Red Crash

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My headache is unbearable. I woke up in a some kind of field, it looks as though no humans were around for miles. I slip my hand into my pocket. My phone was gone.

"Great" I sigh loudly.

"You don't enjoy frolicking in the flowers?" A voice came from behind me. I turn around quickly. A teenager with blonde hair and blue eyes, she had a black hair band she was wearing a blue dress with white ruffles and accents.

"Who are you?" I stare at her.

"I am Allie" She smiles.

"Where are we?" I frown.

"Wonderland, we are in wonderland" She grins. Allie moves her hand a little bit and a little cat appears.

"What the hell?!" I shout.

"Oh Cheshire cat" She smiles and pets her purple and black cat. The cat then smiles, I scream. I blinked and she didn't have a cat, she just stood there.

"Are you okay?" She frowned.

"Yeah fine" I arch my eyebrows.

"Did you hear me?" Allie lifts her eyebrows.

"No, sorry" I shake my head a bit.

"We are in Idaho" She smiles, her white gloves stuck to her hand.

"How did I get here, last I remembered I was driving and saw Caleb and Red-" I am going to kill them when I get back. "then I crashed" I sigh.

"You turned into a wolf and ran here" Allie grins widely. The cat appeared again, it was on her shoulder, smiling. This is all in my imagination, probably because I had a brain injury in the car crash.

"Wait, why aren't you freaking out then?" I look at Allie questionabley.

"Oh because I am of the supernatural myself" She grins.

"And you are?" I squint my eyes and stare at the cat.

"A witch" She loosens her grin.

"Wait, hold the hell up, you do realize you have a cat on your shoulder, right?" I sounded insane.

"Its not really there" Allie sighs and touches her shoulder, her hand goes right through the cat.

"Okay, explain, because that is pretty damn creepy" I gasp out.

"I kinda have this curse, I get these hallucinations and delusional thoughts and no one else can see them or hear them" She frowns and then suddenly gives me an excited look. She runs and jumps into my arms. What the hell? "You can see them toooooo!" She squeals out like a little girl. This chick is crazy.

"Okay, well I am going to go" I frown and began walking off.

"Wait!" She shouts, roots grow around my feet, I can't move. She really is a witch. "You can't go! You see them too!" She releases my feet. I stand still with my back towards her.

"Do you have a phone?" I frown.

"Of course" She frowns.

"Could I borrow it?" I sigh.

"Sure" Allie smiles happily. I turn around and snatch it out of her hand.

"I am Tristan by the way" I sigh and key in the numbers on the phone.

"Nice to meet you" Allie smiles.

"Caleb.... don't even, I know what y'all are doing..... put on your clothes and come and get me..... I crashed.... I am fine.... in some field with a crazy chick.... I am not joking.... she seems familiar..... no I mean like a movie star or something..... no I am not getting an autograph.... why are you in such a good mood.... oh yeah that's why.... I will text you where I am.... bye lover boy" I hang up and sigh.

"I like your hat" Allie smiles.

"What hat?" I look at her like she is crazy, mainly because she is.

"Your dirty top hat" She grins.

"Wait, are you wearing a blue dress, an apron thing, white gloves, a hair band, and some blue and black stripped knee socks?" I frown.

"No" She sighs and lift an eyebrow.

"I am not wearing a top hat, and most likely whatever else you see" I am going crazy.

"Well, that top hat you aren't wearing is quite stylish" Allie smiles. No one has ever been to annoy as much as this girl and I met her five minutes ago.

"Do you know where we are, like exactly" I stare at her.

"South Dale on Mrs. Winchester's farm" Allie smiled. I quickly type the letters into the phone. okay we will be there as fast as we can.

"They are coming, you want a ride?" I sigh and I knew I made a mistake.

"Sure" She said happily.

"You ever heard of Candrea?" I turn away from Allie.

"Yeah, I have always wanted to go there" Allie squeals.

"Well, that your next stop, also where your friends screw eachother while you get in a car crash" I frown.

"You really are mad" Allie smiles cheerfully.

"I am not joking, my brother and the love of my life are probably in bed right now" I rub my temples.

"Yes, and I once shrank due to drinking a random liquid" Allie giggled.

"Why are you so crazy?" I give Allie and annoyed look.

"Why are you so mad?" Allie giggled.

"That cat is really pissing me off" I shout and attempt tackling the cat, I go right through it. "Damn it!" I yell.

"Want some tea?" Allie uses her witch powers to conjure up some tea.

"No, I don't, I want Caleb and Red to come pick me up!" I shout.

"You mean the ones that slept with eachother" Allie smiles.

"Yes, I do" I yell angrily. The red truck comes into view. They drive over the field. An older woman with red hair and green eyes runs out of the house next to the field, she has a shotgun. "Allie get in the car quickly!" I shout, we run and jump into the back. Caleb drives away fast, before the old woman could get to us.

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