it has you walk away like that.

So he follows you, he knows it could be a death sentence to follow you when angry. But he is willing to lay down his life for you. Even if it's by your hand.

'Y/n!' His voice carries through the hallway, making you stop in the middle of it. 'What is the matter?' He asks as he catches up to you.

'I-it's nothing, my Prince..' your eyes cast down in embarrassment.

He scans his eyes over your face, angry tears still very visible on the nearly perfect skin. His hand comes up to your face and tilts your chin.

'It is certainly not nothing if it has this effect on you, my let me ask you again, what is the matter...'

'The court... they spoke ill of you and I did not agree..'

'You are upset because of the way they spoke of me?' He asks confused, he didn't know he has made this type of progress with his courting.


'I guess my courting worked then..'

'What? Aegon-' You frown at him. Is he doing this now? While you are upset?

He steps closer to you, his eyes boring into yours as he watches your expression. 'I fell for you.. and finding out you get upset of ill words being spoken about me.. it shows me you matter as much to me as I do to you...'

You're speechless, for the first time in your life you don't have the words to form a sentence. You're too caught up in this moment, his purple orbs darting between your eyes and your mouth.

'And before you ask.. those black roses were from me..'

You close the gap and softly push your lips to his. His arms come around you and pull you even closer. You don't stop until your lungs burn. When you pull back Aegon can't help but smile at you.

'You needn't listen to them, My lady, because soon.. you will become princess and with it, future Queen.., my little black rose...'

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