Red Vampire

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"What is wrong?" Tristan busted into the room.

"I ruined your whole family" I sob.

"Don't cry, I hate to see you cry" Caleb stares at me.

"Your sister, Madison, got turned into a vampire" I try to wipe my tears away but they keep flowing.

"What?! When?!" Tristan shouts angrily.

"While Caleb and I were out, you know interrogating the demon-" Tristan cuts me off.

"Sure, you're only lying to yourself" Tristan rolls his eyes. I sigh and continue.

"You and Kim must of left Madison alone for a minute or so, and a vampire made her drink his blood. I guess she didn't tell us because the vampire threatened her life, and you know how kids are" I frown.

"Damn it!" Caleb shouts. He punches the wall, it went straight through the sheetrock. I bet he blames his self for going off and having some fun instead of protecting Madison, that's just how we thinks about things, I bet he also blames himself for the rest of his family death, but really it was my fault. It seems he is only hurting himself.

"Caleb, I swear to God if you blame Madison's condition on yourself because you weren't there to protect her, I will have to prove our pain isn't your fault" I shout angrily. Caleb's eyes grown wide.

"I should of been here" He mutters under his breathe were he thinks I can't hear him.

"Caleb, you did it, I don't know how I will prove it, but I will" I sigh loudly. Thoughts flow into my brain, how can I prove that it isn't always his fault. I will have to worry about that later.

"Are we still going through with the plan, or do we put it on hold?" Tristan arches his eyebrows.

"I think we should send someone to go get Madison" I frown.

"I''ll go, it's my fault anyways" Caleb glares at me.

"Will you just shut the Fuck up about it being your fault?!" I yell. It startled everyone in the room including myself. "It is my fault" Caleb mutters.

"You obviously regret that night, so you know what! I regret ever kissing you and sleeping with you! I wish we never even met!" I yell, I was so angry, I felt as though he regretted going off with me. That he wished he never kissed me, that he regretted touching me, and that hurt. I stomp out of the room. My blue eyes brightened. I ran down the hall and outside into the bright sunshine. Screw them, I don't need them, I don't need friends, family, love. I ran into the small forest next to our inn. The trees were thick. The problem with being part werewolf is that when my emotions boil over I start changing. My teeth became sharper, my body became hairy. I fell over, changing really hurts. I opened my eyes, I wasn't in a forest. I was in an hotel elevator, I was going down an elevator. It opened. The head desk lady stood staring out at me from outside of the elevator.

"How are you Mrs. Robin?" The desk lady grinned an unsettling grin. The elevator doors closed and I can hear it making its way up the building. The woman's eyes became black.

"What the hell?!" I yell. She comes at me and grabs my nose ring. She starts laughing maniacally. I am losing the fight. Her strength is overwhelming, she pushes me down and puts her hands around my neck. I began gasping for air, reaching for nearby objects. Why does this feel familiar? The air is sucked from my mouth. She plunges a knife she had in her pocket deep into my chest. She stood up and laughed. Blood squirted from my wound. My vision faded to black. I woke up to falling backwards, a vampire pushed me. My head hit the hard stone wall. Blood covered my head. My vision faded to black again. When I opened my eyes I was chasing the same vampire, suddenly hot water fell onto me. It burned like hell. Pain shot through out me. I blinked and I was walking home from the old abandoned ballroom. A demon comes from out of the alley and attacks me. Almost instantly I am on the floor with my head torn off. I blink and I am back in the forest. I realized why I saw all that, they all had something in common, besides myself dying each time. Each time Caleb saved me before. The time he jumped down the elevator and saved me. He caught me when the vampire threw me. He pulled me to his chest to keep me from being consumed in boiling water. The last one was hard to understand at first. If I went alone to the abandoned ballroom and interrogated the demon then immediately went home, I would of gotten killed during the journey back. I back what I said at the inn, I do need Caleb, more than I thought. I slowly turn back human. My clothes stretched and ripped, not too badly, I could still wear them. I walk slowly towards the inn. I walked back into the fancy waiting room and down the gorgeous hallway. I slowly open my door. It was void of people. I trudged to Tristan and Caleb's room. I knock on their door. Caleb opens it, worry held on his face, when he saw me it turns into happiness. He throws me into his embrace.

"I thought you were hurt" He whispers.

"I just thought what would of happened if you never met me, and I died multiple times" I chuckle.

"I told you I would always protect you" He whispers.

"You need to realize that you can't always be there to save everybody, because shit happens, and it's going to happen whether you are there or not, and you don't need to blame yourself, you try, and that's all you can do, because a perfect world where you save everyone all the time, isn't going to happen, but you better damn try for that world, and you do, that's why I love you" I smile.

"That was such a motivational speech, shit happens" Caleb chuckles a bit and rubs the back of my head. I look behind him

"Where is Tristan?" I frown.

"He went to go get Madison" Caleb arches his eyebrows.

"Good" I grin and push him onto the bed. Clothes are immediately thrown off.

*View of Tristan*

"I can't believe Caleb made me go and get Madison, they are probably screwing eachother as I speak" I sigh and make a quick left. I concentrate hard and my vision becomes clearer, Red has been teaching me some werewolf tricks. My vision zooms out and zooms in onto the inn we stayed in at Candrea. I finally find our rooms. I first look in Red's room, she wasn't there, I go to Zander's room he was reading a magazine. I go to my room. I see Red and Caleb pressed against eachother underneath the blankets, thank God! didn't want to see mh brother fuck the girl of my dreams. Impact pushes at my face, then air. I zoom back to where I am at, my vision returns. I slam right into a van, my car goes flying, glass hits me directly in the face, and then it all fades to black.

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