Red Trip

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I fling the door open. The two brothers are sitting silently on the couch and chair.

"You guys gotta come and see this" I smile. They both arch their eyebrows and stand up immediately. I beckon them and lead them outside to the graves.

"What is it?" Tristan frowns.

"The flowers, they spell, words" I smile.

The two examine the flowers.

"Did you do this Allie?"Tristan looks beside me. "She didn't do this" Tristan looks worridly at me.

"Whoever, whatever, did this gave me a message, I wrote it on my hand" I stare at Caleb. He grabs my hand and brings it towards him. He examines it.

"Its coordinates" Caleb frowns and runs quickly inside. After leaving Tristan and I in awkward silence he runs back out. "Florida, it's somewhere in Florida" Caleb examines the map he had in his hand. He began marking the map.

"If we go to Florida can we go to Disney world!" Tristan chuckles.

"The coordinates are Orlando, Flordia, directly at Disney World" Caleb looks up at me.

"Yes!" Tristan grins.

"Does this mean anything to you?" Caleb bites his lip.

"No, what about you guys?" I stare intently.

"Nope" They both say in tune.

"Allie?" I frown. Tristan is quiet for a minute.

"She said that she has heard rumors of something like Candrea in Disney World" Tristan looks at the map.

"Well, kids, who wants to go to Disney World?" I grin. Tristan raises his hand and grins like a young child.

*View of Unknown*

The message was delivered. She got it. Finally, my mission can begin. My majestic wings uflurl from back, revealing my thick, indestructible feathers.

*View of Red*

"Could we stop by burger king?" I grin at Caleb.

"No, that stuff makes you fat" Caleb frowns.

"It's not like I have a weight problem" I frown and loosen my eyes. Caleb remained silent. "Caleb, what does that silence mean?" I stare at him, waiting anxiously for a reply.

"Just in, another relationship lost to burger king" Tristan chuckles. I crossed my arms and sat silently.

"Sorry, babe, you are perfect" Caleb responds.

"Looks like the relationship is saved due to flattering!" Tristan laughs even louder.

"How far from Orlando are we?" I rub my temples.

"We are an hour and a half from Orlando" Caleb checks his watch.

"Do we even know what we are looking for?" Tristan sighs.

"Something supernatural, in Disney world" I frown.

"Great, how will we get in?" Tristan frowns.

"I have it all taken care of" Caleb smiles a devious grin.

"What did you do?" I stare at Caleb.

"I got us into Disney world, for free" Caleb loosens his smile.

"Did you make a deal with the ticket lady, probably not, your service isn't that good" Tristan chuckles.

"I got us jobs at Disney world" Caleb's face slacked.

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