Strange Living Creature

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Veronica's POV

I still don't understand what happened the other day. When police came rushing into the bar and Jughead said dad and then everybody got off. It just doesn't make sense.

Since its Saturday we didn't really have anything to do. We cuddled all morning, went to Pop's for lunch, stopped to talk with Cheryl and Toni for a while, avoided Archie and Betty who seemed to be following us a little, and we ended up walking all around town. We walked with are hands intertwined. Our smiles displayed brightly on our faces. And the whole world felt like it stopped. He kept me close and held tightly onto my hand. Not tight enough that it hurt, but enough just to make me feel safe with him. He said I love you just about every five minutes and I said it back. It didn't annoy me at how much he was saying it. It made me feel even more loved each time I heard it. I think he noticed how happy it made me so he kept saying it.

I noticed we were in some sort of lot or something. There was a sign that said Twilight Drive-In. He noticed me looking at the sign.

"We used to come here all the time as kids." He said. I looked at him. "Every Friday night after school, and after we all had dinner with our families we would meet here. Kids would run around and play together, young and stupid Teenage couples would run around together. Adults would relax watch the movie, watch the kids, making sure they weren't getting trouble, watching the teenagers making, sure they weren't doing anything stupid." He said. I smiled a little.

"Did you ever do anything stupid?" I asked him. He shook his head.

"No! I crushed on people from afar. I did not go anywhere near them." He said. I nodded, looking down and smiling a little. He squeezed my hand a little. I looked at him again.

"What?" I asked him. He just smiled.

"Nothing," he said. "Just I love you." I smiled even more and looked down.

"I love you, too," I said in a small giggle.

"You're so adorable, you know that? You really are precious." He said.

"Stop! Shut up!" I said, looking away from him. He chuckled and put his hand under my chin, gently making me look at him.

"I won't stop and I won't shut up. Especially not if it's true." He said. I continued smiling. He leaned in and gave me a soft kiss. "Do you want to go home?"

"I don't know. I kind of like walking around with you and holding your hand, laughing and smiling, all while feeling like time has stopped so we can keep this moment going on forever." I told him. He chuckled.

"We can walk home holding hands, laughing and smiling, and all while feeling like all time has stopped for us." He said. I smiled.

"Why do you want to go home so bad?" I asked him.

"Because I want to hold you close to me again. I miss holding you in my arms. That's why I really want to get home." He said and we started walking again. I rolled my eyes.

"You are a strange living creature," I mumbled.

"Hey, I am your strange living creature. I am not just a strange living creature." He said  I laughed a little at that and we made out way home.

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