Run, Red

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"Wait, so you people buy clothes, to wear them once and never again?" I sigh and look at all the clothing behind the glass window. I don't see anything I would actually wear.

"So, what do you want?" Kim's sweet country accent was extra thick.

"Jeans?" I twist the strings around my neck.

"Okay, let's go" Kim pulls me into a store. She immediately looks at a skirt and back at me, I reply with a frown and a shake of my head. While Kim is searching through the pants section. I began devising a plan.

"Mrs. Kim, I have some clothes and stuff in a bag at this old factory" I sigh loudly.
"Oh, we can stop by there on the way back" Kim smiles happily and lifts up some black jeans. I nod my head. She has this giddy expression while she is buying the jeans. After that Kim drug me around the mall, she acted like my mother, as if she knew me since I was a baby.
"Why do you wear that hood all the time?" Kim chuckles between bites of ice cream.
"It's the last of my grandmothers stuff" I clutched the cape that hung behind me.
"How'd she die?" Kim frowned and stoppped eating her icecream.
"She died to the family business" I wasn't going to tell her the truth, but at least I can be somewhat truthful.
"And what is that?" Kim stared at me.
"Uh tattoo artist?" I stuttered. Kim gave me a confused look.
"Is that why you have that tattoo" Kim points to the one on my arm.
"Yeah, I have two other tattoos other than this one" I rub the back of my neck.
"Did your other family members die of being a tattoo artist too?" Kim knew I was lying.
"Ye-yes" I stuttered. "Could we, um just go and get my bag, please?" I ask politely, I really wanted to run away right then and there, I needed somewhere she couldn't catch me, with my crutches she would catch me easily.
"Sure" Kim grabs her bag and walks out of the mall, curiosity showed in her eyes. Suddenly, a man walks out of an alley way as we are walking to the car. He pulls a gun Kim's head. Kim screams loudly.
"Anyone comes near me, the woman dies!" The man yells. I stare at the man, furry flying from my eyes.
"Run, Red!" Kim yells. I stay put.
"Let her go, or you die" I shout, the man is startled by my bravery.
"If I give you my purse will you leave us alone!" Kim shouts.
"I want more than that sweetheart" He licks his lips. I cringe immediately.
"You are a dead man" I shout, my eyes became dialated and the color brightened. I hit him in the knee with one of my crutches. I then punch him in the face and in the gut, with one sweep. I drop my crutches, and with only one working foot, I kick in the face, throwing my broken one into his face. He flys backwards and I fall down. My leg is throbbing and it hurts a lot. Kim drops by my side and quickly picks me up and carries me to her car. We get in and she drives off quickly.
"You aren't who you say you are" Kim slows down.
"No, I am not" I sigh and look down. She stops by the factory I told her about. I get out and she began opening her door.
"I can get them myself" I smile weakly.
"Okay, take your time" Kim closes her door and smiles. I use my crutches and walk to the factory. Inside it was exactly how I left it, bloody and dirty. I see my crossbow, knife and bag. I pick them up and look at the two doors. One leads to a family in danger and the other a life by myself with no friendly human interaction. I sigh and stare at the back and front door. I walk over and open the door. I step outside and began limping half running. Once I am a little while away from ten factory, I hear Kim honking. I can she her walking into the factory. She picks up the note and reads it out loud.
"I am not what you think I am, I will put you, and your family in danger, thank you for all you did" She frowns and puts her hand over her mouth. I left 50 dollars next to the note. I began walking further and further until I was deep in the woods. I gained a sudden headache and saw a vision. Kim and her family were captured by some demons, one twisted Kim's neck, the clock behind her read 9:30, it's 9:00 right now. If I am to save Kim, I must run there now. So much for living normaly. I won't make it there in time unless... I concentrate hard and stare at the moon. I suddenly feel my hands changing. I look down at my hands, they were furry and had claws. My legs changed and my whole body changed suddenly. I became what I have always been, a werewolf. I am different from the other werewolves. I am part human, part wolf, I am the only one. I am the only werewolf that can be human. My grandmother and father were demon hunters. My mom and her father were werewolves. Generally, when a wolf and a human have a child it's always just a werewolf, I was different. That's why I am chased by the demons, vampires and werewolves. For the demons, drinking my blood will make them unkillable. For vampires, it allows them to go into the daytime with no problem and for, werewolves it cures them. I would turn myself into a buffet and help the werewolves and the vampires, but it requires to be sucked dry. As in I die. My body was ugly. I didn't turn into a wolf, I turned into something you would see in skyrim (Just Google "Skyrim werewolf" and you will get the idea). A big beastly creature. My fur was black and my eyes were white. My red hood barely fit. I ran as fast as my body would withstand. I made it to their door. I changed back quickly. It was 9:20. I open the door, my torn jeans even more torn. The demon held Kim's family. I looked around, everyone but Kim, Caleb, and a little girl I didn't get to meet stood. All the other family members were all dead.
"Drop the humans, Jenivive" My eyes darkened.
"Awe, Scar you came all the way down here to see me?" Jenivive chuckled.
"Did you find Bastian?" I gave Jenivive a dirty look.
"Actually no, remember, he burst and cut your arm" Jenivive laughed.
"Just let the humans go, you have me" I flippped down my hood and revealed my crossbow, Kim gasped. The demon, Jenivive, used her telekinesis and made the humans fly into a nearby closet. I shoot at Jenivive, she teleports behind me, I flip backwards and miss her by an inch.
"Wow, you're rusty little Red" Jenivive chuckles. I turn to my left and throw my knife. Jenivive dodges it. The knife hit the cabinet and went straight through. I ran and flipped over the island and punched Jenivive. She teleported away. I open the cabinet and retrieve my knife, which was stuck in the back of the cabinet. I run at Jenivive and shoot at her in mid air. A bolt from my crossbow hits her in the knee. She falls over and teleports away. She isn't in the house. Even if she cowarded away, she has about a week before the holy water spreads everywhere and kills her. That's the plus if having an amazing demon hunting crossbow. The room was quiet. Caleb, Kim and the girl were being silent. I opened the door. They all fell out. Kim hugs me and began crying. Caleb and the girl cried together.

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