The Shackled Queen ♦️ Robb Stark

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Song: Ramin Djawadi - light of the seven.

Imagine: you have been carrying a secret only him and his family knows off, a secret that could be useful escaping this imprisonment and this war led by your husband.

Warnings: angst, fluff, mentions of war, blood and gore. Imprisonment, mentions of torture

My stories het to big to be one shots, so this is also a multiple part piece!


You've been keeping your hair dirty, trying to refrain from showing the white glow that is underneath. Your heritage must remain a secret to them.

You're a valuable prisoner to them as is. Valuable because of your marriage, you are Robb Starks wife, proclaimed queen of the north. That is enough to bring you the torture they let you endure.

Left with no food for days, only to be pained the next. You bleed, it dries and so on. One thing they haven't been able to use however is fire. Because a dragon can never die from it.

If they were to find out about whom your father was, who your siblings are/were then... they would use it to their advantage even more.

Born to Aerys and Rhaella Targaryen, you were the third child to come forth from the pair. After you came Danaerys and then.. the house Targaryen would fall, taking everyone with it. That's why you idd away your heritage, your pride.

The Northerners wouldn't understand, they wouldn't proclaim you their queen if they knew your last name is Targaryen. They barely took you as their queen with Snow as your surname, now you bare the name Stark with equal pride.

You have been praying, for someone to unchain your dragon. For him to fly to you and destroy your enemies, for good. You imagine him breaking your shackles. You can only hope.

'Good morning little princess-' the septa speaks as she enters your cell.

'Queen...' you interrupt her, as always. She calls you princess and you remind her of your true title.

'Ah yes, but look at you dearie, your looks are not those of a queen, this place is not suited for royalty and yet you are here...' she muses as she comes closer.

Your shackles rattle against the ground as you shuffle away from her. 'You should pray to the gods that you still have your is only because of the name Stark that your heart still beats.'

'Then you might as well end my suffering... for it will turn into yours the longer you let me breathe..' you spit at her, earning a harsh slap from her.

'You will cause me to suffer?, you have some nerve girl..' she cackles as she takes your chin in her hand.

Then you hear it, a loud rumble approaching fast. You'd recognise the sound from anywhere. You should be angry, you know what they did for you to hear him approach, but all you can feel is relief. A tired smile seeps onto your lips.

'Drystan...' you breathe.

Drystan is protective of you, all you have to do is grab his attention. To show him what they have done to you and he will destroy whoever dares to stand in his way.

Perhaps a piece of your father arises inside of you with thoughts like those. But you'd rather be like him than let those filthy Lannisters, usurpers of the throne, win.

The septa let's go off you and looks out of the small window above. Her breath catching in her throat as she sees the large figure descent onto the ground.

A small smirk crosses your face at the sound. 'What is so funny to you?' The septa demands as she steps back from you.

'If only you knew...' you chuckle.

'DRAGON!' The men outside yell as they start scrambling to get away.

'What? How?!' The septa looks at your beautiful dragon and her eyes go wide. 'Impossible! They went extinct!'

'Did they? Or did you convince yourself they did?' You tell her as you step back, pulling at the chains. You try to get as far from that wall as possible.

'Drystan, Isse kesīr!' (In here!)

The thumping of his feet come closer and closer until.. the wall in front of you bursts open, the bricks scattering everywhere and the septa gets buried beneath them.

'Issa gevie dyni!' You speak as his head lowers. (My beautiful beast!)

His breath is warm and soothing. Many people would be scared of this, but you know he would not harm a single hair on your head. If anything, Targaryens and their dragons are loyal to one another, hence the dance of the dragons made them almost go extinct.

He lets out a low hum when your hands splay across his head. Your fingers softly tracing the scales. His eyes close and the humming gets louder. 'Kirimvose..'  you whisper.

His eyes open again and focus on your chains. He will not be able to fully take them off, but as long as your arms are free, you will be happy.

'You... you're.. you're a Targaryen...' the septa coughs out. Blood spilling from her mouth.

'You should have paid more attention to the details, Septa...'

Her eyes narrow on your appearance. Trying to find the clues to support the claim you've made in her head. No lilac orbs stare back at her, but the specs of white shown through the cracks of the dirt, that tells a whole different story.

'Cersei will hear of this.. your secret will be out..I do hope you know what that entails..' she speaks, her breaths coming out quicker now.

'I do...' you tell her as you mount your dragon. 'Tell her that I will see her again, if I am correct, she still has my little sister in her claws...'

The septa lets out a yell of frustration.

'Drystan! Sōvegnon!' You yell.

The dragon starts dragging his wings up and down, raising you both out of this mess and towards freedom. Your shackles remain on your wrists, but you know that you're free from her.

Now there are more people to free, starting with your husband.

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