Red Amens

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I sunk down against the door. I gave up on banging my fist against it. They wouldn't let me in. The screaming suddenly stopped. Worry flashed on my face, what if he is dead! My brain began screaming. The door creaked open. I pushed myself away using my feet. I still sat on the floor. I slowly looked up. When I finally analyzed his face, my worry disappeared. Instead I marveled at him. He had gigantic white wings, Michaels was bigger, but there was something more beautiful about his. He looked down, but away. He dropped a red piece of cloth that glides down into my lap. He didn't say a word to me, he just walked away. Leaving me confused, I felt the cloth it was soft and warm.

"It was a piece of your mom's hood, she wore this thing all the time, he managed to get a hold of some" Michael stepped into the doorway.

"What was that about?" I looked at Michael.

"This is a new Chamuel, without his humanity he is the old Channing, the compassionate and caring one. The one you knew is gone" Michael smirked.

"Just like Caleb" I smart offed back.

"We don't talk about-" Michael frowned.

"Why? What's so scary about what you used to be?" I lift an eyebrow.

"Why shouldn't I be? The past is the past, and that's where is belongs" Michael sighs.

"You don't need to be ashamed of who you were, you can't be afraid of the past or you can't move to the future" I smile.

"I admire your confidence, most people around here are too afraid to look me in the eye" He chuckles.

"Your intimidating, that's good in some terms, but with your teammates they should see you as fearless and brave, show a little compassion every once in a while" I stare at him.

"I'll take that into consideration, ever since Channing left, this place has been somber, no love, sadly that's how the rest of the world suffered too" He rubbed his temples.

"So your saying because you turned Channing mortal and left him to die, the world lost love?" I stare.

"Yes, well most of the love for eachother" He sighs. I stand up off the ground.

"Then why did you do that to him?" I frown.

"It was Red's last wish" He rubbed the back of his head.

"You could of given him happiness, a home, a place, memories, and you don't seem like someone who would do something like that over a girl" I frown.

"I-I" I cut him off.

"And what about his pregnant wife? The one you brutally stabbed then etched your name into?" I began raising my voice.

"I needed him back in the force, he didn't accept my offer at being an angel again, I warned him" Michael began stepping backwards.

"I don't know how anyone could do anything so horrible" I shout and began running off. I fell backwards after being hit with an impact. I stood up off the ground and saw that I ran into Tristan.

"Tristan I am so sorry for how I acted!" I yelled and hugged him.

"Its okay" He smiled and patted my head.

"Do they have Zander here?"I frowned.

"Yes, in a holding cell" Tristan guided me to a room with glass sections. Inside one was Zander an angel was in there with him. I could see a certain glint in the angels eye, I couldn't tell if it was uneasyness or uncertainty. He lowered his hand by his waist. Something shined in my view. The angel quickly grabbed his pistol in his holster and shot Zander. I screamed and Zander was having almost a seizure. The guard didn't stop shooting, each time a loud boom echoed out and Zander bounced each time. He shot his body first and moved to his neck, he violently shot his head off. I screamed and beat the glass.

"Zander! You... You asshole, you can't die, your not allowed to!" I screamed wildly. The angel turned and looked at me. He had olive skin, black wings and black eyes, like a demon. I screamed even louder. He unlocked the door quickly and slung it open, causing me to fly backwards against a wall. Tristan yelled and ran to me. He swore off violence, that idiot. I could see the angel demon's sly smile just as I blacked out.

Many voices ran in and out if my head. Finally one I recognized. My vision was black.

"Evelyn" The voice was soft and caring. My eyes opened. Channing stood above me. I looked around, I was in a hospital bed in a hospital room.

"Channing...." I said quietly. "Wha-what happened?" I whined.

"Its okay now, you're okay" he kissed my forehead. My memory suddenly jolted back, everything I witnessed. I began sobbing and trying to move my head away from him. He frowned and looked down.

"Zander, he didn't-" I cut him off.

"Make it, I watched him shoot his head off" I frowned and raised my voice.

"We did catch the killer and...." Channing looked sad.

"What?" I stared at him.

"He was one of ours, my best friend in fact, a good angel, someone must of put him up to it, he would never do that" Channing looked away.

"He was possessed" I frowned.

"What?" Channing looked at me.

"He had black eyes, like a demon" I frowned.

"But, that's impossible" Channing frowned. Channing began walking out of the room. I grabbed his hand. He turned quickly. Just to get something out I said.

"Is Tristan okay?" Channing's face became alarmed and sad.

"Tristan tried to stop him, and he..." Channing paused.

"He what?" Tears began forming in my eyes.

"He was severely injured" Channing looked down.

"Is he okay?" I wiped the tears.

"He.... He is blind" Channing grabbed my hand and held it. Trying to comfort me.

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