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I can't stop thinking about Soobin. How can his father be so unconcerned about his own son? I don't even know if he should call himself a father because the truth, he's not acting like one.

"Hey! I'm sorry I'm late." Jimin leaned down to kiss me on the cheek before sitting on a couch across mine. "Taehyung arrived from the office later than expected. You know that I am a full-time appa to my Jihoon."

"It's okay. Your pasta is still warm, anyway." I called Jimin if he can meet me tonight. I think I needed someone to talk with about my first-day stress.

"You looked stressed?" He inspected my face and I know I am frowning. Or maybe I am sad-looking. I'm not sure.

"Not a good first day for me." I am a teacher for seven years now but it feels like everything is new to me. "I'm not sure if it's the new environment I have here or I'm just aging and getting really emotional."

Jimin looks concerned. "Why? What happened? Co-teacher problems? Naughty students?"

I snorted. "My co-teachers are all nice and welcoming. Naughty kids are normal so I don't mind. I'm just bothered about one of my students."

"What about?" His question is barely understandable as he stuffed a big bite of pasta in his mouth.

"One of my students don't have packed food for lunch and his father forgot to pick him up from school." I twirl my fork on my pasta but did not eat. I am wondering if Soobin already eats his dinner or his asshole dad forgot to feed him.

"Forgot to pick him up?! Oh my gosh! Was that possible?!" Jimin looks bewildered about my story and I am too when Soobin had been waiting for two hours.

"The father was in a meeting so he forgot and sent his driver somewhere who was supposed to be the one to pick him up. I felt bad about the kid. Really. I volunteered to bring him to his father. Now, I can't stop thinking about him." I let out a sigh. It's been a while since I felt bad about a student.

Jimin shakes his head. He looks disappointed too. "Poor kid. That's why Taehyung did not allow me to work. He wanted me to personally take care of our son."

"The kid's appa is already dead. He said he did not get to see him. I'm actually wondering why his father did not hire a nanny." I'm still thinking about the father owning a tower but cannot get his son a nanny. What a tragedy. "I mean, they are wealthy people. His father can afford to hire a nanny, even two to three nannies to help him."

Jimin places his fork back on the plate and sits down properly. "I don't know how to answer that. I mean, Taehyung's brother doesn't want a nanny because he himself grew up with one. He said he doesn't want his son to grow up with someone else other than his family members. I'm not saying he's doing good, but my point is, there are people who don't want to get other people's services for some reason."

Well, Jimin is right. "Saying they have the same reason as my student's asshole dad, but what's the point of not getting one if he is already neglecting his son? I wonder how he called himself a father, honestly."

"I have students in London who felt sad about their parents ignoring them but it's more of because of their parent's jobs. But not completely neglecting them. Parents still pack their foods and pick them up from school. Unlike this student of mine right now who is completely being neglected."

"Well, perhaps you have a point there. Why don't you talk to the father and tell him your concerns?" Jimin suggested as he continues to eat his food.

"I will observe the kid first. If he still hasn't improved, then I guess I need to talk to the father. I just can't forget his sad face earlier."

Jimin picks up his phone from his pocket after a soft ding. He reads the message and turns to me.

"Jihoon is already asleep. Do you want to continue eating to our apartment? So you can meet my husband." Jimin looks excited offering that to me and I couldn't say no. So we ended up riding his car and now in the hallway of his home.

"Wow! I can't believe you will end up here. You did not mention that your home is this luxurious." Jin said admiring the hallway of the condominium.

"Well, I cannot complain. This is my husband's property." Jimin remained humble even in his current status now. I envy him that he doesn't need to feel stress about working in an office. All he needs to is to be a full-time father and husband. Something that must be truly emotionally rewarding.

He entered a password and door unlocked. We entered his home and it is indeed luxurious. "His brother's home is more modern than ours," Jimin whispered. He looks shy.

"Baby!" A deep voice boomed inside their home and a tall handsome guy kisses Jimin on the nose. "Jihoon slept early so I prepared something."

"Thanks! By the way, Taehyung is my best friend, Jin. Jin, my husband Taehyung." Jimin clings to his husband's arm. Taehyung extends his arm to shake my hand and I took it.

"Nice meeting you Taehyung." I smiled at him. He looks very handsome, cheerful and friendly. Exactly how Jimin described him.

"Nice meeting you. Let's go, food is ready." He put his arm around Jimin's shoulder as we head on to the dining area.

I'm glad I did not eat my food in the restaurant because home-cooked meals are still the best.

"He's a teacher right?" Taehyung asked his husband. Probably, for confirmation.

"He is. Jin is a first-grade teacher." Jimin looks at me as if he's also proud of me.

"Great! Exactly what he's looking for. My hyung just called earlier asking if I know someone who can tutor his son. He's a single dad and a very busy person. Maybe you want to work part-time for him, Jin?" Taehyung flashes a boxy smile and I look at Jimin.

"Just go for it if I were you." Jimin keeps on nodding. "It can help you save faster. You said you wanted a car, right?"

Jimin's words are too tempting. I do want to buy a second-hand car and I guess this part-time job can help me save money.

"Well, okay. That would be nice."

"I will schedule a meet up this weekend if it's fine with you. He's busy in the office during weekdays so I doubt if he can meet you up. Is it okay on the weekend? I will accompany you." Taehyung seems very adamant about the offer.

"Weekend is okay. This is outside my job in school so yeah, this Saturday would be perfect." I smiled as I agree with the job invitation.


I'm starting to doubt myself and this book. 😔  Still, my lovely readers are confused. I thought I've given enough clues about the or I haven't? 😔 -- Character reactions and all. You know.

I'm sorry if I am making you all confused. Please know that I love reading all your comments and I am so thankful for them.
You can ask and have your own opinion and analysis. I love reading them.

I do understand your frustrations to know the truth. But I cannot answer questions that will be answered on the future chapters. 😔

I hope you guys understand and are not disappointed.

Thank you and I love you all.

JOURNEY || JinKook ☑️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ