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"Hey." I adjusted my eyes with the light and saw Namjoon staring at me. I fell asleep in my office. I took a deep breath and put my face in my hands. "Are you good?"

Namjoon sits down in front of my desk with concern laced in his eyes. I pressed Jane's number and asked for coffee.

"I'm sorry about the last time. About what I said. Though I mean all of it I guess I should have said in a nicer way or at least not slammed the door closed."

Namjoon looks apologetic. I don't get mad about what he said. Why do I? It's all true. It actually hits me hard and I'm starting to contemplate if I really deserved Soobin. I wonder what Ken would feel now.

My precious Ken. I would do anything to bring him back with me. I love him so much. I don't know how to move on with my life. Seven years. Seven fucking years and I'm still broken.

"I helped Soobin with his homework. And I am waking up early to prepare him foods for his recess." It's been days since I've been doing all that. And I don't know how to organize my time.

"You should. It's your choice not to get a nanny. And Soobin deserves your attention." Namjoon doesn't have any idea. He doesn't know how hard it is for me to plan everything.

"Taehyung recommended a tutor to help Soobin with his studies. I'm sorry Namjoon if I'm such a pain in the ass. I know how fucked up I am as a father. I'm trying. I swear I'm trying. I just don't know why everything is not working out." I massaged the bridge of my nose. I feel like hibernating today but I have works to do in the office too. I'm glad it's now Friday and I can sleep well tomorrow.

"You can adjust if you will make everything a routine. But I'm glad you got someone to help you out, at least, with his studies. But why? Can't you help Soobin yourself?"

At last, my coffee came. Jane has been very patient in fetching Soobin at the lobby every day and I'm thankful for how understanding she is as my secretary for so many years.

"Mr. Jeon, Soobin's teacher wanted to make an appointment with you. Is it okay if I will schedule your meeting today?" Jane asked.

"Appointment? For what?"

"He did not mention, sir. He just left his mobile number. Actually, he suggested if you can make a visit to the school but I said that's not possible." Jane knew me well. Maybe from my hair follicles to the dirt in my toes.

"Good. No, not today. I have so many things to finish today. Maybe tomorrow after my scheduled meeting with Soobin's tutor. Tell him to come to my apartment tomorrow around 7 pm. That's my only available time. I don't want to stay out longer. I'm tired. Now if he doesn't want that time, then cancel everything. I will not adjust my time for him."

"But sir, isn't it for Soobin?" Jane interjected.

"I can't see anything wrong with Soobin. He's the one who needs me so he should comply with my time." I looked at Jane who looks surprised by my decision. I'm just tired. Really tired.

I agreed meeting Taehyung with the tutor in a coffee shop near Taehyung's home. I adjusted my time for Taehyung as I am the one who needs him. But this time, the teacher should be the one to adjust for me as he's the one who needs me. Just fair.

"About your question, it's not that I cannot help Soobin but my mind is too tired at night. And Soobin has been very hard-headed while doing his home works. I'm not sure if he's doing it in purpose or he doesn't really understand." In short, Soobin is giving me a hard time every night that I always end up doing the homework by myself.

Namjoon chuckled. "He's just seeking for your attention, I'm just guessing."

I shake my head. I don't like it.

"I saw the guy you hit with your car," Namjoon said and I don't know why he needed to share something unimportant.

"Is he asking for money?"

Namjoon laughed. "No, he doesn't look like that, what are you talking about? I just saw him last Monday looking handsome as ever."

I have to agree, that guy is very handsome.

"His lips resemble Ken's. Did you notice?" Namjoon's eyebrows are raised and waiting for my reaction.

I nod. "I noticed that too."

Namjoon scoffs. "So you look uninterested but you noticed."

"Just the lips. He can never be Ken. Ken's face is round while that guy has sharper features. Ken's eyes are expressive while that man only knows how to glare. Ken is very soft-spoken and that man is too noisy. Ken is cute and that man is... is... well, Ken is still more handsome." I hate to admit that Seokjin really got my attention. It's just that, his attitude got me so turned off.

Namjoon laughed at me. I know it's stupid to compare. "He got you, right? Admit it. He was noisy and always complaining, but he is very good looking."

"Stop that crap now. I'm not interested. We are north and south." I opened the document in front of me to stop Namjoon from teasing.

But Namjoon continues to laugh at me. "Opposite attracts, Jungkook."


"Asshole!" I whispered on the phone as soon as I dropped the call. Soobin's father is something else.

"So the appointment is set?" Hoseok looks so amused with me. Maybe my ears are so red in annoyance.

"He's not available today. He wanted me to come over to his apartment tomorrow night." I can't believe a father really can't make time for the welfare of his son.

"Well I think that's better don't you think? At least, you can see the environment Soobin is currently living in." Hoseok has been very positive. Giving me advice about my decisions and opinions. He is keeping me sane all this time. It's only a week and it feels like I've been here for years.

Soobin's homework was handwritten by his father. I'm not sure it Soobin doesn't want to do his homework or his father is not patient to teach him and let him to it on his own while he coaches. Soobin's failed his first quiz as well. I'm wondering if he's talking to his son or asking him how his son is doing.

After the incident on the first day, Soobin had cookies the next day but no drinks. I always bring extra with me just in case a student forgot or spilled them.

On the third day, I noticed that he's only drinking banana milk but not eating. When I asked him, he said his father gave him an egg salad. Turned out, he's allergic to eggs. I wonder if his father is aware, or he's just really out of his mind? Why would he give his son food he is allergic to?

And I guess I should do something about it. I've done this even before. Talking to parents about their children's progress in school. Especially if I can sense some psychosocial problems with their child. But I've never done a house visit since parents usually come to school when I invite them for a talk.

I'm not sure if I am being intrusive this time, but I can see the effect on Soobin. It's only the beginning so I think it's best if I will intervene while it's still early. Or the effect will be worse if I will just let everything pass.

"I have no choice. And I need to do something so I will meet Mr. Jeon tomorrow."

JOURNEY || JinKook ☑️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt