Red Interrogation

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I looked up at the young girl. She held a pipe in her hand.

"Who are you!" She hit me on the head with a pipe. I arch my eyebrows.

"Ow! What is wrong with you!" I shouted.

"Tell me who you ar!" She screamed again and tried to bring the pipe down again but it was quickly caught by a hand, not mine and not Red's daughter's hand. I looked up it was Zander. He stared at me.

"Channing?" He cocked his head. He took the pipe from the girl and hit me over the head.

"Ow! Quit that!" I yelled angrily.

"Huh, I really thought you would get knocked out, like in the movies" Zander frowned and began untying me.

"How did everyone find Red's daughter before me?" I sighed. Zander shoed the girl into another room.

"Well we specifically were told to leave you alone, let you be normal and keep Evelyn safe, Scarlett's last wishes" Zander rubbed his temples.

"It was that idiot Tristan, huh?" Zander sighed.

"I didn't know you two knew how to raise a child, didn't you like rape ally?" I chuckled.

"Everyone thinks that, it was actually my brother, I killed my brother that day, she got our actions confused. Tristan doesn't even know I have even met Evelyn, Tristan has tried to hide the magic from her, I've been teaching her how to use it" Zander smiled widely.

"You should listen to Tristan, the power Evelyn could withhold is endless, by the way Scarlett named her beautifully" I smiled, not physically, mentally.

"Does she know who her actual parents are?" I frowned and played with the red cloth in my pocket.

"Nope, Tristan and Ally have been parenting her, told her they were her parents, just so she doesn't go looking, she has the stubborness and fiest of Red, the protectiveness and sensitivity of Caleb. The powers of both, and more" Zander stared at the floor.

"More?" I frowned and cocked my head.

"Instead of being an angel/werewolf/human, she is angel/werewolf/human/witch/vampire. She is everything" Zander looked just as confused as I was.

"How? How is that possible" I searched his eyes, looking for an expression to help me understand.

"I talked to a friend of mine, he is a prophet, not sure you remember him, he said that it's possible that if an angel drank a half werewolf half human, instead of being invincible to sunlight like a vampire, angels become dosed with all the power, and because Evelyn has the blood of both, she became all powerful" Zander arched his eyebrows.

"Is it public, are people aware of her power?" I looked around frantically.

"No not yet-" he was interrupted by a loud bang on the door. Another bang. Again. The door literally flew into pieces. It revealed three angels. They ran at us, they each held knives and a stake. Two went after Zander, only one came after me. Zander washoed getting his butt kicked. I wasn't doing much better. He kneed me in the stomach, I began coughing out blood. Evelyn stepped into the room. Her eyes illuminated a bright white. One angel grabbed Zander, who was knocked out. And immediately ran out of the room. The other angel persuaded her. The angel began falling over, screaming loudly. So loud it hurt my ears. Their head literally exploded. Evelyn quickly looked at the angel attacking me, the same result occured. Blood covered my clothes and face.

"What the hell!" I yelled goofily.

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