A Quiet Cry for Help

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Veronica's POV

I woke up the next morning still laying on the floor. My eyes burned a little from crying, they were puffy and red. It was cold. I looked out of the window and the sun was lightly shining. I sighed and got up. I walked back to the room and got changed then left to get food for when he woke up.

As I was leaving a guy stopped me. He looked around my age. I'm pretty sure he's the person who just moved in too. "Hey, excuse me miss." He said. I looked back at him. "Yes?" I asked slightly smiling. "So, I don't really want to get up into your business or anything, but I just saw you walk out of the room B27 correct?" He asked. "Yeah?" I questioned. "Well, I heard yelling and shouting coming from that room yesterday and was wondering if everything was alright." He said. I nodded and put on a fake smile. "Of course everything's alright." I said. "Veronica?" I heard my boyfriend's voice call for me. "Yes?" I asked and turned back to him. "What the hell are you doing?" He asked. My voice was a little shaking as he was walking over to me. "I wa- was going t- to get you something for b- bre- breakfast." I stuttered. He chuckled. "And how come it wasn't here by the time I woke up?" He asked. "Well, I have just woken up myself." He was once again getting angry from no reason. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me back up to our room. I was quietly crying.

Jughead's POV

I watched as a girl, around my age, walk out of the room that I heard yelling from yesterday. I stopped her and started to talk with her talking about the noise. Then we hear. "Veronica?" She looked over and had a panicked look on her face. I looked over to. A guy was walking over here. He asked her a questioned and her voice was very shakey. I was sort of scared for her. She was scared. I could tell. He then grabbed her wrist. I couldn't stopped him he pulled her away to quickly. I watched as he basically dragged her up the stairs. I could tell she was crying. It was a quiet cry for help.

I can't believe these people just gave up after one time of calling the police. And how do they sit there day and night, and just listen to the sound of him yelling? Why do the men that try help lie to the doctors at the hospital. I sighed to myself. "People are cowards." I muttered to myself. I left the apartment building to drive back to Riverdale to go to my first day of work.

Once I got there Betty and Archie were sitting a booth we normally sat in growing up. I grinned and walked over to them. They both smiled when they saw me. "Looks whose here." Betty said. "Yea, Mr. I'm gonna start working after I kicked out of my trailer." Archie said. "Thanks, Arch." I said. "Anytime." He replied. "What are you two doing here?" I asked. "Waiting for you so we can be your first orders." Betty said with a smile on her face. I sighed. "What would you like?" I asked. "You already know, Jug." She said. "Fine."

I walked back with a strawberry and vanilla milkshake. "Here you two go." I said. "Thanks, Jug." Betty said. "Thanks, Jughead." Archie said.

I worked from eleven to seven-thirty like Pop said I would. I don't plan for this to be permanent thing just enough to get me on my feet and to pay bills and all of that junk. I left and got home at about 8:15. There was yelling... again. I can't believe this! What could one young woman do to piss a man off that much? What is wrong with him? Who even is he? Also, where the hell are her parents? I just sat in my apartment kllistenign to shouting about God knows what.

Veronica's POV

I was crying and being hit again. I honestly don't know what he's yelling about. I'm to scared to be listening. He kept hitting me and I could feel the bruises forming all over my body. It felt like an eternity later when he stopped yelling and hitting me. This all started about an hour ago. He left me laying in the corner quietly crying. My whole body felt like one big bruise. Why do I keep putting myself in these relationships? It's a relationship I can never get myself out of. We've been dating for only two years. The other usually have left after about a year. Why is he staying? To torture me longer? To keep me away from people? To make sure I'm always gonna be scared of everyone? I can't do this anymore, but I can't run. They always find me. Always. I never get very far. It's like they can see through my eyes.

I slowly got up and in pain. I was still crying a bit. I made my way to the couch not wanting to sleep with him tonight. Or ever wanting to do it again. But knowing him he'll probably get me in there again. It may be in a good way or it could be in a bad way. Who knows?

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