Introduction - Veronica Lodge

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Veronica Lodge is twenty-three and is in an abusive relationship with a dude.

Veronica's POV

It's about ten o'clock at night and I was just now walking into my apartment. I was immediately greeted by my boyfriend. "Where the hell have you been?" He asked angrily. "I was out." My voice became shaky. "Out where?!" He yelled. "I was just sh.. shopping." I stuttered. "How many times do I have to tell you?! If you're gonna leave you HAVE TO ASK ME!" He yelled. "I... I'm sorry, R... Reg." "Oh, don't you Reg me. You were the one that was late." "I lost track of time." I told him and he slapped me across the face. I fell to the ground and held my face. He kicked me as hard as he could in the stomach. I clenched my stomach. I felt my eyes fill up with tears. "Get up!" He yelled. "And get to cleaning." He said. I got up slowly still clenching my stomach.

Now if your asking and wondering why I haven't left yet I've tried. Multiple times. I've only been with two other guys and they were both abusive, too. They started out so nice and kind and gentle, but after we had been together for about six months to a year they changed. It wasn't the first time I've dealt with it. My father had lost his tempter sometimes growing up. I've just learned to not show fear even though I do sometimes. Fear is what they feed on. All three of these relationships I've always been hit and abused and touched weirdly and sexually assaulted. It's never been to a complete form of rape. They just go to a certain point then stop. I never scream because it pisses them off more so I would get hit more.

Yes, people, neighbors, have called the cops, but I'm so scared something might happen to me that I tell them "No, officer. I'm fine." I can never tell them what is actually happening. The last two relationships ended with them leaving not me. But they left me with nothing so I had to go back to my parents. Well, one relationship I was still living with my parents. The other I lived with my parents for a bit then moved in with him once I finished school.

I started cleaning the place because he told me to. It was about eleven-thirty before I climbed into bed next to him. I jump everytime I hear him move. I jump when he raises his hands. I jump when he yells. I don't sleep very well at night. Sometimes I don't sleep at all. I also don't eat very well. Or I don't eat at all. Whether I say I'm not hungry or he won't let me eat. He always tells me that I'm fat and ugly and worthless. There have been times where I asked "why are you with me then?" That pisses him off so much. He beats me with anything he can find.

When I woke up he was already up and in the kitchen. "You have anything planned today?" I asked quietly. "What? Speak up and can't hear you, woman!" I said. "I said, do you have anything planned for today?" I said and little louder. "Don't you yell at me. Yes, I do. I'll be out most of the day. Are you doing anything?" He asked. I shook my head. "No, I'll just stay here." I told him. "Good. Then you'll stay here and make sure this place is spotless when I get back. I'm gonna go get in the shower." He said and walked by me. "Okay." I said quietly. "What?!" He asked. "Nothing." I said.

He got out of the shower and left, but he was gone for about ten minutes when the door opened again. "What are you doing back so early?" I asked. He looked back at me. He was mad and I don't even know why. He walked over to me and slapped me again. I held my face. "Don't you EVER get an attitude with me AGAIN!" He yelled. "I'm... I'm sorry." I said quietly. "SPEAK UP, BITCH!" He yelled. "I'm sorry." I said a little louder. He slapped me across the face again, but this time was twice as hard. I held my face again. "Make me food." He said. I got up and he sat down. "What do you want?" I asked. "I don't know. Go out and get me Taco Bell or something." He said. "Okay." I said quietly. I went back to my room and got changed into leggings and a jacket. Just to cover up the bruises on my body. Yes, my face is red, but I know nobody will say anything. They only called the police once, after that never again.

I got him his food and he was just eating it. I sat on the couch looking out of the window. Down at the cars driving in the street and people walking on the sidewalk. I had my knees almost up to my face. "I'm going out." He said. I nodded. "Okay." I said and he left.

He came back a few hours later and it was almost dark. I didn't ask where he was cause it pisses him off, but he ended up getting pissed and yelling and hitting me anyways. He left me laying on the floor in pain, in a fetal postion and crying my eyes out as he just went to bed. I stayed there the rest of the night.

My Heroजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें