Red Wolf

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Caleb's eyes flutter to life, I thought he was going to die. He sits up, his hair was messy.

"I thought you were dead!" I shout and press my lips to his. You can see fear flash through his eyes and he breaks away from me.

"Tristan is here" Caleb whispers in my ear.

"He knows" I whisper and press my lips to his once again. You could feel how uncomfortable Tristan was. I break away to gasp for air. He stops me before I could continue.

"What happened?" Caleb examines the room and all the bodies.

"You guys were knocked out with some kind of pill and Tristan saved us" I smile.

"Red, I don't think we are going to work" Caleb says with pain in his voice.

"What, why?" I gasp with hoarse in my voice.

"A relationship can't work during something crazy as this, we fight everyday just to live, I think we need to quit" You could tell he hated himself for saying that.

"You're right" I sigh with sadness and get off of him. I would ask for one more kiss, but that would make me seem like one of those stalker clingy girls. I guess you could say I was kiss addict. "I think you guys should go, I have to get dressed and stuff" I smile weakly. Caleb gives me a hug, an endearing embrace, one I will remember forever. I open the door for them, they both stumble out. I slam the door, not purposely. I turn around with tears in my eyes. I jump onto the bed face first and began sobbing into my pillow, I didn't even care dead people laid on my floor. I heard a knock on the door. I slumped myself up and leaned against the door. "Who is it?" I say between sniffles and quiet sobs.

"it's Tristan, I heard you from the room over, and I came to check on you" He whispers through the door.

"Sorry for sobbing so loud, Caleb doesn't care enough to check on me himself?" I sob.

"No, he actually really cares about you, just a relationship isn't good for y'all right now, and he was afraid of his lust for you and doesn't want to get you both killed" Tristan sighs loudly.

"Thanks, Tristan" I smile weakly.

"I am going to go now, Caleb told me about your plan" Tristan sighs.

"Hey, Tristan, could we be a group of two, you know for the plan?" I sniffle.

"Yeah, sure" Tristan walks away from the door. I throw on my usual clothing, including my red hood. I brush out my hair, fix my nose and lip ring, then put on my makeup. I was ready for the day. I look over at the dead bodies. I sigh and open my door then trudge to Zander's door. I knock on it. I hear some voices then Zander stomping to the door and opening it. His hair was super messy and he had on some pajama pants. I saw a girl behind him, she was covering herself with the bed sheets. Ew, I think I am going to vomit.

"Could you dispose of some bodies in my room" I whisper in his ear. He rolls his eyes and walks outside his room then slams his door. We stomps into my room. I follow behind him. He picks up the body, jumps out the window. Jumps back up to the window and so on until all the bodies were gone. "Thanks Zander" I smile sweetly.

"Whatever" he trudged back into his room. What a grumpy teenager. I will call to fix the window while out today.

*View of Caleb*

"Awe, Fuck me" I sigh loudly and look at my younger brother.

"She likes me better now" Tristan smiled cockily. I could heard springs bouncing and moans coming from the next room. Zander must be having so much fun, some days I wish I could just bring a random girl to bed. I beat on the wall. They quiet down a bit.

"Shut up, I actually slept with her, you haven't even kissed her" I give Tristan an annoyed look.

"Wait a second, you dumped a girl that actually likes you, continually kisses you, and will screw you in an heartbeat, who happens to be majorly beautiful?" Tristan looks at me like I am an idiot.

"When we were sleeping last night, those vampires attacked us, and you had to save us. I wasn't there to save her, because I was too busy falling in love" I sigh angrily.

"Man, you sound like Edgar Allen Poe" Tristan chuckles.

"Do know who he even is?" I stare at him.

"No, I heard Mom talk about him" Tristan grins.

"I better call mom" I frown and call Kim.

"Hello...... What?!....... I will get Red" I run frantically out of the room.

*View of Scarlett*

I hear frantic knock at the door. I flung open the door. Caleb stood there. I pray to God he came back to apologize and we can be together again. Instead he tosses his phone at me, instead of his love.

"Hello..... oh my god.... she is...... Get angie on the phone.... just help her get adjusted..... when did it happen..... damn it!..... show her...." I hang up. Everything became dizzy. I fell backwards into Caleb's arms, the last person I wanted to catch me.

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