Father's dearest ♦️ House of the dragon (SPOILERS)

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Song: the soundtrack of the series just because it's so good!

Imagine; you're the first born of Daemon and Rhaenyra (even before Lucerys and Jaecerys) people say you're the exact copy of your father and when you find out your brother has been murdered, you show them exactly how much like your father you are.

Warnings: angst, fluff, dragon riding. Character death.

Bold is High Valyrian


It's been lonely without your younger brothers, Dragonstone does not have that much to offer during times like these, only protection.

A lot has changed in the past few days, from your sister Visenya, being born to early and not surviving it and your brothers being send as messengers to allies, to your mother becoming queen because the passing of your grandfather.

You let out a long sigh just thinking about it. Your nails scrape the stone underneath your fingers.

You truly loved your grandfather, seeing him pain brought you pain yourself. You secretly knew that he wouldn't make it past the week the last time you saw him. Yet it still saddens you. Combined with the loss of Visenya, you are not sure if you yourself will survive another heartbreak like this.

You feel a hand gently resting on your shoulder, you turn your head to see your father being the one doing so.

He walks around your, squeezing your shoulder before dropping his hands from you and leaning on te stone as well. His eyes searching whatever it is you've been staring at for so long.

'Osiris is in distress, so I figured something must be distressing you as well..' he is the first to speak.

'Nothing is right anymore... Aegon being crowned king in front of the masses... grandfather passing and Visenya doing the same... Jace and Luc are far from safe...'

'I know you worry about your brothers, and perhaps you are angry she did not send you out...'

'I certainly am more capable of Lucerys.. he cannot defend himself for the life of him, should it come to that.. and with those Hightowers and partially Targaryen's, you know it will come to that... no matter how much I love him, I will not lie...'

Daemon chuckles at his daughters words. You're certainly telling the truth. Lucerys was never meant for battle, but he made sure you are at all times. Unfortunately, Rhaenyra did not want you to go. He saw the flash of anger in your eyes when she told you that.

You are just like your father, silent and observant but also a little sadistic when someone hurts the people you love, you have strong boundaries and perhaps you're a little arrogant at times, all trades that come from Daemon, your alleged father, as far as the people know.

'She knows her family... she does not want you hurt..and perhaps she sees that you are like me... if they were to attack our family you'd answer them... especially Aemond...'

'Do not speak of that traitor...' your hand bawls into a fist. 'I am sure that if he was to encounter Jace or Luce, he would not hesitate to start a war... still blabbering on about his missing eye, when he was the one who initiated the fight...I bet he is still angry about me beating him all the time..'

'If he ever dares to set foot here.. I will have you and Osiris take care of him...'

'Gladly...' you give him a small smile. 'I will personally deliver his head to the self proclaimed king..'

Daemon chuckles yet again, kissing his daughter on the head. 'I know about you Two, you do not have to hold up this front...'

'I should probably go and check on Osiris, before she destroys everything...' you cut him off and he lets out yet another chuckle.

'Yes, give her a pet from me...' He replies and you nod. 'Will do, father...' You stand on your toes to reach him and kiss his cheek.

You walk down the long path of stairs down to the shore where you know Osiris likes to come whenever they let her out of the pit. Which you're sure they did because of her distress.

As you walk across the beach, you get this odd feeling blooming in your stomach and chest, like something is about to happen.

You walk further up the beach, towards the dragon pit they made for Osiris, when you see something floating in the water.

Large chunks of something, you don't know what yet.

Upon taking a closer look, you recognise the skin of a dragons. More specifically, Lucerys' dragon Arrax. It's mixed however, which means that this is parts of Arrax, and your little brother.

Your body starts trembling when it becomes clear to you that something happened to your little brother. You let out a scream that could be heard from miles away while Osiris tries to break free off his chains to get to you.

'What on earth-' Daemon mutters as he steps towards his window, he hears Osiris wail and sees the outline of someone by the water. 'GUARDS!' He yells, suddenly panicking.


'I want to know why hurt him, this was on purpose...'

'I will not give you my blessing to go.. but I cannot stop you..' your father tells you, his high Valerian wavering a bit.

'This started a war, mother said so herself.. I need to find out who did this..'

'My daughter... you must be careful, nobody is to be trusted, especially those who stand behind Aegon..' he kisses your head, holding you close for a couple seconds before letting go. 'Did you get my gift?'

'I did... thank you, Father...'

You smile to yourself at that memory, you let your fingers run over the gift for your seven-and-ten nameday. Armor just like your "grandmother" Rhaenys.

Your smile falters then, thinking off the upcoming confrontation you secretly knew was to come, for a while you have known it would and could only end like this between you and Aemond. You don't want to believe it was him, no matter what happened between you, you secretly believed he wouldn't go as far as to kill your little brother.

As it turns out however, when your little brother visited the supposed ally of your mothers crown, Aemond was there also. And he brought Vaghar.

You close your eyes and take a deep breath, you let the wind blow over you, it's oddly calming. You've always loved riding Osiris, or as the people call her, the Dark Beast.

Her black scales and fire like eyes have always been useful, to scare off people and to use as camouflage in the dark night sky.

That's how you first scared Aemond when he rode Vaghar. Or rather that's how you impressed him. It was until then that your hatred travelled between you, from that day on your shown each other mutual respect.

He respected your discipline and your skill while riding a dragon like Osiris. The sheer strength and competence surprised him. Your respect came from the fact that he was able to command Vaghar, a dragons that had many riders. But that respect has sailed now.

You did not come out here for a ride of joy. You came here to execute the rule "and eye for an eye". Luce may have taken his eye, but Aemond took his life, and he needs to be held accountable.

(There will be a part two!)

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