EIGHT - Disappointed

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The night sky looks really fine and the cold breeze is so inviting. Jin looked back and Soobin and his asshole dad's secretary are not in the elevator area anymore. Jin knows that Soobin is someone who needs extra attention.

Jin wrapped his coat around his body, deciding he needed a walk to calm his nerves. It's been a long stressful day for him.

Jin crossed the street. He turned around to take a good look at how high the Jeon Tower is. "I hope he can at least hire someone who will take care of his son. He can afford this tower. He can afford even a dozen nanny. Poor boy." Jin whispered as he thinks about Soobin.


Jin looks at the side and he sees a man with squinty eyes. His forehead creased trying to make sure if it's really Jin.

"Hi?" Jin is trying to remember the man's name but he just can't and he's shy to ask. But he knew that he met the guy just a few days ago.

"Namjoon, remember?" He points to himself and Jin nods his head remembering that the guy was the one who took him to the hospital because his asshole friend just doesn't have balls to face me. Why am I being invaded by assholes?

"Oh yeah! I remember. Hi Namjoon!" Jin waves his hand.

Namjoon smiles and his dimples show. He looks so friendly and easy to be with. "Are you working nearby?" He asked Jin.

"Kind of. I just accompany a student." Jin smiled back, waddling because the breeze is getting colder. "How about you?"

Namjoon points to the building just across the street.

"You know what, you look like someone." Namjoon stared at Jin. He already told Jungkook about it before but just how good looking Jin is. It seems like Jungkook did not notice.

"Oh! Really? He must be really good looking like me." Jin gave Namjoon a cheeky smile.

Namjoon laughed. He's so entertained with Jin's confidence.

"Well, actually, not exactly like you but you both have the same feature. Maybe the eyes or lips. I'm not that sure but you remind me of him." Namjoon smiles weakly. He shows Jin a coffee carrier with two cups of coffee. "I think I have to go. My boss wants his coffee hot."

"Yeah sure. I'm going to meet a friend as well. Nice seeing you again."

Namjoon crosses the street after he bids goodbye to Jin. He went straight to Jungkook's office and gave him a cup of coffee.

Namjoon almost lost his balance when Soobin hugged his leg. "Uncle Joonie."

Namjoon pats Soobin's head, ruffling his hair before sitting down and placing him on his lap. "Binnie baby, how are you?"

"Daddy forgot to pick me up in school." Soobin frowned, leaning his head on Namjoon's shoulder.

Namjoon stared at Jungkook who just continue signing some documents.

"Daddy is sorry Binnie. He's just busy today. Tomorrow, someone will pick you up in school, okay?" Namjoon gave his mobile phone to Soobin. "Why don't you watch your favorite cartoons on YouTube while I and your dad talk, is that okay?"

"I wish Teacher Jinnie is my appa." Soobin frowns, pushing Namjoon's hand and not taking the phone. "Teacher Jinnie is so nice to me. He brought me here because Daddy forgot about me."

Jungkook slams his hand on the table causing Soobin to jumped from Namjoon's lap and hiding on his back.

"Kook, can you stop that? You're scaring your son away." Namjoon said while he calms Soobin.

"He's been telling me that. Your appa is dead and no one will take his place. Understood? So stop talking about your appa and all those nonsense!" Jungkook glared at his seven-year-old son who is about to cry.

Namjoon takes a deep breath before standing up and pulling Soobin out of the office. He kneels down and wipes Soobin's tears. "I'm sorry about that. Daddy is still hurting over your appa's death."

"He's not nice to me. Daddy doesn't love me. Uncle Taetae is so nice. Uncle Jimin too. I wish they are my parents instead."

Namjoon squeezed Soobin's hand. "Don't say that. Daddy is just sad."

"But I'm sad too."

"I know baby and I'm sorry. Don't worry, Uncle Joonie will talk to your daddy, okay?"

Soobin hesitates but nods eventually.

"For now, stay here with Jane. Jane will buy you candies. Right, Jane?"

"Yes! So come on now Soobinie and we will buy some candies." Jane, Jungkook's secretary holds Soobin's hand and guides him to the elevator.

"My god Kook! What the hell are you doing? You literally forgot to have your son picked up by a driver and you still have the guts to scold him?" Namjoon rants as soon as he entered Jungkook's office.

"He keeps on repeating that I forgot about him. I already apologized but he's still making me feel guilty." Jungkook looks annoyed. He is guilty but is afraid to accept his fault.

"As you should! How will you expect a seven-year-old kid to understand your complicated self? He's only a kid Jungkook. Don't expect him to grasp everything! He needs love and understanding. Ken left him trusting that you will take care of Soobin, but what now? You know, if Ken can punch you, I bet he already does!" Namjoon clicks his tongue. He's been telling this to Jungkook so many times but Jungkook seemed close-minded.

"Soobin said he wished that Taehyung and Jimin are his parents instead of you." Namjoon leaned over on Jungkook's table. He thinks Jungkook is too much. "I'm sorry to say this but I think Ken made the wrong decision of leaving Soobin to you. How I wish Ken just let Taehyung adopt Soobin. Maybe Soobin is in better hands right now."

Namjoon slammed Jungkook's door closed. Jungkook stared at it for a while. What Namjoon just said hits him hard.

Soobin is staring out the car window as they headed home. Jungkook keeps on glancing at his son from the rear-view mirror.

As soon as they reached their apartment, Soobin runs inside his bedroom. Not even looking at his father. Jungkook followed his son and found Soobin on the bed holding Ken's picture.

"I wish appa is here. I wish he's still alive. Maybe he will fetch me from school and cook foods for me." Soobin said while staring sadly at Jungkook. "Maybe he will not forget about me."

Jungkook sits down on the edge of the bed. Looking at Ken's picture that his son is holding. He remembers what Namjoon said and it makes him feel ashamed to look at Ken's picture. He feels that Ken is looking angrily at him.

"Soobin, I'm sorry." He finally said. "I know you're still a kid and will not understand what I'm going through. But I'm sorry if I yelled at you earlier. I'm sorry if I forgot about you. I promise tomorrow, someone will pick you up from school."

Soobin pouts his lips and climbs down the bed. He puts Ken's picture on his bedside table before going inside his bathroom, leaving Jungkook alone, sitting on the bed.

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