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Jughead's POV

She is my babygirl already. I'm glad that I broke up with Betty. She was clingy and too needy. And way to desperate. I don't even know why I kissed her that day almost a year ago. She became too wanting and annoying. Also, I thought she and Archie were together? I don't know. But now I have Veronica and that's all need. Her.

Right now she's asleep and cuddled upto me. She's just so adorable. I never want to let her go. Ever. She is too meaningful to me. She's been asleep the last couple of hours. She told me if she fell asleep to wake her up, but she looks too peaceful. I pulled her closer. She stirred a little.

"I told you not to let me sleep," she said tiredly. I chuckled a little. Her eyes still closed.

"Well, you just looked too peaceful. I couldn't dare to wake you." I said with a small smile. She smiled and stayed quiet for a minute.

"Jug," she said.


"I wanna go see my parents. I never saw them in my last relationship. Only that one time a few months ago." She mumbled.

"You can if you want. That's fine." I told her. She looked at me.

"I want you to come with me, but my parents would question a lot. I'm not sure what I would tell them." She said. I smiled at her.

"If they ask, We'll tell them what happened with your boyfriend. They'll understand And we'll tell them I'm the person who helped you out of the relationship, and that I'm just helping you." I told her. She closed her eyes again.

"Really?" She asked.

"Yes, really." I told her.

"Can we leave tomorrow?" She asked.

"Yes, absolutely. Whatever you want." I told her.

Skipping To Tomorrow After They've Left Because I'm Lazy

"I wonder if they're even here," she said. She's been skeptical about telling her parents. She's just really nervous about it, and I understand.

"Then we'll wait for them, okay?" I said and she nodded.

"Okay," she said.

"Mija?" We both looked over to see someone I guessing is her mother.

"Mom," she said, going over to hug her.

"Where did you go? Why did you leave without telling us? What happened? Where's your boyfriend?" She flooded her with questions. Veronica sighed.

"Where is he?" She asked. Who?

"I'll go get him," her mom said walking off. She turned towards me.

"I don't know if I could do it," she said. I just smiled at her.

"You can do it. I mean, I can tell them for you if you'd like." I said. She nodded.

"No, I can do it." She asked. I nodded.

"You sure?" I asked and she nodded.


"Okay, I'm back with your father," her mom said. I just stood there clueless as she sighed, walking over to her parents.

"Who is this man?" Her father asked. I just looked down, not sure as what to say. "What happened to you?"

"That's what I'm here to talk about," she said. She walked ba k over to me. "You do it, I can't. I thought I could, but I can't." She said, looking up at me.

"Okay," I said.

"Wait," she said in a slightly whisper. "What all are you gonna tell them?" She asked worriedly.

"I'm not gonna say anymore then you want me to," I said.

"Just tell them about him, please. They don't need to know anymore." She said.

"Veronica, what's going on?" Her mother asked. She sighed nervously, just looking up at me.

I told them everything about her now, ex, boyfriend. A little bit of the abuse. I looked at her before saying a few things to see I'd she wanted me to say that or not. I also told them about the night I saved her and everything that happened that night. Including the threats and what he did to her. By the time I was done talking they were repeating over and over again how sorry they were for not noticing before. I also told them why I was with her. We ended up staying here with her parents. We're now laying in bed and I have her in my arms.

"Thank you," she muttered.

"For what?" I asked.

"Telling my parents so I didn't have to. I don't know if I could've told them." She said.

"Yeah, if you ever need me to do something just ask. I'm happy to help you anytime. I promise." I told her.

"Thank you for being there," she mumbled tiredly. She had her eyes closed and was cuddled upto me. I chuckled.

"Just go to sleep," I told her. I was asleep not to long after her. I just admired her. She's so beautiful. I'm happy to be able to call her mine.

This chapter was slightly boring. Sorry. Also, maybe a time skip within the next few chapters. Just to make the story go along more. If that makes sense.

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