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Veronica's POV

I woke up in bed by myself. I got a little worried. Wondering where Jughead was. But I remembered that I might have just woke up late. I grabbed my phone, but the time was only seven. I slowly got up to see if I could find him. The shower wasn't on so I knew He wasn't in there. Well, he wasn't inside the trailer at all. I sighed and walked outside. He was on the phone and it looked to be pretty serious. He turned around and noticed me. He quickly hung up and walked over to me. He smiled.

"Hey, baby." He said.

"Who was that?" I asked. He shook his head and walked inside.

"Nobody," he said. I shut the door and followed him.

"Well, it looked serious." I said. He looked at me and sighed.

"It was nothing, baby. I promise." He said and kissed me a little. I sighed a little as he walked back to the room. I sat on the couch and waited for him. He walked back out and over to me. "I'll see you later, baby, okay?"

"Okay," I said. He softly kissed me and left. I sighed. Why was he being so secretive? What is he hiding?

I spent the whole day worrying about Jughead. Worrying about what he could be doing or hiding. I don't know why I feel like he's hiding things from me. He doesn't normally do that. He doesn't normally not tell me. He at least tells me who he was on the phone with or whoever he was talking to. Why isn't he now? I just don't understand.

It was about two when Jughead got home. I was a little confused. He just walked through the door quickly.

"Come on, Ronnie. You have to go." He said, pulling my up.

"Wait, what? What are you talking about?" I asked him. He continued pulling me out the door. I got my arm out of his grip. He looked at me.


"What is going on, Jug?" I asked him, slightly annoyed now. He sighed and looked down. "What?"

"Malachi escaped. That's who I was on the phone with this morning. I came home early because he came walking into Pop's and started talking about you. It sounded a lot like he had already been by here." He said. I sighed and looked down.

"Oh, my God. How did he get out?" I asked him.

"With some help and that's all my dad told me." He said.

"You're dad?" I asked.

"Yeah, he told me more when I went to see him before work. That's why I left early." He said. "Now, let's go. I don't need anything happening to you again." I nodded and he took me to Cheryl's and Toni's again.


"He what now?" Cheryl asked as Jughead had just told the girls about Malachi.

"He escaped," he said again. Toni sighed.

"Why the hell would you bring her here again?" She asked.

"They didn't come here last time. He didn't even think of it. Besides, you two aren't in danger. And he's still obsessed with my now pregnant wife. Now, don't get me wrong I don't want you two getting hurt either, but I kind of want her to be safe." He told them. They both nodded.

"Alright okay," Cheryl said. "Let's just make sure She stays safe."

"How do we know if whats he's saying it true. He may be saying just to scare us." I said.

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