Red Escape

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"Thanks, Raphael" I smile as he gently places me on the ground.

"No problem" Raphael lands smoothly behind me.

"Thanks for taking me all the way to Seattle" I release my smile.

"No problem, after what you did for me in the combat trainer" Raphael grins. He is a healer, not an killer. So, I helped him get out of it. I had to convince Michael that we don't need Raphael on the front lines, and no combat training is needed. And yes, I don't refer to Michael as Caleb, Caleb is gone.

"Hey, I couldn't let the wuss of archangels hurt his little head" I chuckle.

"If I wanted to kill you, I could" Raphael laughs.

"Highly doubt it" I mock as we walk down the street towards my apartment.

"You don't even know how to kill angels" Raphael grins.

"And how is that?" I could finally learn how to kill them.

"Why would I tell you?" Raphael lifts one of his eyebrows.

"What if, I see Gabriel and want to ice her?" I smile.

"I am only telling you this because I don't trust most of the archangels, okay?" Raphael looked serious.

"Fine" I stare at Raphael.

"Demon's blood and holy water combined, creates the ultimate angel repellent" Raphael nods.

"Thanks, man" I pat Raphael on the back. "Here is my apartment" I clap and enter the run down building.

"Definitely..... well..... something" Raphael laughs.

"Hey, this is where I live, I didn't grow up in some big majestic tree" I chuckle."

"Could you pack Tristan's stuff up? I promised him I would" I lied.

"Sure" Raphael swings open the door to Tristan's old room. I walk slowly and with caution. My room is exactly how I left it. I put my clothes in my backpack. I hear a knock on the door.

"Are you ready to go back?" Raphael shouts. I look at the door, then the window, then the door. I ran towards the window.

"Sorry, Raphael!" I yell as I am jumping out the window.

"Awe, damn it Red!' I hear Raphael shout. I land on the ground, my legs broke, four stories was too much for me. I cry out. Michael picked me up. I looked around, he stopped time, everyone was still. Even Raphael. He unflurls his wings and flys into the air.

"I knew I shouldn't have let you roam the base freely" Michael sighs.

"Wait a second? You wanted to keep me somewhere against my will?" I frown.

"I should of" He frowned.

"What happened to Caleb? Did you drown him out? Is the Caleb I once knew and loved gone?" I sneer.

"You're angry only because of my inflictions with Gabriel" Michael doesn't look at me.

"How is it possible that you and Caleb are the same person" I arch my eyebrows. He drops me on a branch, let me emphasize drop, he literally just dropped me. He plops down behind me. Then he puts a knife to my back and leads me back to my room. He pushes me in.

"Don't leave" He frowns and slams the door. What an asshole. I sat alone in my room for a good hour until I heard a knock on the door.

"Red?" Raphael beats on the door.

"Yes?" I frown.

"I was looking all over for you, girl, I thought you were dead" He breathes quickly.

"I am sorry, and I didn't know angels breathed" I arch my eyebrows.

"It was just for dramatic effect, I thought you jumped out the window and died" Raphael stopped gasping.

"Well I am fine, and in prison, go get Allie and Tristan" I order Raphael. The archangel can see Allie, all of them. it kinda sucks being I am the only one who can't see her.

"Sure, do remember this is all your fault" Raphael, before he could walk off I call out.

"Actually, get Channing!"

"No problem" Raphael walks off. I sit for five minutes until I hear someone banging on the door.

"Scarlett!" Channing yells.

"I am fine" I mutter. The water bottle next looked odd. The bubbles formed a word. someone. so far "Find someone" that's all so far.

"You better be" Channing sounded angry.

"Why do you sound pissed" I shout.

"Not at you, Michael" Channing muttered.

"He is really becoming a tyrant" I sigh.

"He is always been a tyrant, just not as bad as a tyrant when he is with you" Channing opens the door slowly.

"Great" I frown.

"You just need to hold on a little longer, and then you can leave, go live normally" Channing looked like he belived it. I didn't, and didn't want to. Yes, most everyone here are a-holes, but some here are like my family. I have been stuck in this tree for almost 6 months now. I feel like I Michael is drifting farther and farther away, now other people are growing close.

"I am getting tired of his shit" I hit the wall.

"I think we have finally devised a plan" Channing nods. "We were going to present it in the meeting room today" Channing looked hopeful.

"I know for a fact that not everyone is going to live" Channing frowned.

"Oh, that's okay" I sigh.

"What?" Channing stared at me.

"I mean, I have nothing to live for after we kill Jenivive, I don't mind dying, I would prefer being dead" I stare at Channing.

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