Red Ending

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I stared at the concrete ground, it was damp with either piss or blood. Probably both. Channing laid limp next to me. I had my back to the wall. The tears began washing the blood off my face. I stared at the barred door. I could use magic. There is still hope. I stand up and pointed my palm at the bars. I concentrated with all my power. A beam of light formed around my hands and shot at the bars. I flew backwards and hit the wall. The bars stood strong.
"They're protected by strong magic" A voice said next to me.
"Zander?" I looked over to see him sitting against the wall.
"Hey, princess" He smiled.
"Get out of my head. Why are you here" I frowned.
"This is all you, sweetheart. You needed someone to keep you going. And after you nearly killed that angel, you needed hope" He frowned and stared at me.
"So I'm making you appear here?" I sighed.
"Sorry, babe" He frowned.
"Well what do I do?" I sniffled.
"Well, what did you do last time you couldn't get past a door?" He smiled. I looked over at Channing and stared at the veins in his neck. My heart began racing. I need more power. I crawled next to him and felt his pulse. I brought my teeth down on his neck. I was seconds away from biting into him, but then I heard a loud bang on the doors. I turn around to see Jenivive standing at the door. She laughed at me.
"Well, I'm sure that's not what he meant by suck him" She chuckled. This lady is disgusting.
"Fuck off" I sneered.
"I need you to grab your little boyfriend and follow me" She giggled and opened the door with ease. She had nasty red hair. She looked like a pin up girl. I picked Channing up and walked out the doors. She beckoned for me to follow. I ran the opposite direction. Channing weighed down on me. I wasn't as fast as I could of been.
"Drop him, save yourself Evelyn!" Zander yelled from behind me.
"No!" I yelled with a strained voice.
"Please, please, you have to save yourself. You can't die" He begged. I ignored him and kept running. Until, I felt a sharp pain in side. I stopped dead in my tracks and fell to the ground. My face hit the cold concrete. Channing laid passed out beside me. His eyes began to open. I looked down to see a bloody wound on my side, and Jenivive standing beside me, holding a bloody knife.
"Evelyn?" Channing moaned out. My vision faded to black.
When I woke up I was tied to a chair in a huge room. It looked like the throne room. Channing was tied to the chair next to me. Tristan laid unconscious on the ground. Channing was yelling something. My vision and hearing was faded.
"Ch-Channing" I whimpered. My hearing went back to normal.
"Let us go!" Channing yelled as he thrashed against the chair.
"Sorry, Chamuel, I have visitors coming" The woman grinned. A loud boom shatters my ears. A bright light blinds me. When I look up, I see Michael. He is standing above an angel, who is laying on the floor.
"Im tired of your games, Gabriel" He frowned and held his heavenly sword above her. Michael's sword is one of the most powerful weapons in the world. It can kill most everything. He held the sword up and brought it down on her neck. Her head rolled towards me and stopped to where it looked directly at me.
"Come on, we don't have much time" Michael ran towards me and began untying me. I jumped up and hugged him tightly. I released him quickly. I held onto my side and winced. I fell back into the chair.
"Untie Channing and grab Tristan" I managed to breathe out.
"We have to hurry, they already have Joseph, the prophet, in the building" He rushed out. Channing broke free of his bounds and Michael grabbed Tristan.
"I'm going back to fight" Channing said angrily.
"You can't. You'll die" I frown.
"You know, it wasn't going to be this hard. I was supposed to go in there and fight until I died. You fucked that up for me, huh? You had to run in and save me" He yelled.
"You need to live, Channing. You're all I've got. Michael may be my Dad and Red may be my Mom, but I didn't know they existed until a month ago. You've been there for me. Zander died. I'll never get him back, and honestly, there was nothing I could do to prevent that. But you, I can make you live" Tears whelmed in my eyes. "I've lost too many people, I'm not letting another go down" I frowned. I ran to him and kissed him on the lips. I pushed myself against him. I could hear Michael's discomfort and anger. At first he was startled and confused. Then, he accepted it. He kissed me back.
"We need to go" Michael said sternly. Channing released my lips and held me close. He unfurled his wings and flew straight up. Michael followed his lead. A loud boom and lightning struck the sky. A huge explosion erupted below us. We flew upwards and then began falling to the ground. Channing's wings covered around us. Protecting us. We hit the ground with a thud. If we would of stayed 5 seconds longer, we would of been toast. I hear another thud next to us. He retracts his wings. I stand up and stare at what used to be a castle. It was just a large crater. In the middle of it laid Joseph, the prophet. Next to us sat Tristan and Michael.
"Tristan, why do you have your sight back" Michael said sternly.
*please turn on the audio*
"I made a deal" Tristan frowned. Channing stood up angrily.
"You didn't" Channing shouted.
"What did he do?" I asked with a scared look. A rumble shakes the ground. Among the dust appeared Jenivive. She teleported in front of us. Half of her body blow to bits. She looked like something from "The Night of the Living Dead".
"I've come to cash my side of this deal" She grinned.
"What is she talking about Tristan?" I looked at him, worried.
"I traded my soul for the ability to see, I knew you couldn't do this alone" He looked down with embarrassment in his eyes. "I don't regret it" He suddenly looked up at me with no hint of remorse.
"Time to die" Jenivive smiled revealing rotting, bloody teeth. She raised her hand and snapped her fingers. Instantly, Tristan dropped to the ground. His eyes were wide open, but empty. Just two black pits. "His love for you ended ultimately with his death, how dramatic" She giggled.
"Tristan!" I yelled and fell to his side. I began shaking him, hoping he would wake up. I laid my head in his chest and began sobbing.
*view of unknown*
Michael ran from behind Jenivive and plunged his sword straight into her chest. Jenivive was too busy being entertained by Evelyn's sadness to notice that she was about to be attacked. She felt around the sword that stuck out of her. She began gasping for air and her eyes and mouth illuminated light. Michael grabbed Evelyn and took off into the sky, Channing followed closely behind. A loud explosion illuminated the whole kingdom. It was as if everything changed. People began changing in their homes. Curses had been lifted. Many vampires or werewolves began changing back to human. After that, they all returned to the angel's base.
*View of Evelyn*
"Mom?" I began sobbing. The woman in front of me was beautiful. I looked alot like her. I ran to her and hugged her tightly.
"Im here" She smiled and sobbed along with me. Michael came from behind me and hugged along with us. We were a big family now.
"Where is Tristan?" Ally asked.
"He um-" I cut Michael off.
"He died" I frowned. Ally fell to the floor, tears in her eyes. My pretend father is dead. My boyfriend is dead. It seems I already replaced them. I look at Michael and Channing. They'll forever be in my heart.
*view of Red*
I stare at the house I saw so long ago. I run past it and stop as soon as I see the graves. Kim and Madison. Two new holes were dug right next to it. Everyone was already there. I was the last to arrive. I walk closer to the hole to see Tristan's lifeless body. We all stood around the grave, staring like we were all hypnotized. Michael, Ally, Channing, Evelyn, Rafael, Joseph the prophet, and I all stood in sadness.
"He was my brother. We fought alot, but it was always out of love. You were always there to offer positive and humorous comments. Some would say you were an idiot. Well, you were our idiot. And we will miss you forever" Michael said as he stared at Tristan's body.
"You were my father when I didn't have one. You treated me like the child you never had. I now know that you would do anything for me. I have realized that you died that night so you could protect me. You even lost your sight to get me revenge. I love you Uncle Tristan. I'll never forget you and I'll honor you with my actions" Evelyn smiled. We all said our thoughts. Michael spoke up after everyone mourned.
"Ive decided to honor my brother. I have decided that I will return what I took from him, his brother. I am erasing any memories of Michael. I trust you guys to fill me in. I will have Channing do this tonight" He quickly went back to silence. After the service everyone went home except Ally and Evelyn.
*view of Evelyn*
I stared at the last empty grave. No one wanted it here. I had to beg for it. We don't have a body to bury, so it's just going to be empty.
"I love you, Zander" I smiled.
"I'm sorry it took me so long to realize that you're not who everyone thought you were. I'm sorry that I shunned you because of what I thought you did. I should of believed you" I frowned and dropped a flower in the open grave.
*View of unknown*
"After that, Evelyn and Channing got together and both put aside their heartaches. Michael forgot and became the Caleb everyone knows and loves. Red explained everything to Caleb who was shocked at what he had become and that he was a father. They got married soon after. Ally lived her life without her husband and found a new calling. Raphael was forgiven and let back into the family. Red and Caleb left with weird strangers who convinced them to join their prophesized team. (See book 2). All was well. I've been wandering the streets ever since then" I smiled politely at the bartender.
"That's one fucked up story. What's your name, son?" The bartender arched his eyebrows.
"I'm called Zander" I grinned widely.

The end...

Just kidding, you can read the second book called "Black". The second book follows Red and Caleb as they meet a team of demon hunters who all are based off fairy tale characters. Red and Caleb are apart of something bigger than the death of Jenivive. They are apart of a prophecy that will decide the whole world's fate.
The second book will feature new characters and even old ones. Read "Black" or even more of my stories. Thanks for reading until the end. Love you! :)

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