[Logan:] You know I can't😣, but I get it you need this for your bonding, since I've kept you away from them the whole of summer break😉

I'll call you once or twice just to make sure you're ok and to hear your voice for my daily dose😋

Love you sugar plum 😘

Are all guy's this flattering or is it just him? I smiled way more to the point my lips started to twitch.

[Me:] I love you too😚. Just text me before you call so I can secretly talk to ya.

Placing my phone on the nightstand, I laid my soft bed and allowed my body to shut down instantly.


"Tirzah! Wake up! We're gonna be late!" I heard someone roar inside my ear while shaking me awake.

I yawned and looked around, Sandra was beside me and so was Blake, Lily however was still getting dressed.

"What time is it?" I asked as I got out of bed tiredly and headed to the bathroom.

"Yeah... um... it's 6:30pm!" Lily hissed as she applied a dark red lipstick.

"What? Why didn't you wake me?" I asked almost bewildered.

"We... um... I'm not really sure. I guess we were so busy getting ready we forgot about waking you plus you were sleeping like a dead person" Blake replied as I chuckled at her response, it's true though I do sleep like a dead person if there was a break in, I wouldn't even know.

"Girl, you've got 7 to 10 minutes to get ready so hurry up will ya!" Sandra commanded with annoyance.

I went and took a super quick shower and headed back to the room but the girls weren't there. Probably downstairs I thought to myself while briskly dressing up and tying my hair into a loose bun. I went down the oak wood stairs with a handbag and phone in one hand while my other held my favourite footwear, snickers.

"I'm ready!" I said reaching the living room but they weren't there. Where are they? Did they leave without me? I frowned at that thought but it quickly disappeared when I heard the honking of my car outside making me shrug off those negative thoughts.

I bid farewell to Max before locking the front door and getting in the car.

"Ok I'm here. Let's... wait I didn't tell you to drive Sand! Get-" I was cut short by Sandra.

"Oh, come on please! I never get to drive your car plus it'll be far better if the organizer of the events tonight drives since I know where we're going!" She smirked at me.

"Fine but don't make it a habit and if there's even a scratch on the car, you're paying for it!" I replied sarcastically, sticking my tongue out. We drove in silence to our destination.

Sandra parked the car extra carefully, making quick glances my way. I simply grinned my 'good-job-but-the-night's-still-young' grin at her and by the looks of her face she knew what I meant.

Sandra gave us glow in the dark bands with numbers on them.

Apparently only those who had these bands could get in. I'm not sure how or where Sand got access from but I am impressed by her effort. I'll have to interrogate her later.

According to her, this party, which is actually a concert occurs once a year which is kind of a big deal especially in these parts. Apparently, if you're lucky enough to get a pass then not only do you have access but liberty to the drinks and appetizers there. She's not certain which band is holding the concert but speculations are that its Imagine Dragons. What if they invited The Beatles or 5 seconds of summer? That would definitely place a tick off my bucket list.

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