Red Memory

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*2 months within the tree base and no one had made any progress towards the death of Jenivive*

"What do you mean you want to leave?" Tristan mouth was wide open.

"Honestly, I don't like it here, the archangel are assholes, including my exboyfriend" I rub my temples.

"Ah, I see why you want to leave, you don't want to have to spend all day with Caleb" Tristan lightly chuckles.

"Or maybe I think everyone that is here are fucktards" I frown.

"No, I know you and Channing have something going on" Tristan chuckles loudly.

"Nope, not whatsoever" I try to conceal my smile.

"Everyone knows you two went on that date" Tristan laughs even louder.

"Tristan, that is so cliche, we are in war, why would we go on a date?" I try to keep a poker face.

"War? I have eaten a cheeseburger more like a war than this" Tristan complains.

"Okay, Tristan, back on task, we need a plan of esca-" Channing ran around the corner and interrupted me.

"Michael just remembered being planted with that memory, we need to get it out" Channing turned the corner and startled me. Channing grabbed my arm and pulled me away from Tristan.

"What do we do to stop him?" I shout over our footsteps. We ran down the hallways until we got to the meeting room. Caleb was being held down by Uriel and Gabriel. Gabriel was a brat, and a bitch, it's her way or no way, and if you get on her bad side, she will make your life a living hell. She gave me a sneer as I walked in. Channing put his hand in Caleb's shoulder and grabbed me hand, which also startled me, he hasn't held my hand, he hasn't hugged me, and he hasn't kissed me. Either he is a gentleman or I am getting the wrong message. Channing squeezes his eyes shut. Suddenly, we are teleported somewhere. It's dark. Suddenly, a light appears. It's of a little kid, it's Caleb, his features were just as prominent. He was laughing and smiling and on the swing, suddenly the whole room lit up and we were at a park.

"Where are we?" I look questionably at Channing.

"We are in Caleb's memories, his fake ones to be exact, the ones planted in his head"  Channig put his hands in his pockets.

"So none of this actually happened, but to Caleb it did?" I frown.

"Exactly, kind of sad, I know" Channing frowned.

"How so?" I stare at Channing.

"Fake memories, ones that seem, and feel real, but all those emotions are unreal" Channing looked down at the ground.

"When you put it that way, I guess its sad" I stare at the happy little Caleb.

"Come on, we need to jump ahead" Channing frowns and pulls me into the darkness. Another scene lights up, it's of Caleb and a girl kissing in his truck.

"Did you plant this one?" I chuckle and stare at the two lovers.

"No" Channing said quickly. The girl turns around and looks through the back window, she looks at me and smiles. It's Gabriel.

"She planted this memory" I frown.

"Yep, I never liked her" Channing sighs and pulls me forward until we stop at Caleb sitting at a table with the rest of his family. A door opens and Kim, which makes me want to cry, and myself walk in.

"Wait, so this is a fake memory? But I remember?" I stare at myself.

"This was his first on his own memory" Channing smiles.

"Where would this bad fake memory be?" I frown.

"The smartest move for Jenivive is to put it in the future and make it effect him currently" Channing arches his eyebrows.

"That made kind of no sense" I sigh.

"Well if you lived billions of years and planted billions of fake memories, then yes, it will make sense" Channing frowned. He grabbed me and pulled me forward into another memory. It was the one where we were in the abandoned ballroom, interrogating Aban. My eye grew wide. Caleb pulled the past me into his arms. Channing stares at Caleb and me. I grab Channing and pull him away from the memory. We keep walking and walking until we got to Gabriel walking to Caleb's room. Channing tried to pull me away. I stood still, I didn't move. Channing insisted and kept trying to move me away. Gabriel walked in and suddenly they both went bat shit crazy. They both grabbed eachother and practically bathed in eachothers spit. I wanted to throw up. Channing hugged me, he wrapped his wings around me. I felt safe, happy, loved. I guess that's what Chamuel does. He unwraps his wings and pulls me away to the next memory. When Channing touched Caleb's forhead and he went erotic, I guess that was 15 minutes ago. We walked to the one before that and it shows something horrifying. Gabriel touched Calebs head, and an uncovered memory appeared within the memory. The memory was Gabriel and Jenivive protecting Caleb from all of us. We were all trying to kill him.

"So, Gabriel planted the memory, for you to make him remember, and know he thinks we all are evil and Jenivive and Gabriel are good guys?" I frown.

"Exactly" Channing frowned. Channing reached in and grabbed the fake memory. It became a ball of light, wisps flew around it. It was beautiful. He closed his eyes and grabbed me hand. We teleported back into the room. Caleb was fine. Gabriel had a knife to her neck.

"You bitch, how could you!" Caleb shouted.

"You still love me, join Jenivive and me and then I can be all yours forever" Gabriel grins evilly.

"I am an Archangel of God, he who is like God! and I would never join you, you filth, you don't deserve the term archangel, in fact. You shouldn't even be an angel!" He shouts, he shouts Latin words and touches Gabriel's forehead. Gabriel screams, light covers her and she screams, the light travels through her body. The light turns black. Suddenly, her wings stretch out and they became black, she fell, literally fell, went through the floor, and a large explosion was heard 20 seconds after that. Caleb turned around and looked at me. He tried to kiss me but I pushed him away.

"Michael, nothing will ever be the same" I sneer and walk off. Did I just call him Michael? I ran off. He can't just expect me to forgive him and he can have me back since his girl toy is gone. That's not how it works. I bump into Raphael.

"Hey, girl" He chuckles.

"Raphael, since your my friend could you do something for me?" I frown.

"Sure, anything" Raphael nods. Raphael and I became good friend.

"Could you take me back to earth, just for awhile. Secretly, no one can know" I beg.

"Anyone finds out, I'm telling them put a knife to my throat" Raphael chuckles.

"Sure, thing man" I laugh.

"I am gotta watch you though, make sure you don't get in trouble" Raphael looked serious.

"Fine" I sigh.

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