Red Truth

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"I am so sorry, I didn't mean for any of this to happen!" I shout frantically. Kim sobs loudly and examines all the bodies. I have an idea. "I can save one of your kids, only one" I stare at Kim, this sentence got her attention. Kim stands up and points to one of her older boys. I walk over and take my knife and make a large cut on my arm. Blood began dripping from it. I put my arm to his mouth, blood fell between his teeth. I squeezed my arm. It wasn't working. I sighed loudly and cut my wrist and put it in his mouth. Blood flowed into his mouth. Minutes later he wakes up with a sudden gasp and began sucking the blood from my wrist frantically. From blood loss I immediately fell over. I woke up again, everyone holding bandages to my wounds.

"Why did you do that?" Kim asks me quietly.

"My blood has an affect on humans, it causes them to.... be healed" I trailed off.

"What are you" Caleb says calmly.

"I am a human, and a werewolf" I sigh.

"This may sound crazy, but I believe you" Kim frowns and helps me up.

"This may sound bad but, your son, isn't going to stay human" I trailed off.

"What?!" Kim shouts.

"It will either turn him into a werewolf or human and werewolf. Let's just hope for the second one" I look down at the ground. I just turned this woman's kid into a monster. "I haven't turned a human, so I wouldn't know" I sigh and rub my elbow. "Oh and that thing that killed your whole family, it was a demon, I am a demon hunter" I sigh loudly, why did I even let her take me home? Now they are all in danger. Kim, who is in shock, stares at me.

"If-if there are de-demons, than there has to be an-angels, right?" Kim fans herself with her hands.

"Not that I know of" I look down with a depressed sigh.

"How do you kill them?" Caleb looks at me with a cold stare. We are interrupted by a shout. We turn around and Tristan is on the floor, slowly changing into a werewolf. His fur was white and he had light brown hot whiskey eyes.

"Tristan calm down. Tristan calm down! Connect to your human side!" I shout. After a minute or two of me straight up yelling at him. He turns back human. "He is human and wolf!" I smile, I couldn't bring myself to live if I ruined some poor boys life by making him some monster. Tristan gave me a look of curiosity.

"Tha-thanks for the blood" Tristan smiles.

"how do you kill them?" Caleb gives me a cold stare.

"Mainly salt and holy water, demons can't get past salt if you pour a line of it down" I flip my hood up and began walking out the door. I stopped and turned around. I can't just leave Kim, Tristan, Caleb and the little girl alone here. I beckon them to follow. I jump in Kim's car. She throws me her keys. I start up the car and slowly drive out of the driveway.

"Do you know how to drive?" Tristan asked causally.

"I have stolen a few cars now and then, I had to drive them through the state's, I think I can drive some soccer mom van" I turn around and look at Tristan. He replys with a quiet smirk. As I am driving, I hear a little girl speak up.

"I am Madison" She smiles politely.

"Oh, I am Red" I reach back to shake her hand, I swore Tristan was about to jump in the front of the car and grab the steering wheel. "Relax" I laugh and grab back on to the wheel. Everyone was asleep when we arrived. We were in the heart of Seattle. My apartment was on the fourth floor. I hit Tristan and Caleb in the arm. The two brothers, the one with dark brown and blue eyes, Caleb, and the one with blonde hair and whiskey eyes, Tristan. "Carry your mom and sister in" I jump out of the car and walk through the doors.

"Oh how are you Mrs. Robins" The old lady at the front desk waves. I walk past without acknowledging her. Caleb and Tristan follow me. I hit the buttons on the elevator. We all slip in silently. I hit the four button and the elevator slowly moves up.

"How did you pay for all this?" Tristan looks around stares at me intently. Caleb is silent, wanting an answer too.

"I am a good gambler" I chuckle.

"Seriously" Tristan looks at me in disbelief.

"I expected that you robbed a bank" Caleb rolls his eyes.

"Okay, I steal credit cards" I sigh and twist the strings of my hood.

"Ha, knew it" Tristan chuckles loudly. The elevator beeps and we step off. I walk to my room and unlock the door. It swings opens slowly. I walk in and point to my bed, Caleb and Tristan drop the girls on the bed. I go back to the door and move the salt back into a line. Salt lined the windows and door. Caleb and Tristan stood awkwardly. I click the button on the lamp four times and the wall opens. hanging on the wall were weapons of all sort. Caleb and Tristan let out an quiet "wow".

"All specially made to kill demons" I bite my lip and did the movement the women on game shows did. Tristan and Caleb give me a confused look.

"That is really sexy" Tristan laughs wildly.

"Choose your poison" I smile. Tristan gives me a confused look and examines the weapons. Caleb feels right at home and immediately picks up an axe. "Its holy water treated, each swing will the burn the suckers" I grin as Tristan is having trouble finding a weapon.

"I think I will stick to Lefty and Righty!" He shouts weakly and points to his arms.

"Whatever, you will be the first to go" I sigh and rub my arm. He gives me an annoyed stare and he grabs some holy water then sits on the bed next to his mom. "I am really sorry for ruining your lives" I sigh and flip my hood down.

"Its fine, it seemed life was too perfect before" Caleb trails off.

"I got to go, I need to go get something" I walk out the door and flip my hood back up over my head. I poke the buttons on the elevators. The elevator arrives, I step on and as I am walking in I feel someone grabbing my arm. I turn around quickly, my head is inches away from Tristan's chest. He breathes heavily. My eyes meet his slowly. Our breathing became even. His heart was pounding, mine was too. He gently takes his fingers and pulls back my hood. We were both silent. His eyes search mine, as if trying to find my secrets and my thoughts.

"Hey" I whisper quietly.

"Hey" He whispers back. He slowly bends down, my lips an inch from his. I hear a door swing open.

"Tristan?" Caleb frowns. "I didn't want Red to go alone, but I guess she already has someone to go with" Caleb smirks and shuts the door. Tristans face was still inches away before he backs up. I knew why he did that. Not because he likes me. It's the Admirers Energy. It is when you, well change supernaturally, you have this bond with the person who changed you. He doesn't actually like me, no one does and ever will.

"I have to go" I flip my hood back up and close the elevator.

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