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A.N. Thank you to everyone who is still willing to read this story. A few things have been changed to make it a bit more authentic to Japanese, including her name. People will also be addressed differently than they were previously. To make this universe work, Kakashi and all the Jounin associated with him are four years older than they are in the actual series. I hope you guys enjoy!


"Yu... Yu... wake up." A calm voice pulled her further from slumber. Awareness slowly seeping into her body.

"Five more minutes," she grumbled turning her back to her father's voice and pulling the blanket over her head to block out the morning sun.

"You're already late as it is," he pointed out. A firm tug pulled the blanket from her grip and discarded it onto the floor. Ayumi turned her head peeking through her eyelids into the exposed, dark eye of her father. His silver hair defying gravity as it always did, encouraged to tilt to the left by his crooked headband that hid his scarred eye from view. Although, most of his face was hidden by a-rarely removed-navy mask the slight curve of the fabric and the closing of his exposed eye gave hint of a smile. "Get up and ready for school, Yu." Kakashi stood from behind her bed and crossed the room, casting one last glance to her before turning the corner.

"Get ready for school Yu," she mocked quietly. Placing her hands on the mattress, Ayumi crawled to the edge of the bed where her blanket had been tossed. She reached for the cover. Her fingertips grazed the fabric when it was suddenly yanked aside. Bright green eyes shot to see her father had once again, silently, entered her room and threw the blanket over his shoulder. Without saying a word, he turned and left her room-closing the door behind him. Stupid Jounin stealth, she thought bitterly. Her body hit the mattress. Turning so her stomach was facing the ceiling, Ayumi let her head dangle upside down. Seeing as how she had no means to go back to sleep, she placed her palms on the wooden floor and kicked her legs over her head.

Ayumi grabbed the gray wrappings from her desktop and covered her hips, moving down to mid-thigh; digging through her closet she pulled on a gray tube top with a navy blue sleeve that covered her right shoulder; she fastened three thick, black belts from just under her chest down to her hip; slipping her arms into light blue sleeves held in place by gray cufflinks on her biceps and wrists; and completed by a navy blue fabric with a black hem draped over her right hip and tied above her left. The pale skin of her forearms and calves were marred by hellish scars from hours of training, pushing herself to the limit and then beyond to make herself stronger. Kakashi was always adamant that she didn't over do her training and-as far as he knew-she always listened. Thus, she hides the scars with the light blue sleeves and gray stockings. Brushing through her white hair, Ayumi followed her father into the main portion of the house.

A regular size apartment, her room was right across from her father's. The hallway was short and led into the main sitting area that was hardly used seeing as both occupants spent most of their time outdoors, a black leather couch sat in the center accompanied by an oak coffee table, a heavy chest stored in the corner in which only Kakashi himself had the key to, and what nick-knacks they had were neatly placed on a shelving unit beside the chest. Just off to the right stood the kitchen that was rather large concerning the size the sitting area, where Ayumi spent most of her time at home. Kakashi's lower body was hidden by the granite island, his back to his daughter. Stepping into her sandal-like boots, Ayumi reached for the doorknob. A strange sensation of an incoming projectile had her shield the back of her head with her free hand, an orange landing perfectly in the palm of her hand. "See ya later, Dad!"

"Don't cause too much trouble," Kakashi called to her.

"Never!" She responded laughing, shutting the door behind her. She walked at a leisurely pace, observing the calm atmosphere of the citizens while she peeled apart her orange. Konohagakure was always rather peaceful aside from the distant yelling that chased the town's number one troublemaker. Ayumi might have been good stirring up trouble when she was bored but nobody matched Naruto Uzumaki's knack for it. Ayumi more-or-less found herself stumbling into trouble after pursuing spontaneous adventures with her friends, mostly not to her father's knowledge.

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