After that entire fiasco calmed down, Sanji returned back into the cabin to keep watch of Nami with Vivi, leaving Zoro, Ussop, Luffy, and Anoki all outside to try and fix the railing. They all quickly finished and Anoki sat next to Zoro on the stairs and watched Luffy and Ussop continue playing. 

"That King mentioned the name of Drum before he got distracted by eating the ship. Perhaps that is the next island's name?" Anoki mused to Zoro, who looked at his first mate with a contemplative expression. "Maybe." 

Luffy was making a snowman, giggling while doing so. The finished product of his labor didn't look the best, but Luffy was proud of it and that was all that mattered. He quickly went to Anoki and grabbed her hand. 

"Anoki! Anoki! Come look at the snowman I made!" Luffy cheered happily, causing Anoki to smile and let him lead her towards his creation. Once in front of the snowman, Anoki held a hand to her chin and examined the snow with a calculating eye. She was quiet for a few minutes, causing Luffy to become nervous and anxiously clutch at the sleeve of her black jacket and give a small tug to get her attention. Anoki looked over at her childish captain and stared into his eyes, making the boy even more nervous, for his cheeks flushed a light pink and refused to meet his first mate's eye. Anoki clicked her tongue and turned his gaze back onto her by gently caressing his jaw. 

"A-Anoki..." Luffy stammered, his cheeks now a burning red hue. Anoki chuckled softly and continued to run her hand up until it was resting in his hair. Her serious expression was quickly replaced with a happy smile and she ruffled his hair with the hand that was resting in it. 

"It looks great Luffy! There was no need for you to get so nervous!" She smiled happily which made Luffy beam up at her, his smile practically glowing. 

"I'm so happy! I thought you wouldn't like it from the way you were staring at it." Anoki snickered and wrapped an arm around his shoulder and pulled him close into her side. Luffy was quick to nestle himself against her warmth and wrapped his arms around her in return. 

"Hey Anoki, come look at my snow sculpture!" Ussop called out while waving his hand in her direction. Luffy and Anoki, who were still attached to each other, turned to look at his creation, and both of their jaws dropped. The sculpture looked suspiciously like Anoki, but she didn't say anything. Luffy was full on glaring at his sharpshooter, but all of Ussop's attention was on Anoki, who was still gawking at the figure. 

"I'm impressed at how quickly you did this Ussop. You're very impressive and creative." Anoki praised the now cocky sharpshooter. 

"Well she's my Queen! The Ice Queen of everyone's hearts!"


Anoki was running her calloused fingers through Nami's slightly sweaty hair as the navigator continued to struggle to breathe. Everyone else was on the deck for Vivi said an island should be coming up soon and Anoki volunteered to look after Nami in the time being. She was softly humming the songs her people would sing on ceremony days to gain the favor of the Gods, one song in particular was her favorite. 

The loud sound of a bullet being fired snapped Anoki out of her thoughts, but Nami remained asleep thankfully. Anoki stood up, pet Nami's hair, and pulled her jacket back on before leaving the cabin. Once she was outside, she was appalled at the scene before her. Vivi and Luffy were bowing, their foreheads touching the deck and begging the villagers on the snow covered ground in front of them for help. 

"Stand up! Right now, the both of you!" Anoki shouted, an angry lilt in her voice and an enraged gleam in her eye. Luffy quickly shuffled up and stood close to Anoki, who was glaring up at the villagers. Vivi looked as if she was about to retaliate but the livid glare Anoki sent her way made her quick to bite her tongue. 

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