Red Heart

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"I'm sorry, Red, but I can't, I am an angel, I have a job to do" Channing sighed loudly. A heard a gust of wind fly by my face. I turned my head quickly to see Zander standing next to Channing. It was all in a quick flash, Channing letting out a loud scream, my mouth gaped open, Zander frowning. Zander had pulled out Channing heart. Channing fell to the ground with a loud thud. I stare, my jaw hanging out of my mouth. The heart still beat, it pounded like a drum.

"What did you do!" I yelled louldy.

"He is fine, just a little bit under the weather" Zander examined the heart.

"Put it back in him" I stared at him, a violent frown stretched across my face.

"What's the magic word?" He grinned.

"Screw you" I glared at him.

"Not the words I were looking for, but I will make due" He grinned devishly. Before putting the heart back, it looked like he put a drop of something on the artery. Channing gasped out, he sucked in air quickly. Channing turned around quickly ready to smite Zander where we stood. Channing leaped forward but only fell hard to the ground where he began yelling, like a tortured animal.

"What.... did you do.... to me" He gasped out between his low moans.

"A little demon blood dropped on your heart, it seems your a little binded here" Zander smiled.

"What does that mean?" I stared at Zander.

"It means, your little boyfriend can't do anything, pain will course through him constantly until the demon blood reaches to every part of his body and he dies" Zander walked around Channing, as if admiring his own art.

"Why are you doing this" I stared into his eyes.

"I came to come and get you, and I knew it would take you some convincing to come" he sighed. Channing laid in fetal position on the floor.

"I am going to ask you again, why are you doing this" I snarled. I may be a little rusty, but I could probably take him down, but I need him to cure Channing.

"Come with me" he grabbed my hand and Channing's collar. We quickly flicked to a big room filled with vampires, not the dirty murderous vampires I was used to. They had some sort of class to them. A long U shaped table stretched along the room.

"Zander Collins, we have summoned you here in regards of your recent affairs with a female werewolf" an older vampire frowned.

"Yes, sir, here she is" Zander nodded. Channing still laid on the ground. I gave him a confused look.

"You know our rules Zander, we're the Collins Vampire Covenant, you can't play with such foul creatures" the vampire frowned.

"Yes sir, sorry sir" Zander nodded.

"You do realize the punishment for that kind of affair? Correct?" The vampire lifted an eyebrow. Zander took out a dagger, he pounced quickly on top of me, he held the knife to my neck.

"I am sorry, I have to drink your blood... I really don't want to, I maybe a vampire, but I'm not a monster, I don't want to kill you, I still love you..." he whispered in my ear.

"Then don't" I whispered angrily.

"I wish I didn't ha-" Zander was interrupted by a loud lightning strike. I turn my head to see Michael, he held a wooden stake and holy water. His dark black hair hung in his face. His wings stretched out wide. In sudden flashes all except Channing, Zander, Michael and I were dead. Michael stood over Zander. Michael began to swing his stake down when I threw my around Zander and above him. The stake pierced my skin and penetrated deep past my hand and barely into Zander's back. Why I saved Zander?  I have no clue. Just felt right I guess. The blood dripped down my hand.

"Michael! Back off!" I yelled loudly. Michael stepped back, snarling angrily.

"Why'd you save that despicable creature?" He stared at me.

"Because I have a heart" I shouted and threw Zander off of me. He rolled backwards and sighed. My werewolf powers cursed through me. My strength grew. I stood 5 inches away from Michael, I stared into his eyes. He looked down at me. Fury both grew from within our eyes. The only difference was that in his eyes were power, like a parent when their child disobeys him, like an abusive parent. My eyes revealed rebellion, anger towards the power.

"I have a heart" he let out a grunt.

"Don't even try that" I snarled back.

"If I remember correctly, you loved me, we created the child in your body, no?" He frowned.

"I loved a sweet, protective, teenage boy named Caleb, he's dead now" I emphasized the dead. He grabbed my wrist tightly and twisted it.

"You're right, he is dead, you have me now, that child will be born in my home" he ordered. I remembered Channing.

"Fix Channing, wipe his memory, and give him a place in the world, leave him alone, then I will do as you say, anything" I sighed. Channing is only safe far from here. I could hear Channing mumbling something. It sounded like he was objecting.

"Fine" Michael growled. He grabbed Channing by the head and pulled him up. Michael pulled Channing up onto his knees. Channing's arms hung beneath him, limp. Channing opened his eyes, revealing white glowing eyes. He let out a loud scream, his mouth shined as well. He fell over, non moving on the ground.

"Channing!" I yelled out.

"Come on" Michael grabbed my arm and pulled me into the sky, where he flew out an broken window. I turned back to see Channing's face one last time. Zander was passed out next to him. I guess whatever Michael did caused Zander to pass out. I was held prisoner in a big room made in the angels headquarters.

*9 months later*

I yelled out as the angels knocked me out during the birth of my baby.

"I want to see my baby!" I shouted as I slowly became unconscious.

*view of angel nurse*

The light that echoed from the baby blinded us all. Literally, I was sightless. I heard a loud cry and a voice shushing it.

"Your unlce will take good care of you" A loud slam shook us all. Until it became silent, it took me a while to realize that each nurse and doctor were slowly dying, the baby was slowly killing us from another room. My last thought was that I feared for what that child will do.

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