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Saf was not surprised to find him waiting for her. He always was. Jonathon was always 'there'. Hovering on her peripheral vision. Like a shadow, a ghost, a really annoying stalker who she'd wish would just... "Go away!" she finished on a shout.

But he didn't. He never did.

So Saf sighed heavily and brushed past him as she walked into her house. It had been a long while since she'd been here and she was grateful that Cassidy and Jake had kept it for her. She felt out of sorts these days, not quite sure which pack she belonged to, but this would always be her home.

Saf was even less surprised when, as she kicked the door shut behind her, a hand stretched out and stopped it. He walked in without a word and made himself at home on her sofa while she walked into the kitchen and grabbed a beer from the fridge. And, for some unknown reason, one for him too.

She hadn't long left Will and Trevor who had been trying to co-ordinate the arriving packs and gather witness statements. Saf had spent the better part of her afternoon hearing tales of how the rogues have ruined lives. That coupled with what had happened to Callie and Caleb, and she was officially ready to mark this day as the shittiest one on record.

That had been, of course, until a phone call she'd received about two minutes ago And, it was the contents of that phone call that had made her let Jonathon come into her home. It was what had her handing him a beer.

Still, he looked at her quizzically as she offered it to him before she perched on the coffee table opposite him.

"Logan. I heard he's cured." She offered.

Jonathon looked down at the beer he held in his hands before focusing back on Saf, the look he gave her made her shiver.

Jonathon sighed and took a swig of his beer. "He is."

Saf smiled, thinking he'd do the same, but instead he just looked...sad.

"You don't seem very pleased considering."

He studied her for a second before he spoke. "I am. Relieved really. J deserves some luck, they both do."

Saf nodded and crossed her legs, leaning back on the coffee table and taking a long drag of her beer. "So why the long face?"

"You don't want to know." Jonathon muttered darkly, sucking the oxygen from the room, before he leant towards her, shrinking the space between them. "You never want to know."

Saf cocked her head, watching him closely. Part of her was screaming at her to change the topic, to move away, to avoid whatever catastrophic consequence this conversation was heading for. But another part of her wanted it. Wanted him. She'd had a sh*t awful day. She was tired. She was happy for her friend but terrified of what came next with the rogues. She just wanted something to make her feel better. She wanted him.

So she didn't change the topic, and she didn't run away.

Instead, she leant forwards too, meeting him in the middle.

"What's wrong Jonathon?"

He stared at her, simply stared. Stared into her f-ing soul. The weight of that gaze was palpable, her heart fluttered in her chest and her body tightened. She was nearly panting and only 25% of her mind was freaking out about it.

And then he loosed a breath and leant back.

She felt like she'd been doused in cold water.

Sitting up straight on the table, she raised an eyebrow at him. "Fine. I don't want to know." She slammed her beer down beside her and stood up. She was tired of waiting. Tired of wanting. And it was about time he did something more than stare at her with those violent eyes of his.

She walked to the staircase and placed her foot on the first step, hand on the banister. She glanced over her shoulder to find him watching her – as he always did.

"Are you coming?" She asked haughtily, smirking at the shocked expression on his face.

As she walked up the stairs and he chased after her she called, "this is only for the night, wolf. Nothing more."

If he'd have been listening, he might have pretended to believe her.

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