Help me through ♦️ Robb Stark

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Song: Ramin Djawadi - home.

Imagine; after watching your mother give birth and dying, you're afraid the same will happen to you.

Warnings; childbirth, miscarriage, gore and blood, Fluff, angst.


Screams is all that fill the halls and the room, your mother is laid on the bed, the maidens around her egging her on to push out her 5th child.

She wanted you there, you were already close of age to start courting, she merely wanted you to see the joy of childbirth. But the louder her screams get, the more fear swirls within you.

Then it gets quiet, the baby is out and yet he's not screaming like the other ones did, or so the maidens told you. And your mother stopped screaming as well.

'Lady Y/l/n, can you hear us?'

She looks you in the eye. Her breathing slowing softly as she reaches out to you. 'Mother?' You kneel by the side of the bed, clutching her hand in yours.

Then it happens, you watch the light leave her eyes, her life leave her body. You heard her last breath.

You sit up quickly with a scream, you immediately feel the babe reacting as well, you groan as your hand shoots up to caress your stomach.

'What is it, my love?'

The fear you have for giving birth and failing is great. That fear has only been multiplying now that you're carrying Robb's child. Your stomach has been growing significantly, the child is healthy as the maesters tell you daily, and yet you can't enjoy the pregnancy because of your mother.

Robb has noticed your demeanor change over the course of a few weeks, he figured it would be because of the due date coming closer and closer. But now he worries it might be something more.

'Should I call for the maester? Is something wrong?'

'No, no... I had a nightmare, it's fine.. just some sudden movement must've scared the babe...' you huff as you push yourself up to sit fully.

'What has been on your mind lately? I am worried about you...' He mimics you, sitting up fully as well and by your side. His hand makes it to your back, softly rubbing up and down to relief the tension.

'I'm scared...' you fiddle with your fingers. 'That I will end up as my mother... I was there when she.. gave birth to my late brother...I saw her die...she lost a lot of blood as I was told later by my father.. and ever since then I am scared..'

'There is no saying that it will be the same, but I understand your fear..' he takes your hand in his and gives it a kiss.

'I know it is unusual of me to ask you but I need you there.. when it happens I need you there by my side...'

'It is not unusual in the north, my love.. it is quite normal for husband to attend their wife's labor... and I wouldn't have it any other way...' his head falls against yours as you let out a sigh of relief.

'Why haven't you told me this before?'

'I didn't want to take the happiness away from you, you were so excited for this the closer we get to the date...'

'You are most important to me... until the babe is here and after that you will by my priority.. only after the babe is born the priority is shared... but for now I need you to be okay in order for the babe to be also...'

'Thank you, my wolf..' you smile at him.


'See? My love... you did so well...' Robb runs his hands through your sweat soaked hair.

The birth went incredibly smooth, with a few huffs and puffs your beautiful boy was born.

Your breathing slowly returns to normal again as you hold your newborn son, your and Robb's heir. Eddard Stark the second, named after his late grandfather.

You smile while tears make their way down your face. A laugh leaves your lips when your eyes meet your sons eyes.

'He's beautiful...'

'He's a true northern... bluest eyes in the kingdom...'

'Just like yours..' you chuckle. 'He has your nose though, and your mouth... he will be a true heartthrob...'

'If he's as sweet as his mother then finding a wife should be easy enough...'

'Please let us not think about that just yet... I hope he stays this little right here..' You muze as you look down.

'Well, we don't have to leave this room... we could just hide in here...' Robb kisses your head and you chuckle. 'Let is do just that then...and I feel the need to thank you, for dropping everything to help me...'

'I promised did I not? We are one... and also, I cannot take your pain of the birth, but I am able to help you through it...and so I will..'

'Well you did wonderful...' you smile at him. 'But let us wait to have another...'

'Whatever my lady wants...'

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