Red Lust

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We didn't talk about what happened in the old ballroom, but the memory still lingered. I went back to being Zanders play toy. It felt awkward between Caleb and I.

"We need to find where jenivive is located at" I frown and stare at everyone, we were all in Tristan and Caleb's room. Since Kim and Madison needs to rest, and Zanders and my room was pretty nasty, our clothes were everywhere.

"I think I could probably get some information from the vampires around town" Zander arches his eyebrows.

"Caleb and I could go find some demons and interrogate them, Tristan, you uh be a big man and protect uh Kim and Madison" I frown. Everyone seemed pretty content about the plan besides Tristan. He complained as everyone was leaving, we all ignored him. When we reached the outside of the hotel Zander split up from us.

"How do we summon one of these things?" Caleb frowns.

"It's not as hard as it seems" I frown and walk towards the library which is located at the end of the street. Without question he follows, I have a feeling if I jumped off a bridge, he would still follow. He was one of those loyal types of guys. One of the calm and cool collected guys. I enter the library, the smell of leather hit my face.

"Welcome to The Public Library of Paster Paul, come in at your own risk" An young woman who sits at the front desk sighs loudly. We walk past her. I look around until I find the right section.

"What book are we looking for?" Caleb examines the books.

"Book of Demonic Summons and Cults" I smile a toothy grin.

"I thought you would of already had that book" Caleb smiled a little. He seemed to only laugh when Tristan did something stupid. "Found it" He waves the book in my face. I swipe it from his hands and walk over to the front desk.

"Should of expected" The woman sighs and checks out the book. She hands it back to me. We walk out with much haste.

"Why didn't you punch her?" Caleb stares at me, examing my face.

"I am used to people looking down at me, I mean nose and lip rings aren't exactly welcoming, neither is the rest of my attire" I shrug. He just nods and grabs my hand. I felt slightly astonished, but accepted it. The stars were beautiful above us. Like tiny lanterns in the sky. It was night, not many people were out.

"Now we need somewhere secluded" I frown. Caleb gave me a confused and startled look.

"Um, Red I don't-" I cut him off.

"For summoning the demon" I raise my eyebrows.

"Oh, yeah, what about that old ballroom place we got stuck in" Caleb rubs the back of his neck embarrassed.

"The one where we danced and kissed" I bit my lip.

"Yeah, that one" Caleb sighs.

"Alrighty" I fake chuckle and we start walking towards where we once were trapped. We stand at the back entrance. The fallen debris was moved. We walk into the big hole in the side of the building. We creep upstairs cautiously. It was still empty. It looked exactly same as when we left it. I remove the purple cloth and set it aside. I take a knife out of my pocket and before I could cut my arm Caleb stopped me.

"It's my turn for once" He cuts into his skin, it falls into a small cup. After I get enough of his blood he shivers a bit and covers his cut with some purple cloth. I dip my finger into the red liquid. Open the book to a certain page, I examine the picture. I copy the image on the book onto the floor with Caleb's blood.

"Caleb say this, I can't I am not fully human" I frown and slide the book to him. He gives me a confused look and began reading the words.

"Diabolus, ratis, ostende te. Diabolus, ratis, ostende te! Diabolus, ratis, ostende te!" Caleb yells. Black smoked filled the circle. An outline of an human appeared. Caleb tossed me the book. We summoned Aban.

"Hello, my lovelies" The demon smiled, she looked like Kim, I knew she wasn't though, Kim had some different features, like the eyes. Caleb gave the demon a cold stare. He threw some holy water on her. "What the hell?!" The demon screams.

"Aban, we need to know where Jenivive is" A sly smile spreads across my face.

"You think I would tell you!" She laughs. This is one of the stronger demons, Aban, demon of the mind. Caleb throws a knife at her, it hits her in the hand. She screams.

"Bad move buddy" Aban smiles then puts the knife to her face, it burns her but it looks like she is absorbing something from it. Caleb throws holy water at her and she stops.

"Caleb, you naughty dog, I didn't even have to read your thoughts, I could see it in your eye" Aban chuckles. I give Caleb a confused look. "The lust, it's burning your soul. All you want is to touch her, kiss her, screw her" Aban says screw seductively.

"She can read minds" I look at Caleb awkwardly.

"You want to play with her hair, grab her, undress her" Aban chuckles loudly. I stand awkwardly.

"Tell us where Jenivive is!" Caleb shouts loudly from behind me.

"Red, you know it's true, he wants you" Aban laughs maniacally. I didn't know whether to be embarrassed or to run and jump into Caleb's arms.

"Aban!" I yell loudly. I drop the book, that barely makes it into the circle. If I tried to grab it she could pull me in and kill me, I am safe outside of the circle. She grabs it and pulls it fully in. She touches it and absorbs something from it.

"Red, you don't love Zander, you just do it all hoping to find some parent figure. Oh, good news for you Caleb, she has the hots for you! Maybe not as lustful as you, but she has something for you. Red, don't be so hard on yourself. Stop hating yourself because of what happened to Caleb and Tristan's family, even though it was completely your fault" Aban spat out words quickly.

"Aban tell us!" I yell and toss lost of holy water, she is drenched, and screaming loudly.

"She.... is.... at.... candrea..." Aban stutters as she is slowly dying. Aban burst into blackish red light that sends me flying backwards into Caleb, he catches me, and swings me around where my face is inches away.

"Candrea is a place where supernaturals roam free, like a town for my kind" I whisper. His eyes examine mine. "Was all she said true" I lightly smile. He grabs my waist, I gently put my hand on his chest.

"More than true" He stares into my eyes. His beard stubbles tickles my hand. "I love you Red" He whispers blissfully before our lips touch, so gentle, then passionate. We stripped clothing off like our lives depended on it. It all went by so fast, when I woke up I was naked laying next to Caleb, purple cloth barely covering us. All I remember was the passion that burned inside me.

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