"I'm so sorry Jorah, that you've been put through this." She uttered, her voice cracking slightly. If he hadn't been exiled, he would never have had to face this.

"Don't be. All I've ever wanted was to serve you. Tyrion Lannister was right. I'm devoted to you. I'll always be devoted to you." Rhaenar wanted to grasp him, to wrap her arms tight around him and never let go. They had had a rocky relationship once; when she was sure he was on Daenerys' side but here he was before her, utterly devoted to seeing her as his Queen. "Good-bye, khaleesi."

He began to walk away. "Do not walk away from me, Jorah the Andal." She said, voice like ice as he stopped in his path, turning back to look at her. "I have yet to dismiss you." Rhaenar stepped closer. "You swore to me, pledged yourself to who I was back in Pentos. You promised that you would obey my commands whenever I gave one, and now I am commanding you."

It would be the last command she would give him. "You will find yourself a cure, no matter where in this world it may be; and you will heal yourself from this. You will come back to me, Jorah the Andal, because I need you by my side when I take the Seven Kingdoms. I need you for when I become Queen."

His eyes shined, his head nodding. "As you command, Khaleesi."

Rhae had found herself in a daze as she walked back into Vaes Dothrak, Jorah riding away upon his horse to go wherever. She needed to make her own path away, but she hoped that their paths would at least cross once more. Rhaenar passed the gathering of Dothraki that were readying the horses, the wagons of personal items that would travel from here to Meereen, and the look of love between families as they said goodbye to one another.

They'd return back one day, but it could easily be years before that happened. Everyone had made their choices, everyone had sacrificed something. "Khaleesi, your horse!" A voice called out, her attention turning to the body that was running at her, a steed beside him.

Nodding her head she took the reigns, before hopping one leg up and over, sitting herself comfortably upon the back. It had been a long time since she had ridden a horse, but Rhaenar would never forget how as she urged him on. The hooves clicked against the dry ground, his body swaying as he took a leisurely pace through the centre of Vaes Dothrak.

She came up beside Qotho, his voice shouting commands to people as he sat upon his own horse. "How long did you know?" Rhaenar questioned him, her indigo settling on the moving figures as they passed.

He turned, confused for a moment before it clicked, his head nodding. "When we began to enter Vaes Dothrak, he was very good at keeping his distance." Of course he was, he was Jorah, a man who wouldn't hurt another unless he had to. "You sent him away?"

"I demanded that he heal himself and then join me at my side, I can't do it without him." She said softly.

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