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"Why don't you date him?" Taehyung asked. I don't know why I suddenly lost my interest in talking with Namjoon. I don't know why it feels like he betrayed me. And I don't know why I am feeling that way.

"Date Jin? No, thanks." I shake my head in disagreement.

Taehyung sighs, it feels like he's putting me in an awkward situation. "What's wrong with Jin? Well, aside from the fact that he is noisy. I mean, he's handsome, smart and he loves your son. What more can you ask for?"

"Nothing. There's nothing wrong with him. But I don't want to commit to anyone. I'm okay being alone. Besides, I'm just starting to become a father to Soobin. I want to enjoy my son first before thinking about falling in love again or dating someone. Not now and not Jin."

There's a part of me that wanted to move on and at the same time, a part of me that having doubts. Or perhaps, my fear that love will fail me again.

"Did you know that Jin's boyfriend left him at the altar? That the same man who left him kidnapped their son and because of that, his son died because of an accident?"

"He told me and I don't care."

Taehyung throws a skeptical gaze at me. "You know, I'm not saying that what happened to him was worst than yours but look at him, he's so positive. I'm not rushing you and I'm not saying that it should be Jin but think about it, you need a companion in life.

Someone who will look after Soobin, someone who will take care of you and love you. I know we all sound like a broken record, but it's been seven years. Stop paying someone just to have sex. Find someone you can sleep with, cuddle with for the rest of your life. Or maybe you're just in denial that you're starting to like Jin because your action is too far from your words."

I scoffed at Taehyung. "If you and Jimin are planning to pair me up with Jin, please stop it now. Don't pressure me to like someone I'm not interested in. Jin is Soobin's teacher and I will admit that we're starting to become friends but that's all."

Taehyung gave me an insulting smirk. "That's why you're canceling your friendship with Namjoon because he's dating Jin."

His remark came out as a shock and all I can do is to shake my head in disbelief. "And who said I'm not friends with Namjoon? For fuck's sake, he's my best friend!"

Taehyung stood smiling and gave me a not-now look. "Then why don't you call him now instead of me and tell him your bullshits? You see, Namjoon told you that he will pursue Jin if you don't like Jin. When he did, you're starting to act like a bitter kid as if Namjoon snatched a candy from you. I'm younger than you but you're acting as if I am the older one. For God's sake Hyung, admit it, swallow that damn fear and --"

"Stop!" I slammed my hand on my table and gave Taehyung a piercing glare. "Don't tell me what to do. I am at the right age and I know exactly what I am doing. I don't like Jin. Don't insist. End of conversation."

Taehyung sighs and turns his back away from me. "I hope you'll think before saying that. It's okay to fall in love again, you know."

Taehyung closes the door, leaving me in my office alone and annoyed.


3rd Person POV

"Then why don't you two date?" Jimin asked between bites of fish cake. After teaching, Jin instructed Soobin to tell his father that he will meet his Uncle Jimin today. And as expected, every time they meet, they will eat. They are currently at the row of street foods near the school.

"Why should I ask him to date me? He should be the one to ask me that. Oh gosh! This Tteokbokki is so delicious!" It's been a while since he lasts ate street foods and it tastes great.

"Wait, so you like my brother-in-law?" Jimin's eyes squints. He loves to hear Jin saying yes on this.

"Well, he's okay." His voice lagged. "But you know, we cannot force him into dating because I can see that he's still healing."

"Don't you think that's a bit lengthy? It's been seven years and he's still nursing a broken heart." Jimin's face is contemplating and worried. He knows that his best friend is also nursing a broken heart but a different one. "I know that you also do, until now. But yours are way different."

Jin's eyes stared blankly into the busy stairs. Staring on people going down and up the underpass but his mind is somewhere else.

"I don't know if I can ever recover. You know Haneul is my everything. But we have different ways of coping. I chose to stay positive in spite of my brokenness. While he chose to dwell in the past and grieve. Yes, it's lengthy. He should have gone dating by now or better, he should have gotten a companion. I mean, seven years of staying single? Wow!"

Jimin looked to Jin's direction, trying to read Jin's expression. That's precisely the reason why he asked Jin about dating because he and his husband want Jungkook to date.

"So if Jungkook asks you to go out with him, you will accept?"

Jin's eyes blink and his nose squints; his mannerisms. "We went out for brunch already."

Jimin's fishcake almost dropped out of his mouth. His eyes widen in surprise. "Really?!"

"Don't assume, okay? We had brunch on Haneul's birthday. When we went to your home one Sunday, remember? We ate together that day. But that's nowhere romantic. It's only because he saw me crying. You know, I looked pathetic."

Jimin can still remember how happy Jungkook was that Sunday. Jungkook seems to develop numbness towards love. He and Taehyung are working hand and hand to at least make Jungkook realize that it's okay to fall in love again.

"Hey Chim, it's almost 5. Gosh." Jin shoots his thrash on the can and wipes his mouth with a tissue. "I need to go now. You know Mr. Jeon is going home earlier than usual now. I don't want to get scolded."

"Oh okay. By the way, thank you for looking after our nephew. Taehyung is sending his regards." Jimin gives Jin a hug. "And please, more patience for his father."

Jin pulls the coat around his body and starts to walk fast. "No problem. Soobin is a good boy and his father is hot!"

Jimin frowned. Thinking if he heard his friend right. "What did you say again?"

But Jin just waves his hand and starts to run. "See you again soon Jimin!"

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