Red Wake Up

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Joseph, the prophet, walks in with a smirk on his face.

"If I were to see anyone in this room, with some sort of crazy problem like this, It'd be you or your brother, Raphael" Joseph laughed.

"Sorry Joseph, the prophet, I've had a hard time lately, dealing with Scarlett dying and Evelyn going missing" I frown.

"Chamuel, she died years and years ago, you need to let her go" Joseph, the prophet, put his hand on my shoulder.

"My... My Mom is dead?" Evelyn gasped.

"I'm.... Sorry, I couldn't save her" I sighed and put my head in my hands.

"Who killed her" Evelyn looked down with a cold stare.

"We... We don't know" I sighed.

"She isn't dead" Evelyn looked up frowning.

"What? How would you know?" I stared at her.

"I can feel her, I can sense her alive" Evelyn smiled. I stood up instantly, I felt strong, powerful. Joseph, the prophet, tried to push me back into bed.

"Where is she" I stared angrily at Evelyn.

"Channing, you're scaring me" Evelyn backed up.

"Take me to her" I yelled, tears began rolling down my cheeks.

"Get away from me!" she threw my arm off her shoulder and ran out of the room.

"Evelyn, come back!" I chased after her, I was in boxers, I didn't care. I needed to be there for Scarlett, and Evelyn can take me to her. I swung open the front door. Evelyn was sitting on a bench. She had her headphones in. I taped her shoulder. She ignored me. I pulled out one of her earplugs. She immediately put it back in. I pulled out both head phones. She tried hard to conceal her smile. I took off her beanie and put it on myself. She just rolled her eyes. I bent down on the ground and began tickling her. She laughed and punched me in the stomach trying to stop me. I just threw her over my shoulder and began running around. She laughed and hit my back trying to get me to let her down.

"Put you down?" I laughed.

"Yeah, please" She frowned. I began acting like I was about to completely drop her. I finally let her down.

"Give me back my beanie, you jerk" She yelled and tried to rip it off my head. I took it off and pulled it down over her eyes. She fixed it right and began staring at me.

"Go put some clothes on" She frowned and shook her head.

"Why? We are in the mountains, no one is here" I chuckled.

"I'm here" She sighed. I patted her on the head and went inside for clothing. I was surprised to see Joseph, the prophet, at gun point by some vampires. Here on the behalf of  Jenivive.

"Are you stupid? You know what happens when you-" I was cut off by a loud sound of lightning. Damn it! I ran outside and grabbed Evelyn, she began screaming.

"Let me go!"

I ignored her request and kept running. A loud explosion erupted from behind me. I wasn't far enough. I flew forward, I shielded Evelyn from the blast. Debris hit me in the back. And my vision faded to darkness.

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