Red Plan

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Channing stared at me in awe, mumbling something that I couldn’t hear. I watched with confusion until he shouted.
I didn’t say anything, I remained silent, stunned at his outburst. Channing gripped the edge of my bedroom door, his knuckles turned white and his arm shook slightly.
“Why what?” I manage to say.
“How can you throw your life away so easily, first your suicide jump and now this?”
I dropped my gaze to the floor, slightly embarrassed at the situation. I could feel his heavy gaze drilling into my comfort and I squirmed internally.
“I’m, I’m sorry red it’s just,” Channing ran his hand through his dirty blond hair taking a breath and letting it out with roughness. He spoke again calmer than before.
“As far as we know we only get one life Red, why would you take it for granted?”
“Because I have managed to not only screw up my life but to damage the lives of those around me as well, I should be dead Channing, I’m unwanted
Channing Stepped closer and gripped my arm, pulling me closer to him in the same movement. He used his other hand to lift my chin and hold me there, under his thick gaze.
“You are not unwanted” Channing held me there for what seemed like ages, looking at me, as if taking me in. He dropped his eyes to my lips with a longing in his eyes, aneed. I ripped myself from his closeness and his touch, already regretting moving away from his warmth. Channing looked as If he was going to say something else but was cut off by the slight knock on my bedroom door. It was another Archangel, Jophiel, archangel of art and beauty.
“Michael has called everyone to the meeting room to go over the proposal”
Channing gave a quick nod and turned to give me one last look. After that he was gone and I was left alone in the room.
 I never understood why I attracted the strangest people. Well you’re not exactly the normal cup of tea yourself now are you? I thought, rolling my eyes. I just want one relationship to go right, just one I can rely on. Not that thinking about it is going to get anything to go right.

Though Michael planned to have me cooped up in here against my will I wasn’t planning on staying. After all, Channing left the door unlocked. I grinned and lifted my hood from the bed. I folded it against me, feeling its thick softness against my fingertips and walked out as casually as possible. I didn’t want anyone knowing I was leaving against Michael’s control.

After I reached one of the branches I gulped, how am I getting down? Rafael flew me down before so I can’t ask him for assistance. I looked down one of the halls to see a woman walking down. I quickly ran over to her and tapped her shoulder lightly. She spun around, surprised to see a stranger.
“Hi, um, I know this is sudden but may I ask you for a slight favor?” I smiled slightly and she nodded.
About five minutes later I was placed on the cemented ground away from any eyes to see. I convinced her that I needed to run some errands but couldn’t get down by myself. I told her that everyone else was in the meeting room to go over the plan so I couldn’t ask them. She was very nice and I felt kind of bad knowing that I just got her in a lot of trouble .I started walking quickly into public and down a main street, looking around at the hustle and bustle of cars and people moving around so quickly

I thought back to their plan wondering what they had in store for Jenivive. It hasn’t even been a full thirty minutes and I’m already thinking about them. I needed to get far away before anyone could find me, maybe even go into hiding or something, I don’t know. I looked up and down the street to see Rafael looking around rapidly. He turned his gaze and looked me dead in the eyes, putting his hands up to symbol wait.

I took a sharp turn into a narrow alley way, squeezing through at best I could. Once I reached the back of one of the buildings I took off in the other direction, running as far as I could. I don’t belong with them, I have to get away. I began unfolding my hood and wrapping it around my shoulders, knotting the strings in front tightly as I could.

I could hear Rafael behind me shouting but he was too far behind to hear. Once I reached a dead end I began to leap off one of the walls and wall jumped my way up. The force of every leap crushed up against my feet. I was almost at the top until I was yanked down by my cloak and pulled towards the ground.

The impact echoed through the alleyway, thud! Pain shot up through me making scream but it was quickly choked off by my hood pulled towards the ground choking me. I attempted to untie the strings but I had knotted them, making my attempts useless. I lay there, choking as I stared up at the clear day sky, accepting my death.

Black dots clumped up in my vision and I stopped struggling. This is it I guess. Rafael’s face moved in front of my face and I looked over at him weakly, near death. He yelled some things that I didn’t understand and the weight on my neck disappeared. He then shouted my name over and over. It wasn’t until he smacked me in the chest that I started breathing again, swallowing some of the blood that had welled up in my mouth from the fall.

“Red!” Rafael shouted. I sat up from the floor pain shooting through my back and my head. I brought my hands up to my neck, feeling the rawness of my skin wincing at its sensitivity. I turned to look a Rafael who was wearing a worried yet tired expression.

“Rafael” my voice was shaky so I cleared my throat.

“What the hell happened?” I gasped.

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