Red Mind

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*sorry for such a late chapter, I have been out of town and busy*

"Could you stop and let us into the car?!" I shout and bang on the window. Caleb gives me a confused stare. He pulls over on the side of the road. "Come on" I turn around and beckon Allie. I jump out of the bed of the truck and onto the ground.

"Catch me" Allie giggles and jumps. I barely catch her, I set her on the ground gently. I open the door for her, she hops in. She slides over and I sit next to her. "Are these the ones that betrayed you" She giggles.

"Yep, these are the ones" I sigh.

"What?" Red turns around and gives me a questionable stare.

"Allie asked me a question" I say arrogantly.

"Who is Allie" Caleb lifted an eyebrow.

"This is Allie" I point to Allie.

"Tristan stop being an retard" Red chuckles and slugs me in the arm.

"What do you mean?" I arch my eyebrows.

"They can't see me Tristan, only certain people can see me" Allie twiddles her thumbs.

"What?!" I yell. "Guys, you got to believe me, a girl is sitting right next to me! She has blue eyes, blonde hair, blue dress. She has this weird cat thing" I start trail off.

"Tristan, do we need to take you to the hospital?" Caleb sighs.

"No, I was-was just kidding" I stutter.

"The red queen, she made it where I can't be seen, nor heard, and I see crazy things, that aren't always there, like you, you are wearing a crazy top hat and crazy worn suit made out of rags. One of my brother's looked like a rabbit. You have to help me, we need to kill Jenivive" Allie sighs and looks down.

"I will try to get them to understand, hold on, they probably won't believe me" I sigh and rub my temples.

"Hey, guys, this is serious, on the name of my father's grave, Jenivive has done something" I rub the back of my neck.

"Tristan, don't fucking use dad's name like that" Caleb sounded really pissed.

"I swear on my life, Jenivive cursed someone, no one can hear her or see her, but I can, believe me!" I yell angrily.

"Okay, sure Tristan" Red rolls her eyes. I grab the knife out of my pocket and stab seats.

"I swear this is the deadly truth!" I yell.

"Calm down, damn it!" Caleb yells.

"Allie, show them" I whisper. Allie concentrated, determination crossed her face, blood dripped from her nose. The front window burst into little fireworks of glass. Caleb began swirving a bit and then got back on track. Everyone was silent besides Caleb who was cursing under his breathe. "Do you believe me now" I give them an annoyed look.

"I believe you" Red stares at me.

"I don't" Caleb sighs.

"The damn window just broke to pieces without anyone touching it, I have seen weirder than some curse" Red frowns at Caleb. "Nice to meet you Allie" Red smiles politely.

"Thanks for meeting me, your 'cuddle' buddy seems pretty unfriendly towards imaginary friends" Allie giggles and makes quotation marks with her hands.

"She said thanks" I sigh, they would get pissed if I told them the rest, Allie really had a way with pissing people off.

"Our goal is to actually kill jenivive, its my unfriendly brother's mission in life, it's Red's mission in life, my mission in life" I frown.

"Well you can count on old Allie over here to join your crazy squad" Allie grins widely. The cat appears on her shoulder.

"That damn cat!" I yell, Red gives me an confused look. "Don't worry about it babe, its nothing" I wink.

"You like her?" Allie smiles.

"Yeah, but I think she has other plans" I frown. Red just rolls her eyes.

"That must hurt, your brother and your crush, must really make you crazy or even mad" Allie grins.

"Why do you keep calling me that" I rub my temples.

"You just seem like the type" Allie giggles.

"You seem like the type I want to throw out the window" I yell. Caleb sighs loudly, Red rubs her temples.

"Could you stop fighting with your imaginary friend?" Caleb says coldly.

"Caleb stop being so cold, what if she is real? You are probably hurting some poor girls feelings" Red sighs.

"He has brain injury, Scar" Caleb frowns.

"Or maybe jenivive is a monster, and messed up Allie's life?" Red stares at Caleb.

"Caleb, come on man, how else could she of broken the window?" I arch my eyebrows.

"Red, don't tell me you believe this?" Caleb sighs.

"Caleb Rick Johnson, look into Tristan's eyes, I don't see some kid seeking attention, I see some poor kid trying to convince his brother that some poor girl is being tortured, I see truth. Listen, you two have been through hell, and you aren't done yet, so right now is a time for trust" Red shouts like our mother. It was awkwardly silent, Caleb was thinking, you could see it in his eyes. "He is just pissed that his little sister got turned into a vampire, he is Caleb, and I am Red" Red smiles towards the backseat.

"Allie is an witch" I frown. "and she is absolutely bonkers and really drives me up the wall" I rub my temples.

"Finally someone more annoying than you" Caleb chuckles.

"Why so happy all of a sudden" I give Caleb a cold stare.

"I dont know but he better keep it up" Red smiles and kisses Caleb on the cheek.

"Caleb, be in a horrible mood, I command you" I stare at him and Red.

"You will never get the girl, not with him around at least, try killing him, maybe she will like you then" Allie grins.

"Will you shut up?" I shout at Allie.

"Stop fighting or I will turn this car around!" Red shouts comically.

"Am I making you mad" Allie grins.

"Yes, you are" I sigh and rub my temples.

"We should have a tea party later" Allie smiles innocently.

"I don't want to have a tea party" I stare at Allie coldly.

"Okay, Tristan quit it, now you are being a little dramatic, you were funny, now you are being a brat" Red looks at me and sighs.

"Wait, you don't believe me" I squint at her angrily.

"I am sorry, but I am tired if your game" Red frowns.

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