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Jin and I decided to stop after our third child. And yes, they are all boys. I'm happy that they all grew up to be loving, God-fearing, and responsible men. What more can I ask for?

I have a very loving husband here beside me who continues to cook breakfast, lunch, and dinner for me. Sometimes some snacks in between.

Is there anything better than spending your every moment with someone you love and who loves you just as much? It's nice that Jin and I have small happiness. I guess we jibe and we learned a lot from each other in our decades of being married.

Waking me up every morning with a kiss and a cup of coffee in his hands. We will take our morning walk on the beach. We will watch his favorite dramas for almost the whole day. We will watch the sunset holding hands on our porch. We will dance to jazz music at night. We will sleep in each other's embrace. Each and every day, my every waking and sleeping hours. It's almost perfect.

After retiring from Jeon Electronics, I decided to give the company to our three sons. Soobin, being the eldest now holds the chairmanship. His brothers and his cousins from Taehyung helping him run the business by taking care of the other departments. They argue at times but they manage to fix the problems in a very civil manner. Jin always reminds them that they are brothers and they should and always love each other.

Jin never fails to make me smile each and every day. He still thinks I'm hot even the tattoos he used to love are now crinkled because of my skin. He still thinks I'm the most handsome man in the world even my hair is already grey. He still thinks my bunny smile is the cutest even my face wrinkles when I smile. I will not complain, because, in my eyes, he's still the same, the most handsome man I've met forty years ago.

But no matter how much we love each other, there were moments when we fight. There was a moment when he left me for a week and I thought I'm going crazy once more. I guess that was our biggest fight. It's a jealousy fight because of a man texting me. After that misunderstanding, we learned to forgive more and to love more, to talk more, and to listen more.

Did temptation come into my life? Many times. Did I cheat? I am proud to say that even it presented itself, I managed to resist. Did Jin cheat? Never. But I have to admit that in our decades of being married, almost half of it was full of men and women trying to get his attention. I cannot blame them, my husband is a handsome man. And I am always proud to say that he's mine. And mine alone.

After my retirement, I bought a house overlooking the beach. Jin loves to walk barefoot on the beachside in the mornings and he loves to watch the sunsets in the afternoon.

The smile on his face tells me that I am doing a good job being a husband and a father. And now, a grandfather to our little grandchildren. Soobin is already married with two daughters, Yeonjun is now engaged and Beomgyu is happily in love. Jin and I are both happy for them. I guess we are good parents.

"Grandpa, can you please open this?" Mimi said while giving me the chocolate bar.

"But your dad said you should not eat chocolates," I said while looking at Mimi's beautiful eyes which I think she got from her grandpapa Jin.

Mini pouts while shaking her head. "No grandpa. Grandpapa Jinnie gave this and he said it's okay."

I looked at Jin who is currently giggling while sitting down beside me. "Come on Kook, it's okay. As if you're not stealing chocolates in the fridge when you're still a kid." Jin whispered while getting the bar from my hand, opening it and giving it to Mimi. "There you go, little princess. Make sure you share it with Nina, okay?"

Mimi smiled widely while nodding. "Yes, grandpapa. Thank you."

Mimi ran back to the playroom with the chocolate bar in her hand making me shook my head.

"You're spoiling them with sweets. Soobin will get mad at us." I said while holding Jin's hand.

"He won't. He knows me well." He leaned his head on my shoulder as the sky started to change its color.

He loves how the sky turned purple, pink, gray, or orange during sunset. He loves watching the birds fly and hears the waves of the ocean. This is our way of relaxation. Being in the late 60s and early 70s isn't fun but I am enjoying every bit of my retirement and old age because of Jin.

"It's been a long long journey, right Kook?" Jin said. The sun gleams in his eyes under his spectacles. "I'm sure, everyone is so proud that we reached this far."

I chuckled. Our young selves weren't here anymore but the love we have for each other is still young and strong. "I love you Seokjin. I can't believe that we're still together after all this time. Look at our hands, it's not as smooth as before."

Jin rubs my hand with his fingers, shifting in his seat to face me. "Kook, you're the one I chose to marry and I remember clearly that we promised to each other that only death can part us. And that's how it's going to be.

I will hold your hand until the end. Even if my strength cannot squeeze your hand anymore, I will still hold it to let you know that I love you and I'm always here for you.

Whoever goes first, if it's me, I promise to wait for you in the next life. And I hope, you can promise the same to me. With that, I don't need to worry anymore. I trust you. And trust builds whatever we have and wherever we are right now. And I'm ready to face the future, may it be long or short, because I know that no matter what happens, we have each other and we will continue to love each other. I love you Jeon Jungkook. I love you."

I nodded. "I promise. I love Jeon Seokjin."

Journey. I know our journey will end soon. But I know that we will reach our destination with a big smile on our face and a happy heart.



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