Red Garden

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Prince Charming just blew my mind into a billion bits. Caleb looked like he was about to faint, I am sure I did too.

"Wh-why did you t-take us h-here" I stutter.

"I am here to help, and so is the rest of my kind" Andrew smiles.

"Kind?" Caleb chimes in. Wings fluttered from Andrew's back. Angels? How come? What? What? Wait, what?!

"Angels?" I frown.

"Kind of, we don't act like angels" Andrew winks. Caleb looked offended.

"We also, wanted one of our members back" Andrew's smile turned into a frown.

"Huh?" I look questionably at Andrew.

"Caleb, you are an angel, a rather important one at that" Andrew looked serious.

"What, I am pretty sure I am human" Caleb frowns.

"Wouldn't he have wings?" I sigh.

"He had wings" Andrew sighs. I walk and lift Caleb's shirt up, revealing his barren back. Two scars traced down his back.

"Those were from skiing, I fell down a rocky mountain" Caleb mutters.

"You don't remember, you made yourself forget all of us, Raphael, even Gabriel" Andrew looks down.

"Obviously, I wanted to not remember you guys" Caleb sneers.

"Caleb, if you really are an angel, you could help us defeat Jenivive" I arch my eyebrows.

"He isn't just an angel, he is the archangel Michael" Andrew smiles.

"The archangel Michael? My grandma was rather religious and always talked about archangels, and Michael is known to be the leader of the angels, he brings the angels into battle" I gasp.

"Why would I want to remember people I tried to forget?" Caleb sneers.

"Jenivive planted something in your brain. It acted as though is was just a memory in your head, she could control you every time you got hurt. So you just forgot everything and the planted memory was gone" Andrew sighed and stared at the floor.

"I don't believe you" Caleb arches his eyebrows.

"Sorry, Caleb has always been not inviting to information he thinks is false" I sigh.

"Oh I know, I have known him for 4.54 billion years, minus the 5 years that he has been gone" Andrew smiles.

"Wow" I stare at Caleb.

"Caleb, I can prove you are an angel, it will take a second" Andrew gently taps Caleb's shoulder. Caleb gives him an annoyed look. Humongous white wings strech from Calebs back, they were even bigger than Andrew's.

"Let me take you home, brother" Andrew reaches out his hand.

"I still don't know you" Caleb smirks. Andrew sighs.

"I can give you your memories back, it might take a while, you will need to get them slowly over time, if we find out when you got the bad memory we can exile it" Andrew barely taps Caleb's forehead. Caleb closes his eyes and quickly reopens them.

"Chamuel" Caleb hugs Andrew.

"Please brother, everyone just calls me Channing now" Andrew smiles.

"Well" I clap my hands.

"You can call me Channing, as well" Channing kisses my hand.

"Brother, I will not hold back from smiting you" Caleb chuckles a bit.

"Ah, I see, territory is territory" Channing grins. "I am Chamuel, archangel of love" Channing stares deep into my eyes.

"I'm Scarlett, but everyone calls me-" Channing cuts me off.

"Red, yes I know quite a lot about you" Channing smiles. Caleb clears his throat. "Brother, shall we go home and prepare for the upcoming war?" Channing looks at Caleb.

"Have you notified everyone of my returnal?" Caleb frowns.

"I did message Gabriel, he should spread it" Channing looked serious.

"Then we shall set flight" Caleb nods. "What about Tristan?" Caleb looked worried.

"He is already there" Channing smiled.

"Did he die?!" I shout.

"No, you are so naive" Channing chuckles. "We sent Gabriel to get him on the way there"Channing wings stretched out. Caleb grabbed me and flew upwards. He shot in the direction of a large tree, it was white and probably the size of Rhode island. We landed on a tree branch. Winged people ran back and forward, scattering in all directions.

"It's beautiful" I gasp. They both trudge through the gigantic wooden hallways. Their manly frames were walking prominently. Every time an angel passed they gasped at the sight of Caleb, I guess he has been gone in a long time. They both make a quick left into a big room with a long table, seven chairs sat around it. Six angels sat in the chairs. Everyone looked astonished at the sight of Caleb.

"Michael?!" A girl sitting in one of the chairs squealed. She ran and hugged him. She tried to kiss him but he pulled back.

"Gabriel, I don't feel the same way, not anymore" Caleb showed no emotion. She looked like she was about to cry. She sits back in her chair and began sniffling, I thought this girl was about to burst into tears.

"Michael dosen't remember everything, only the important things, he is aware of all of you, he may not have all his memories of you, but he does know who you guys are" Channing smiles and takes a seat.

"Should he technically be our leader? He may not even remember defeating Lucifer" One Archangel chimes in.

"I don't remember, but I am still Michael, he who is like God, Uriel know your place" Caleb gives Uriel a cold stare.

"Michael, we need to be fair and just in this situation, we all know you lost your fake family to Jenivive, doesn't mean you have to do it all by youself" An Archangel frowns.

"They were as much as my family as you guys are" Caleb shouts and walks angrily out of the room.

"Raguel" Channing gives Raguel a cold stare.

"Let me show me where your staying" Channing ushers me out the door.

"That's real nice but we aren't staying" I frown.

"We insist, we only want to help kill Jenivive" Channing looks down at me and smiles.

"Why do you smile so much?" My frown deepens.

"Because I am happy" Channing grins.

"Okay? Why are you so happy" I sigh.

"Because I am with you" Channing smiles.

"Remember, Channing, I am taken" I sigh, he opens a wooden door, it led to an simple room. A bed and an dresser.

"Thanks, Channing" I smile and sit on my bed. "Channing" I stop him before he leaves.

"Yes" He lifts his eyebrows.

"Could you get me some different clothes, I don't want to look like a princess for the whole time I am here" I chuckle a bit.

"Okay, be right back" We walks away from the door and immediately comes back with my clothes, even my hood. He tosses me the clothes.

"Thanks, if you see Caleb, could you tell him to come to my room?" I frown.

"Yup" Channing leaves the room. I get dressed and throw my princess dress on the floor. I exit my room. Maybe I can find Tristan. I walk down the long hallway until I find a door almost like mine. I open it quietly. What I saw broke me. I felt like someone shot me in the chest, over and over again.

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