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This was my first wattpad story, and I'd like to thank everyone who helped me write this story and get it this far. I can't believe it's almost at 1000 views. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy.
I twist the end of the red strings that tie around my neck. My red hood flying behind me, as if wings. I hear a loud creak and turn around quickly. The red eyes glow amongst the darkness. The air reeked of the smell of sulfur. I point my crossbow into the darkness.

"Show yourself" I shout out calmly.

"Oh, little miss Red, you are looking for Jenivive, aren't you? Well it's just me, her loyal servant" The voice echoes through the abandoned factory. Damn it!

"Bastian, show yourself!" I yell, and hear the sound of someone running. I turn around to see Bastian in my face, no breathe flowed from his mouth. I immediately shoot, sending holy water into its core, and into its blood stream. It falls over and begins spazing out.

"Go back to hell!" I yell and stab it with my blade. My red hood flew backwards, causing my black hair to be shown. My black boots stretched to my knees. My crystal blue eyes shown bright. My red lips perfectly placed. Many people said I was the definition of beauty. Due to being a teenager, I am still insecure and find myself ugly. The black aurora that illuminated from the demon caused me to fly backwards. I hit a machine and hit my arm on a blade, I think I broke something. I heard a bone crack, generally demons aren't powerful enough to send me flying this far. Blood flowed from out of my wound. I blinked a couple times before realizing that I could die of blood loss. I started to fall out of consciousness. Blood stained my jeans and sleeves. My breathing became quickened. I may be an awesome demon slayer, but I am still, somewhat, human. I let out a sigh and examined the factory around me, if I am going to live I will need to find something to patch my wound. I see an old handkerchief next to an machine. I stand up wobbly, my leg is definitely broken. I limp, pain flying into my legs, over to the handkerchief. I grab it then slip and fall on my own blood. I cry out in pain. I put the handkerchief on the slash in my arm. I am not dying this way. Granny would of wanted more. I know she never wanted me into this stuff, but we both knew I couldn't be protected. I began crawling, using my hands and just dragging my leg behind me. I finally made it out of the factory into open air. I take in a big breathe. The smell of sulfur was killing me. I lay on my back and try to tend my leg. I was trying to remember where I was. What state did I bring trouble into this time. I remember I was in Washington, Medina. What kind of trouble did you get into this time. I remember Granny laughing and telling me this when I arrived home all banged up. I began counting stars. When I am brutally injured, I tend to be more relaxed than when I am well. I look up and see an astonished man. An older man, he has an grey beard and an old hat on.

"You're bleeding really badly, let me help you to a hospital" The man spits onto the grass next to him. He helps me limp to his truck. I forgot my crossbow in the factory, damn it! Blood covered his truck, he didn't seem to mind. When I looked up, I realized he was talking. He went on and on about how dangerous that factory is, he reminded me of Granny. The man carries me into the hospital and begins demanding the nurses to give me medical attention. The man was sweet, I was gonna ask him to stay, but by the time I was being put on the stretcher, he left. I was put in a nice room, some nurses came in and started cleaning my wounds.

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