Red Fun

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"I am so glad I came with you guys" I sigh sarcastically to myself as I look over and see Caleb and Tristan hitting on some way older woman at the bar. We barely got in, thankfully we all looked old enough to get in and the bouncer was super lazy. I am sitting at the bar alone, until an guy slightly older than me sit down in the stool next to me. The bar was dark and had an red and black theme to it. The dude that sat next to me had black hair and grey eyes.

"Your buddies abandoned you?" His voice was mysterious and enticing.

"Yeah, they are the definitions assholes" I frown.

"Yeah, my buddies are the same, wouldn't actually call them buddies, more like family" He said with an mellow tone. I look at him and look away quickly, definitely one of the cuter boys of Washington. I look away trying to conceal my blushing. I finally control myself and look back at him. He has fangs.

"You mean family as in your pack? As in vampires" I lift my eyebrows.

"I thought you would never notice, kitten, you were too busy blushing from my dashing appearance, and no, I don't want your blood" He keeps his cool and mellow tone.

"Dont call me kitten. What do you want?" I sigh loudly, as if I am not even phased.

"Nothing, kitten, just know I am now shunned because I said draining a helpless little girl is not being very civilized" He said civilized in an amused tone.

"I wouldn't say little and definitely not helpless" I spit the words out like acid.

"I just came here hoping to drink my sorrows, and happened to see you, which is a coincidence" He gives me an mysterious stare.

"Fair enough" I gaze into his eyes.

"I am Zander" He flips his black hair.

"I am Red, not kitten" I sigh and flip my hood down.

"Let me show you a good time" For the first time a grin stretches across his face.

"You can try" He stands up and grabs my hand leading me out of the bar. His jacket on top of his black t-shirt and jeans, tattoos made appearances on his arms. Just the kind of guy any parents would be ashamed to see their daughter with. Perfect. Even though I have no parent figure to scold this behavior I feel that if I keep doing it that someone will be there. No results yet.

"Hey, kitten, want a ride" Zander hops on his red motorcycle. I grin and sit behind him, we didn't bother with helmets. He flies down the road and I hug him tightly. "Dont be afraid to get too close, kitten" He grins widely.

"I won't hesitate"  I smile and grip him tighter. Maybe, just maybe, Kim will get on to me and drag me home.

*Point of view of Tristan*

"Hey Red, you ready to leave?" I grin and tap the shoulder of a girl with black hair. She turns around revealing an older woman.

"Uh, sorry, we thought you were someone else" Caleb chimes in from behind me. I turn around to my brother.

"We told Red to stay here" I rub the back of my neck. I hope she didn't wander off. She is too pretty to be on the streets alone. Caleb walks to the bar and speaks to the bartender. He returns with a worried look.

"She walked out of here, hand in hand, with a guy with serious tattoos and fangs" Caleb frowns and rubs his temples.

"So a vampire?" I sigh, Red really knows how to get in trouble.

"Yeah, by how he described I have a feeling he doesn't want her for her personality" Caleb angrily walks out of the bar. I follow him like an loyal puppy.

"Any vampire bars nearby?" I sigh and look around at the dirty streets.

"I think I saw one on the way to Red's apartment" Caleb said fiercely as he trudges down the street.

*Back to Red*

The motorcycle skids to a stop. He hops off and I follow behind him. We were in front of a bar, smoke flowed from the doors. We walk in confidently. They let us in, no questions asked. I think Zander had a couple beers. We sit in a booth where he buys a couple drinks. He offers me some alcohol, I refuse, I don't drink. He stands up and grabs my hand, he leads me to the dance floor. Everyone was jumping and dancing, as well as grinding on eachother as people do these days. I didn't want to look like a sore thumb so I danced the same. Getting wild and crazy. Edventually we prance off the dance floor. He lightly pushes me against the wall. He puts his hand against the wall next to my head. His lips lock with mine, I kissed him back passionately. He got really into it, he slid his hand to my butt and I locked my arm around his neck, our bodies squeezed next to eachother.

*Tristan's view*

"You gotta let us in, we have a friend in there" I put my hand out towards the entrance. If Red is in there she must be being attacked as we speak.

"Fine, come right out after getting your friend" he made his fingers into quotation marks as he said friend. Caleb gave him an cold stare. We walk in. We look over and see her red hood gracefully swinging behind her. We walked towards her. Someone was attacking her. He was on top of her, he was already sucking blood from her neck. I knew she wasn't safe, my senses were tingling. I look closer and realized she wasnt being attacked. She looked really into it. I never knew Red could be one of those girls, she didn't seem like the type. He is obviously mouth raping her. I run up and pry him away from her. Caleb stands behind me. It was awkward, everyone was just staring at eachother.

"Dude, she was having fun, don't tell me you are jealous" Caleb whispers in my ear awkwardly. They both can obviously hear him.

"No, it was mouth rape" I awkwardly whisper back.

"She was obviously enjoying herself, she wasn't being attacked, idiot" Caleb whispers slowly and awkwardly. Before I could whisper back Red chime in.

"You both are idiots! I am so sorry Zander, my idiot brothers are idiots I got to go, maybe we will meet again" Red smiles awkwardly.

"We will definitely meet again you can count on it" He smiles and grabs Red's waist. I immediately began mocking him in an girly voice. He glares at me and gives Red the classic "I am trying to get into your pants" look. "Oh, kitten, I would leave quickly, your idiot guard dogs got some peoples attention, if they find out you're a werewolf, you have no chance" He held Red's hand all the way to the door before he lets go. We walk down the street.

*Red's perspective*

"Why would you do that?!" I shout as we are walking home.

"We thought he was mouth raping you!" Tristan shouts stupidly.

"He thought" Caleb corrects Tristan.

"What I can't have any fun?" I shout angrily.

"He just wanted to get into your pants, you know make lo-" I cut Tristan off.

"I get it, but seriously, Zander isn't what he seems!" I yell.

"I just think Tristan is jealous, he wishes he had the beautiful chance to mouth rape you" Caleb laughs. I get so infuriated that I walk faster than them, leaving them trudging behind me.

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