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"I'm sorry." Namjoon is my long time friend. One of my most trusted friends. He saw my struggles and helped me through a lot. It wouldn't hurt to apologize for my mistakes and rebuild that friendship that was almost damaged by my wrong perceptions. Besides, it's my fault. Namjoon did nothing. I misunderstood everything because of my pride.

He smiled and tapped my shoulder. "It's okay. It's my fault too. I should have told you. I'm just a little shy that I'll get rejected, you know."

"He did not." I teased. I can see the happiness on Namjoon's face. The contentment that after years and years of waiting for the right man to come to his life, he finally found the right one.

"Of course, he didn't. Then how about you? I heard from Hoseok that you had some misunderstanding with Jin?"

I looked down, smiled shyly as I remembered what had transpired. That was so stupid of me. After making a mistake, I will go and run after him. I should have told him the truth instead of committing a mistake that led him to weaken his trust in me.

"I think I spent all my time, love and energy loving Ken. I never really thought that I will love someone other than Ken. It's just weird. I cannot accept that fact. Or maybe I forgot how to fall in love? But Jin changed that.

I can see how he loves my son. He's ready to kick the shit out of me just to make me realize how fucked up I am. He's not afraid to stand up for what is right. I love that. I love that about him. A strong-headed handsome man but very loving and caring. I hate noisy people but I miss his noisiness. I'd rather hear him whine, bicker and rant than not hearing his voice at all."

Namjoon stares at me. His lips curved upwards. It's as if he is satisfied with something.

"I haven't seen that spark in your eyes for a long time. I'm glad you finally admitted that you like him." Namjoon scoffs. Something he does whenever he wants to mock at me. "We've been telling you like we're a broken record that it's okay to fall in love again. You deserve to be loved and to be happy Jungkook. Jin loves your son like his own. He can be your life coach. For a 28-year-old being more matured than you-"

"Shut up!"

Namjoon laughed. "Come on, admit it. When Ken died, you started acting like an immature man. Jin somehow woke your sleeping mature soul. Which was a good thing, wasn't it? I'm sure, unintentionally, you taught him things as well.

Jungkook, I hate to tell you this, but Ken is already dead but it doesn't mean you need to bury with him your capability to fall in love again. I am sure, all Ken wants is for you to be happy. Give your self a chance. Man up! Give this love a shot."

"Are you okay?" Jin asked. Maybe he already noticed that I am very quiet. I am thinking of what Namjoon told me the last time we met. Things that I should be doing now but still afraid to try.

"Yeah... Of course... Of course, I'm okay." I get my cup of tea and drink from it so as not to look uneasy.

"Are you shy at Teacher Jinnie, daddy? But you said you mmmm--"

I cover Soobin's mouth and widen my eyes at him. Soobin frowns as soon as I removed my hand. He sometimes doesn't know how to keep a secret. Or perhaps, I forgot to tell him not to say anything.

"What's that?" Jin rests his chin on his hand while looking at me and Soobin. He looks confused but I'm sure he already has an idea.

I've never been this weak in front of a guy. I am straight-forward and confident. That's what I was with Ken. But Jin has that dominant feel like I cannot overpower him. I'm sure, he will not allow me to boss him.

JOURNEY || JinKook ☑️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt