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Another Time Skip (Sorry)
Three Months Later
Veronica's POV

My boyfriend and I have now been together for two full years. That's now two years of abuse. How am I still alive? I think he's gotten worse over this day. He's calmer. He's gotten closer to me. Constantly saying I Love You. That seems like he's not abusive, but it scares me. This had never happened before.

"I love you, baby," he said. I nodded and he pulled me closer to him. He hasn't yelled all day. He hasn't hit me all day. He hasn't said anything about me all day. He had me in his arms on the couch. "Baby, I'm going out for a bit. I'll be back later, okay?" I nodded again and he left.

After about ten minutes there was a knock at the door. I slowly went to open it. It was him. The guy from a few doors down. The one who has tried to save me. He smiled at me.

"Hi, Veronica, right?" He asked. I nodded. "I'm Jughead Jones. Can I come in and talk to you?" I sighed. Should I? What if my boyfriend comes home? I slowly nodded.

"Sure," I said quietly. I'm still wearing long enough clothes to cover the bruises from... forever. I slowly closed the door. I followed him in. I sat on the couch in a ball.

"Hey, can I talk to you about something?" He asked. I sighed quietly, knowing exactly what he was about to ask.

"Uhh, sure," I almost whispered. He sighed and sat next to me. I leaned a little away from him.

"The yelling," he said. "Why don't you ask for help?" I immediately looked away from him. "Please, I've tried helping you before. You know that! Tell me how I can help. I really want to help you."

"You can't help." I mumbled. "He'll possibly kill you, and hurt me. I don't want that. This is the first day he hasn't yelled or hit me. I bet you probably know that." I muttered that last part.

"Yes, I can help you," he said. I quickly looked at him. He nodded. He looked genuinely concerned. "Just tell me what I can do, please."

"You can't." I stood up, walking away. "Just leave me and my boyfriend alone, please. There is nothing you can do!" I said.

"Please! Just come over to my apartment!" He stood up, walking closer to me.

"Please leave," I muttered. He sighed.

"Just let me help," he said.

"Just leave!" I almost yelled. I watched him slowly leave. I could tell He hesitated at the door. I honestly don't want him to leave. But he did. And my boyfriend was back quickly after.

We spent the day together. Him saying I Love You everything ten seconds and me nodding. I don't know how to reme about right now.

Jughead's POV

There was no yelling today. I had to make sure she was okay. Because last time there was silence I found her in the closet half dressed. I'm still worried about her after that. I just need the right time to get her out of there.

What I almost didn't listen to was when she told me to leave. I stopped at the door, but I still left. I just hate hearing and seeing her suffer. I just want to hurt him so badly.

I got a text from Archie, he asked me to meet him and Betty at Pop's. I told him I would. I got there around one since I left at twelve-thirty. They were both in Pop's when I got there. Betty was sitting next ot Archie so I sat across from them. Betty quickly came and sat by me.

"What did you guys want to talk about?" I asked them.

"Just to hang out as friends, so no lovey dovey with you to," Archie said. Betty smiled and laughed a little. I just looked out of the window.

We talked for a while. I ended up going home with Betty. I don't need to talk about what happened. I got up and started to get my clothes back on.

"No, wait! Where are you going?" She asked.

"I'm going home. I need to sleep. I have work tomorrow, Betty." I told her. She laughed a little.

"Well, you're in the town where you work. You wouldn't have to drive fourty minutes to get here." She said. I nodded.

"Thst is true, but I need to have fresh clothes for tomorrow," I told her. I quickly kissed her. "I'm gonna go. You get some sleep,"

"Okay, bye, Juggie," she said and I left.

When I got back I heard yelling again. Most of the day no yelling. It's now ten o'clock at night and he's just now beating her again. I unlocked my apartment door then I heard something I never thought I would hear. He threatened her. He yelled and threatened that he would kill her. I quickly walked over to the their door, worried out of my mind. The first thing I did was knock. His yelling was so loud nobody heard it. I quickly checked the door to if it was unlocked. It was. I quickly opened the door. I ran inside and found her boyfriend pinning her against the wall, a knife in his hand, and her half dressed. She was crying. She quickly noticed me. She shook her head, but I didn't pay attention. I tackled her boyfriend. She screamed. I punched him numerous amount of times. He waved the knife around like a damn maniac. He cut me a few times. I eventually hit I'm so hard I knocked him out. I looked back at Veronica. She was crying and was on the phone. I stood up and she looked at me. She quickly put the phone down and ran over to me. I quickly wrapped my arms around her. I could feel She was shaking. I slowly brought her to the ground. She continued crying.

"Jughead," she said, her voice cracking a little.

"What?" I asked in a calm and soft voice. She just held onto me tighter. I let her take her time. I just held her in my arms. After a few more minutes the police were here. I guess that's who Veronica was on the phone with earlier. They wanted to question us separately. She was a little hesitant to let go of me, but I promised that I wouldn't be that far away. She left. I know something more happened. More than him yelling and beating her. More than him cutting her a few times. She was half naked. I know something more had happened. The moment we were both done with being questioned, she immediately ran over to me. I'm pretty sure She feels safe in my arms. I'm guessing she's never had someone nice to her like this. Or treat or Well. She was crying again.

"I have nowhere to go," she sobbed.

"Hey, hey," I said and looked down at her. She looked at me. "You can stay with me. As long as you need, I promise." She nodded. "Let's go." I walked her over to my apartment. She didn't let go of me. "You can sleep in the room. I'll stay on the couch. It's fine with me." She nodded. I decided to walk her to the room. She was starting to calm down a little.

"Jughead," she said as I was leaving. I looked back at her.

"Yes?" I asked. She started crying again. I walked over to her. "What's wrong?"

"He didn't only beat me tonight," she said. I looked at her, confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked. She wrapped her arms around me, hugging me.

"He hurt me!" I immediately wrapped my arms around her.

"Hey, you're okay. You're never gonna see him again. You never have to. You're safe. He's not gonna be able to touch you again. Nobody is. I'll make sure of it." I told her. She pulled away from the hug. I looked at her.

"Really?" She asked. I wiped her tears with my thumb and nodded.

"I promise. Now get some rest. You'll need it," I said. She nodded and layed down. I only left once She fell asleep. I'm expecting her wake up in the middle of the night. I wouldn't be surprised if I was. She's been through so much. She'll be most likely be having nightmares for weeks. I'll help her, no matter how long it takes.

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