Sent away, but never forgotten 3♦️Viserys/Rhaenyra/Harwin

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Song: Florence & the machine - over the love

Warnings: angst, major fluff, past trauma, mentions of scars.


'I do not remember you being this good at dancing Sir Harwin...' you smirk at him.

You two remain the only people dancing besides your sister and her nee husband. the court watches as you gracefully dance with the strongest knight in the seven kingdoms. For once they are quiet, no whispers and no insults, all are stunned by the grace you still possess, even after the horrible things you had to do.

'I have had some time to practice, your grace...' he takes your hand in his to pull you towards him again. You let out a loud laugh, it is clear that both of you have been enjoying the wine.

Your father watches from his table, happiness and relief fills him at the two happy faces of his daughters. Especially your smile makes tears reach his eyes.

He denied you do much in life already, and look where that got you both. Unhappy and miserable, the both of you. Seeing you happy again, with Sir Harwin, the man he knows has loved you first, it means everything. He won't make the same mistake with Rhaenyra.

Harwin hoists you into the air making you squeal out, making everyone laugh. 'My my... grown bold, have we?'

'I was never the type to be subtle...' he mutters into your ear as you twirl by.

'Really? I hadn't noticed...' you smile at him.

He pulls you closer again, this time he does not push and pull you around like it is custom with Targaryen dances, he instead makes everyone disappear around you.

'There you are...'

'What nonsense are you speaking of Sir Harwin? I have been here for a few days-'

'That is not what I meant and you know it..' he lifts your chin with his finger. 'I do not know what you see Sir Harwin-'

There it is again, that wall being build right back up after he tried to even get it to lighten with one stone.

'That girl is dead..'

'Take a walk with me...' he takes your hand and abruptly leaves the feast with you barely able to keep up.

He stops when you two are away from those prying eyes. He slows his walk, finally making you able to attempt to catch up.

'I refuse to believe that the girl I knew is now entirely gone.. I just saw a glimpse and I am determined to see it again...'


'Forgive me for my words, Y/n, but if you have not figured that out by now, you must be blind...'

You stare at him with wide eyes. 'Forgive me for not figuring out why any man would like to associate with me after they heard the horrors i apparently committed...'

'I haven't heard your side, who is to say that's how it went? And even if it did, you must've had a very decent reason for it... can you not see that I do not care what they say?' His hand goes up to your cheek, but instead of actually letting him, you flinch away.

'I have prayed for your return...' he opts to go for your hand instead, this time you let him. 'And now that I have you, it feels like you are slipping through my fingers again...'

'Do you think I want this?' You ask him.

'Of course not-'

'I did what I had to... I would have been killed... I had to survive.. and I am proud to still be standing... but I will not taint anyone with my troubles..'

'Tell me.. I am begging of you to share your troubles with me... I want to take some of them away...'

You stare at him once again, contemplating if you will give him at least that. Knowing that you cannot give him what he wants and needs from you. It would simply not be fair to get tied to someone so broken.

'As you know..' you start, averting your eyes from his and down to the ground. Your hands finding each other to fidget, leaving Harwin's empty again.

You tell him almost everything. You tell him about your lord husband creating those very scars that litter your body out of jealousy and anger. You tell him about the day you could not take it anymore, you send all the servants and members of the household away before plunging a knife in his body until he laid perfectly still only for Oryn to burn the castle down. You watched it burn for a good amount of time before escaping on dragonback.

'You defended yourself..' he lifts your head with his finger hooked underneath your chin. 'I am prouder than ever..'

'You are a mad man, Sir Harwin...' you shake your head slightly in disbelieve. It is not even the full story and yet he did not bounce back even one bit.

'Perhaps that's what they meant by saying that love makes blind... I have seen many horrible things and heard many more... this makes me worry for you, it does not disturb me...'

'It should...' you tell him as he steps closer. You have to tilt your head even more to face him now.

'Is that so? Then perhaps we are more alike than you think... you are not alone in this, not anymore...' His forehead touches yours now.

Your hand makes it up to his tunic. The texture gives you some distraction but it could never distract enough for you to realize what is happening.

Your mind is in shambles, you wanted this your whole life, he is giving you the opportunity to still be his. Even after years and years of no contact, of him getting overrun with marriage proposals and yet he rejected every single girl, for you.

You thought of him night and day, when that lord was cruel you imagined him saving you so many times. You wished for him to be yours. It brought you so much comfort, so why is part of your brain screaming for you to break apart from him now?

You do not have time to think, you act. You lean in and press your lips against his almost feverishly. He lays a hand on your cheek while the other snakes around your waist to pull you even closer.

You break apart to catch your breath with a small smile. His nose nudges yours lovingly.

You are free from those negative thoughts and if you are honest, you couldn't care less what the court will have to gossip. You do not care what anyone says in this moment. This feels like a wave of relief washing over you.

Even though you have not told him everything yet, you have a feeling that with more time, comes more to tell, to let go off.

'I told you!' Rhaenyra's voice echoes through the hallway making you break apart after all.

'Rhaenyra, let them enjoy this...' Laenor pulls her away to dance again.

You cannot help but laugh a little. Harwin copied you but with a different look in his eyes. A knowing one.. that girl you claim to have died is still very much present, but that will take time, time he is willing to spend...

A/n: so no wedding fight, I feel like a lot of shit would not have happened if there was someone like the reader.

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