Red Aftermath

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Our naked bodies lie next to eachother. Soft purple cloth drapped over us. He had his arm wrapped around me. My red hood layed on the ground next to the rest of my clothes, they were all thrown around, as if frantically thrown off. I hear a quiet moan fall out of Caleb's mouth.

"Good morning" He said calmly, his hair was messily thrown around.

"Uh, good morning" I had a confused look. "Uh, what happened" I frown.

"I guess you could say as Tristan does, you got 'knocked' up" Caleb toils with my hair.

"Don't worry, being even part werewolf is like birth control all on its own" I sigh loudly. Well, this was awkward. Caleb's phone vibrated again. He reached behind us and grabs it, then answers it.

"Hello Tristan..... Yes we are safe.... Yes we are about to return..... I can't tell you that.... Bye Tristan" He grins like a little boy. I roll over and look at him. His blue eyes pierced mine.

"We should get home, I bet Tristan is going crazy" I chuckle. We both sit up. I cover myself with the purple cloth. Caleb gets dressed quickly. I drop the cloth as I am getting dressed, Caleb is obviously watching, he acts as though he isn't. We silently walk through the old building, hand in hand. We laugh and chat the whole way back home. We open the door to the apartment. Everyone is sitting around staring at us, Zander wasn't there.

"Where the hell were y'all?!" Tristan yells. I knew he was going to freak out.

"We were interrogating demons all night" I shrug.

"Sure, and I am the queen of England" Tristan shouts, obviously disbelieving us.

"Pretty damn bratty enough to be a queen" Caleb mutters under his breathe.

"We were safe all night, we are fine" I frown to reassure Kim. Kim grabs Madison and walks to their room without a word. Leaving Tristan, Caleb and I alone. You could cut the awkwardness with a butter knife. Caleb whispers something in Tristan's ear. Tristan looks alarmed.

"You did what?!" Tristan yells. Caleb whispers something else. Tristan looks mortified.

"Tristan, don't overreact here" I sigh loudly.

"You guys fought off 7 demons!" Tristan shouted in amazement.

"Yeah, it was really hard" I frown and give Caleb a confused look. He walks over to me and whispers in my ear.

"I think we should keep this a secret for now".

"I know where we need to go next" I smile.

"And that is?" Tristan frowns.

"New Orleans!" I say it excitedly, that's my favorite place in the whole world.

"I am guessing you like it there?" Caleb looks at me and smiles. He was three fourths a foot taller than me.

"Its my favorite place in the world" I smile.

"Hey, guys" Zander walks in with bed head, I didn't even hear him open the door.

"Hey, could we talk" I smile at him. He instantly frowns and he drags me into the bathroom. "I think we should just be friends" I frown and toil with the tips of my hair.

"Thats fine, kitten, you can do whatever" he acted like he didn't care, but you could tell. I walked out of the bathroom calmly.

"We are all going to New Orleans!" I shout happily.

"Hey, Tristan, go tell your mom that her and Madison are going to go to Idaho and stay with a friend of mine" I frown and Tristan does as I said. We all piled in the car. Kim and Madison took her car. The rest of us rented a red truck. They wouldn't let me drive, Caleb took the wheel. Everyone was asleep except Caleb and I. "Hey, Caleb.... did our little experience.... make you happy?" I sounded nervous.

"Truthfully, those were the most blissful moments of my life" He didn't look away from the road.

"Then why hide it?" I say even nervously.

"Because Tristan really likes you, and I don't want to do something like that to my brother, if he knew I slept with you, he would be heartbroken" Caleb kept a straight face.

"How far from New Orleans are we?" I frown.

"At least 36 hours" Caleb smiles a bit.

"We have only been on the road for two hours?" I sigh. "I am going to sleep" I frown. He turns his head around and kisses me on the lips. I smile and lay my on the window and slowly drift to sleep. The kiss still lingers on my lips. When I wake up were 30 hours away from New Orleans.

"You slept for a while, kitten, you must of had a busy night, last night" Zander laughs.

"No, just fighting demons all night was hard" I laughed awkwardly.

"Sure, kitten" He laughed and put his mouth next to my ear.

"Vampires don't sleep" He whispered. He tricked us, he heard our whole conversation, I was too busy focusing on Caleb to realize vampires don't sleep! Damn it!

"I can't stay awake for much longer, Zander takeover" Caleb stops the car on the side of the road. They switch spots. We all switch spots for the fun of it. Tristan had a window seat and so did Caleb. It was kind of weird, everyone had different sleeping patterns. Tristan and I seemed always to be on opposite ones, while Caleb and I were closer together. Since Zander doesn't sleep he was always awake when I was. I laid my head on Caleb's chest. Tristan was asleep. I look up at Caleb and give him a kiss. He didn't mind. Hours and hours and hours of eating fast food and sleeping we finally made it. When we arrived we all got out and immediately ran a mile, our legs needed some exercise.

"I am so tired" Tristan yawned.

"how could you be tired if you slept through almost the entire car ride?!" I yell.

"Yeah, you missed some interesting stuff lik-" I cut Zander off.

"Like Zander nearly made us crash" I laugh awkwardly. Zander gave me a small grin."We need to get to the Candrea cemetery" I hop back in the truck. We all hop in. Caleb puts his phone to his ear.

"Hi, mom.... yes.... no it was boring.... well mostly boring... oh nothing happened..... okay maybe.... yes mom, I hate lying to you..... just don't tell... love you too mom....................... no mom, it doesn't work like that.............." Caleb sighed and hung up the phone.

"Did she meet Angie?" I frown.

"Yep, she likes her" Caleb sighs. "That woman doesn't know when to stop talking" Caleb rubs his temples. Zander parks the car and immediately jumps out. As if tired of all of us. We all jump out. The cemetery was eerie. The statues seemed to stare us. As if watching our every movements. We walked slowly through until I saw it. The red gem that sat on the ground next to a masoulem, Tristan opened, it opened to an empty wall. I laughed a bit and shut the doors. I pick up the red gem and put it in the slot of the door. The doors swung open revealing a bridge over some water. The light stoned bridge was beautiful, it held up above crystal clear water.

"We are in Candrea!" I shout with a twinkle in my eye.

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